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Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1185 (search)
Well; suppose you sacrifice the child; what prayer will you utter, when it is done? what will the blessing be that you will invoke upon yourself as you are slaying our daughter? An ill returning, seeing the disgrace that speeds your going forth? Is it right that I should pray for any luck to attend you? Surely we should deem the gods devoid of sense, if we harbored a kindly feeling towards murder? Shall you embrace your children on your coming back to Argos? No, you have no right. Will any child of yours ever face you, if you have surrendered one of them to death? Has this ever entered into your calculations, or does your one duty consist in carrying a scepter about and marching at the head of an army? When you might have made this fair proposal among the Argives; “Is it your wish, Achaeans, to sail for Phrygia's shores? Why then, cast lots whose daughter has to die.” For that would have been a fair course for you to pursue, instead of picking out your own child for the victim an
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1255 (search)
n otherwise. It is terrible for me to bring myself to this, nor is it less terrible to refuse, daughter; for I must do this. You see the vastness of that naval army, and the numbers of bronze-clad warriors from Hellas, who can neither make their way to Ilium's towers nor raze the far-famed citadel of Troy, unless I offer you according to the word of Calchas the seer. Some mad desire possesses the army of Hellas to sail at once to the land of the barbarians, and put a stop to the rape of wives from Hellas, and they will slay my daughter in Argos as well as you and me, if I disregard the goddess's commands. It is not Menelaus who has enslaved me to him, child, nor have I followed his wish; no, it is Hellas, for whom I must sacrifice you whether I will or not; to this necessity I bow my head; for her freedom must be preserved, as far as any help of yours daughter, or mine can go; or they, who are the sons of Hellas, must be pillaged of their wives by barbarian robbery.Exit Agamemnon.
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1338 (search)
ld have dared to lay a finger on you? Achilles All the men of Hellas. Clytemnestra Were not your Myrmidon warriors at your side? Achilles They were the first who turned against me. Clytemnestra My child! we are lost, it seems. Achilles They taunted me as the man whom marriage had enslaved. Clytemnestra And what did you answer them? Achilles Not to kill the one I meant to wed— Clytemnestra Justly so. Achilles The wife her father promised me. Clytemnestra Yes, and sent to fetch from Argos. Achilles But I was overcome by clamorous cries. Clytemnestra Truly the mob is a dire mischief. Achilles But I will help you for all that. Clytemnestra Will you really fight them single-handed? Achilles Do you see these warriors here, carrying my arms? Clytemnestra Bless you for your kind intent! Achilles Well, I shall be blessed. Clytemnestra Then my child will not be slaughtered now? Achilles No, not with my consent at any rate. Clytemnestra But will any of them come to lay hand
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1374 (search)
e no right at all to cling too fondly to my life; for you did not bear me for myself alone, but as a public blessing to all Hellas. What! shall countless warriors, armed with shields, those myriads sitting at the oar, find courage to attack the foe and die for Hellas, because their fatherland is wronged, and my one life prevent all this? What kind of justice is that? could I find a word in answer? Now let us turn to that other point. It is not right that this man should enter into battle with all Argos or be slain for a woman's sake. Better a single man should see the light than ten thousand women. If Artemis has decided to take my body, am I, a mortal, to thwart the goddess? no, that is impossible. I give my body to Hellas; sacrifice it and make an utter end of Troy. This is my enduring monument; marriage, motherhood, and fame—all these is it to me. And it is right, mother, that Hellenes should rule barbarians, but not barbarians Hellenes, those being slaves, while these are fre
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1433 (search)
rospers and does Hellas service. Clytemnestra What message shall I carry to your sisters? Iphigenia Do not put mourning raiment on them either. Clytemnestra But is there no fond message I can give the maidens from you? Iphigenia Yes, my farewell words; and promise me to rear Orestes to manhood. Clytemnestra Press him to your bosom; it is your last look. Iphigenia O you that are most dear to me! you have helped your friends as you had means. Clytemnestra Is there anything I can do in Argos to please you? Iphigenia Yes, do not hate my father, your own husband. Clytemnestra Fearful are the trials through which he has to go because of you. Iphigenia It was against his will he ruined me for the sake of Hellas. Clytemnestra Ah! but he employed base treachery, unworthy of Atreus. Iphigenia Who will escort me from here, before my hair is torn? Clytemnestra I will go with you— Iphigenia No, not you; that is not well saidl. Clytemnestra Clinging to your robes. Iphigenia Be p
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 317 (search)
this tablet, the bearer of a shameful message? Agamemnon I see it, yes; now, you first of all surrender it. Menelaus No, not till I have shown its contents to all the army. Agamemnon What! have you broken the seal and know already what you should never have known? Menelaus Yes, I opened it and know to your sorrow the secret machinations of your heart. Agamemnon Where did you get it? O gods! what shameless heart you have! Menelaus I was awaiting your daughter's arrival at the camp in Argos. Agamemnon What right have you to watch my doings? is not this a proof of shamelessness? Menelaus My wish to do it gave the spur, for I am no slave to you. Agamemnon Infamous! Am I not to be allowed the management of my own house? Menelaus No, for you think crooked thoughts, one thing now, another formerly, and something different presently. Agamemnon Most exquisite refining on evil themes! A hateful thing the tongue of cleverness! Menelaus Yes, but a mind unstable is an unjust posses
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 506 (search)
. But it is useless, for circumstances compel me to carry out the murderous sacrifice of my daughter. Menelaus How so? who will compel you to slay your own? Agamemnon The whole Achaean army here assembled. Menelaus Not if you send her back to Argos. Agamemnon I might do that unnoticed, but there will be another thing I cannot. Menelaus What is that? You must not fear the mob too much. Agamemnon Calchas will tell the Argive army his oracles. Menelaus Not if he should die before that—an eoracles that Calchas delivered, saying of me that I undertook to offer Artemis a victim, and after all am proving false? Then, when he has carried the army away with him, he will bid the Argives slay us and sacrifice the girl; and if I escape to Argos, they will come and destroy the place, razing it to the ground, Cyclopean walls and all. That is my trouble. Woe is me! to what perplexities the gods have brought me at this pass! Take one precaution for me, Menelaus, as you go through the army,
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 590 (search)
Chorus of Argive men Oh! great is the bliss the great enjoy. Behold Iphigenia, the king's child, my lady, and Clytemnestra, the daughter of Tyndareus; how proud their lineage! how high their pinnacle of fortune! These mighty ones, whom wealth attends, are very gods in the eyes of less favored folk. Chorus Let us stand here, maidens of Chalcis, and lift the queen from her chariot to the ground without stumbling, supporting her gently in our arms, with kind intent, that the renowned daughter of Agamemnon, just arrived, may feel no fear; strangers ourselves, let us avoid anything that may disturb or frighten the strangers from Argos.
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 716 (search)
bey you. Agamemnon Here, where the bridegroom is, I will— Clytemnestra Which of my duties will you perform in the mother's absence? Agamemnon Give your child away with help of Danaids. Clytemnestra And where am I to be then? Agamemnon Go to Argos, and take care of your unwedded daughters. Clytemnestra And leave my child? Then who will raise her bridal torch? Agamemnon I will provide the proper wedding torch. Clytemnestra That is not the custom; but you think lightly of these things. A is good that a mother should give her own child away. Agamemnon Yes, and that those maidens at home should not be left alone. Clytemnestra They are well guarded in their maiden bowers. Agamemnon Obey. Clytemnestra No, by the goddess-queen of Argos! Go, manage matters out of doors; but in the house it is my place to decide [what is proper for maidens at their wedding]. Agamemnon Woe is me! my efforts are baffled; I am disappointed in my hope, anxious as I was to get my wife out of sight;
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 80 (search)
ation to disband the whole army, as I could never bear to slay my daughter. Whereupon my brother, bringing every argument to bear, persuaded me at last to face the crime; so I wrote in a folded scroll and sent to my wife, bidding her despatch our daughter to me on the pretence of wedding Achilles, at the same time magnifying his exalted rank and saying that he refused to sail with the Achaeans, unless a bride of our lineage should go to Phthia. Yes, this was the inducement I offered my wife, [inventing, as I did, a sham marriage for the maiden. Of all the Achaeans we alone know the real truth, Calchas, Odysseus, Menelaus and myself; but that which I then decided wrongly, I now rightly countermand again in this scroll, which you, old man, have found me opening and resealing beneath the shade of night. Up now and away with this missive to Argos, and I will tell you by word of mouth all that is written here, the contents of the folded scroll, for you are loyal to my wife and house.]