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The Legislature. Sundry local bills were reported in the Senate yesterday. A resolution was offered for extending the corporate limits of the town of Fredericksburg. Petitions were presented for a stay law during the suspension of specie payments by the Banks, against any further appropriations to internal improvements during the present session, and against chartering foreign companies to construct roads in opposition to those at present existing at heavy cost to the State. A number of local bills were passed. In the House, a number of Senate bills were passed and a few referred. Bills were passed amending the act incorporating the Little Kanawha Navigation Company, and amending the charter of the Danville Bank and authorizing branches of the same. A bill was reported to prevent guarantees of notes, bills of exchange, &c., by Insurance Companies.--A report was returned from Hon. John Robertson,Commissioner to the seceded States, which was ordered to be printed.
r the enslavement of certain free negroes. Mr. Thompson reported a bill to amend the charter of the Virginia Car Spring Company. The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Executive, transmitting documents from Hon. John Robertson, Commissioner to visit the seceding States. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. The bill to incorporate the American Agency coming up, was laid on the table and made the order of the day for Friday next. A bill to limitore prescribed to be used for the benefit of the Treasury. After a brief discussion, the ryder was attached to the bill. The question then came up on the passage of the bill as amended, and after a discussion of some length, in which Messrs. Robertson, Caperton, Chapman, and others participated, it was decided in the negative by the following vote: Ayes 52, noes 61. Mr. Segar moved a reconsideration, giving notice that he intended to move to reduce the amount of the bill. Mr. W
onducted by the American Army in the Valley of Mexico, during the war with that country, having resigned his office in the late United States Army, has returned to the bosom of his native State to offer to her, in this, her time of need, the homage of his unquestioned talent and genius. He arrived yesterday evening via the Central road from Gordonsville, and all along the route was cheered on his return. At the cars in this city his greeting was warm and enthusiastic. He was met by Judge John Robertson, Adjutant General Richardson, and other friends, and escorted to the Spotswood Hotel. Here there was an immense crowd of citizens congregated anxious to pay their respects, and after a brief retirement, he had to respond to their urgent entreaties by an appearance and a few remarks, in which he pledged himself to the performance of his duty and his whole duty to the land of his birth. Col. Lee's presence acted with magic influence on the citizens, who feel that in him they have secu
Lynchburg affirmed. Mitchell vs. Moore and others. Argued by Arthur A. Morson and C. R. Slaughter for the appellant, and Peachy R. Grattan for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Bedford county reversed. West vs. Ferguson and others. Argued by Macfarland & Roberts for the plaintiff, and Read & Marr for the defendants. Judgment of the Circuit Court of Halifax county affirmed. City of Richmond vs. Taylor and others.--Argued by R. T Daniel for the appellant, and John Robertson for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond affirmed. Smith's Ex'or vs. Couch and others. Argued by Andrew Johnston and Conway Robinson for the plaintiff, and Peachy R. Grattan and August & Randolph for the defendants.--Judgment of the Circuit Court of Louisa county affirmed. Smith's Ex'or vs. Couch and others, (second case) Argued by Andrew Johnston and Conway Robinson for the plaintiff, and Peachy R. Grattan and August & Randolph for the defendant
three members of the House of Delegates from this city, was conducted very quietly, resulting in the choice of A. R. Holliday for the Board of Public Works, Hon. John Robertson as Senator, and Messrs. Wyndham Robertson, Thomas H. Wynne and John O. Steger, as members of the House.-- The vote in all the wards was nearly unanimous forobtained, it will be furnished to- morrow: Jefferson Ward. Board of Public Works--A. R. Holladay, 1051; T. L. Broun, 5; J. R. Anderson, 890.--Senate — John Robertson, 800; J. R. Anderson, 178; scattering, 70. House of Delegates--A. A. Morson, 183; John O. Steger, 358; Thos. H. Wynne, 661; N. B, Hill, 769; D. J. Saunders, 4 Ordinance of Secession, 1,336; against it, 1, (James H. Anderson.) For amendment to the Constitution on the tax question, 1,194; against it, 34. Senate.--Judge John Robertson, 1,047; Jos. R. Anderson, 243. House of Delegates--Wyndham Robertson, 1,069; John O. Steger, 895; A. A. Morson, 718; Thomas H. Wynne, 655; D. J. Saunders.
Result of the election. --The following is the nett result of the election hold on Thursday last in this city: A. R. Holladay, candidate for Board of Public Works, received 3,392 votes. John Robertson, for the Senate, received 2,629 votes, and was elected. For the House of Delegates--Wyndham Robertson received 2,530 votes, John O. Steger 1,796, and Thos. H. Wynne 1,777, and were elected. On the question of an amendment to the State Constitution, taxing slaves under 12 years of age, it. Four votes were cast in the city against the Ordinance of Secession. We append the vote of Monroe Ward, omitted yesterday: Monroe Ward. Close of polls--Board of Public Works--A. R. Holladay, 1,063; T. L. Broun, 2. For Senator — John Robertson, 781; Joseph R. Anderson, 263; scattering, 39. For House of Delegates--Wyndham Robertson, 793; D. J Saunders, 588; John O. Steger, 543; A. A. Morson, 319; T. H. Wynne, 461; N. B. Hill, 260; R. F. Morriss, 189; scattering, 76. For amendment,
f a committee of twenty-five, to prepare and report business for the action of the meeting. the Chairman thereupon appointed the following gentlemen: Geo. W. Randolph, A. L. Holladay, Nathaniel Tyler, Judge Wm. H. Lyons, Judge John Robertson, Samuel. J. Harrison, P. R. Grattan, Wyndham Robertson, R. T. Daniel, R. R. Howison, Jno. H. Gilmer, W. S. Triplett, Robt. Ridgway, Thos. T. Giles, Wm. Old, R. B. Heath, Gen. T. P. August, Wm. G. Paine, John PMr. Patton defended the course pursued by South Carolina, applauded her independence and firmness, and concluded by an appeal to the South to stand together as a band of brothers, as the only hope of averting the horrors of civil war. Judge John Robertson, at the call of the meeting, followed Mr. Daniel in a speech of marked ability. He supported the resolutions of the committee because they were calm, firm and carefully prepared, and because they would ensure unity in the South. As an in
The late election. --We give below the official result of the vote of the city on Monday. It will be seen that there is a falling off of 201 in Mr. Steger's vote, owing to a clerical error in the return for Madison Ward, at the close of the polls: Wm. H. MacFARLANDarland2,109 Marmaduke Johnson2,114 Geo. W. Randolph1,891 John Robertson1,672 John O. Steger1,517 John M. Botts1,606 John H. Gilmer343 the majority for referring the action of the State Convention back to the people is 355. Henrico County--official. Wickham.Garnett. Count-House578470 Eache's249 Alley's9410 Hughes'8423 Sweoney's1586 Dickman's12828 Erin Shades1651 917717 717 Wickham's majority200 Majority for reference to the people, 447.
The National crisis. correspondence between Judge Robertson and the South Carolina authorities --the arrival of the storeship Supply at New York — farewellnjamin --position of Senator Cameron, &c., &c. Correspondence between Judge Robertson, of Va., and the South Carolina authorities. [Hon. John Robertson to thHon. John Robertson to the Governor.] Charleston, Jan. 29, 1861. To His Excellency, the Governor of South Carolina: Sir: The intelligence of the sailing of the Brooklyn from Hampton South Carolina, during my brief sojourn among them. Very respectfully, John Robertson. [Rep'y. Of the Governor, through the State Department, to Hon. John Hon. John Robertson.] State of South Carolina, Executive Office, State Department. Charleston, Jan. 29, 1861. Sir: The Governor of the State of South Carolina directs you. With great respect, Your obedient servant, A. G. Magrath. To Hon. John Robertson, Commissioner from Virginia. The arrival of the storeship Supply a
y of Greenbrier; authorizing the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church, in Portsmouth, to execute a lien on their property. City Passenger Railway.--On motion of Mr. McGruder, of Henrico-- Resolved, That a Select Committee of Three be appointed to report a bill amending an act passed 20th March, 1860, authorizing the Common Council of Richmond to authorize persons to construct railroads in the streets of Richmond. The Speaker appointed on the Committee, Messrs. McGruder, Robertson and Saunders. Progress of Business.--A large number of bills were read and ordered to their engrossment. Motion to Adjourn.--Mr. Haymond moved a resolution (which was carried,) to the following effect-- That when this House adjourn on Thursday, it adjourn to meet on Monday next. The Speaker suggested that the motion be amended so as to grant leave of absence to Wm. F. Gordon, Jr., Clerk of the House, till Tuesday. Unanimously agreed to. Adjourned. [Note.--The r