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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Moore, Ernest B. Morrison, Benjamin F. Morss, Charles H. Norcross, J. Henry. Norcross, Mrs. C. J. W. Norton, John H. Nottage, Henry B. Nye, Charles E. Ober, Joseph E. Oldfield, Miss Ada. Page, Mrs. Annie M. Papkee, J. A. Parker, Charles H. Parker, William I. Parker, Mrs. Anne B. Peak, Irvin E. Peak, Mrs. Esther R. Phemister, Edward A. Pike, Chester J. Plummer, Mrs. J. M. G. Deceased.Porter, Miss Helen. Randall, Edward S. Remele, George H. Russell, Miss Cora L. Russell, Harriet J. Sampson, Elisha J. Sampson, George T. Sargent, Miss Mary E. Saville, George W. W. Saville, Mrs. Helen E. Sawyer, Miss Z. Segitz, Myra E. Shultis, Mark. Shultis, Mrs. Kate D. Simpson, James B. Start, Prof. Edwin A. Start, Mrs. Philena C. Stetson, George W. Stickney, Allison M. Stickney, Mrs. Allison M. Stone, Miss Katherine H. Street, John D. Street, Miss Mary B. Sturtevant, Jam
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 13., The Congregational Church of West Medford. (search)
to improve our conditions. The second service was changed to one musical and liturgical in character, and held at five o'clock instead of seven. In place of a Junior C. E., Mrs. Yorke conducts a praise service at four o'clock for the Primary and Intermediate Departments of the Bible school without a separate enrolment. The Y. P. S. C. E., which had a membership of forty-eight in 1903, and of eighty-one in 1907, nevertheless disbanded June 7, 1908, and in place of it Mr. Yorke and Mr. Remele conduct a praise service, at 6.15 o'clock (also without separate enrolment) for the Junior, Senior and Graduate Departments. Out of these services have developed our vested choirs. The Bible school had for many years used the International Lessons, though during the latter part of Mr. Clancy's pastorate some classes made use of the Blakeslee Lessons. On coming into the new meeting-house the Bible school was thoroughly graded, having a Cradle Roll, Primary, Intermediate, Junior, Seni
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., Medford Saltmarsh Corporation. (search)
provided with oak boards about a foot square, which were fastened under each hoof by an iron clamp, and prevented sinking into the soft marsh mud. The horses soon became accustomed to this somewhat clumsy safeguard, and bore off the grass to the main, where it was made up into great loads for the homeward journey. Mr. Hooper gave an interesting account of the stump marsh, which is nearby and which is the remains of a primeval forest sunk into the marsh and preserved by the salt water. Mr. Remele followed by reading an account of the salt marshes of Plum Island and bringing of the day's harvest home on the gundelows that may have resembled the lighters used in early days on the Mystic. The reading included an almost tragic tale of two clam-diggers, who, caught in a storm, sought refuge in the hay stacked on a staddle. Increasing storm and extreme tide with floating ice lifted the stack and started it out to sea, but fortunately the men were rescued. Incidentally it was shown t
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., The Society's work, 1919-20. (search)
merville told of the settling of Woburn in The Seven against the Wilderness, presenting a copy to our library. October 20, February 16 and April 19 the meetings were conducted by our members in informal manner and Questionnaire, What do you know about salt hay proving of interest. The annual meeting, January 19, came in the wake of a blizzard and deep snow. Favorable reports of officers were received—our home free of debt and practically a clean slate on current expenses. The election made no change in personell of Executive Board. Vice-President Ackerman was chosen President, succeeding Mr. Mann, who was chosen Librarian to succeed Mr. Remele, who succeeds Mr. Ackerman as Vice-President. A substantial token of esteem was presented to the retiring President, who received it in surprise with thanks closing five years of service with no absent marks. On Patriots' Day over a hundred visitors came to our rooms. The Society has been represented at the Bay State League meeting
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., The Society's meetings, 1921-22. (search)
The Society's meetings, 1921-22. The opening meeting of the season was on October 17. Several members gave accounts of summer vacation experiences, a letter from Mr. Remele (who had recently removed to California), telling of scenes there was read and listened to with interest. Miss Hila Helen Small of the High School staff then gave an instructive and interesting address on Dante. On November 21 was the Thanksgiving Time Meeting. President Ackerman spoke of contrasts between 1621 and 1921 and read of the first Pilgrim thanksgiving day. Master Kenneth Ames and Miss Dorothy Richards read peace selections from the poet Whittier, and this part taken by our young visitors was much appreciated. While the assembly stood, announcement was made of the recent deaths of two long-time members, Rosewell Bigelow Lawrence and Leonard Jarvis Manning. At the meeting of December 18 Mrs. Mary Soule Googins, a member (and Mayflower descendant from George Soule) read an interesting p