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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 439 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 121 3 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 109 1 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 97 1 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 94 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 82 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 61 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 42 0 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 41 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 30 2 Browse Search
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of July a letter was received from Lieutenant-General Pemberton, commanding the confederate forces , requested General Smith to say that if General Pemberton desired to see him, an interview would bsee, before Vicksburgh, July 4, 1863. Lieut.-General Pemberton, Commanding Forces in Vicksburgh: account. Late headquarters of Lieutenant-General Pemberton, in the City of Vicksburgh, Anniverarley. Grant was silent, and smoking, while Pemberton, equally cool and careless in manner, was plected at daylight, and sent the last note to Pemberton, in which he said that if no other communicah his terms and proceed to occupy the town. Pemberton then sent his last note saying that he must he Big Black River to give battle. This was Pemberton's blunder. The next fault is chargeable to lines to receive the surrender. He met General Pemberton at an old stone house about half a mile . Louis lawyer, but recently occupied by General Pemberton's headquarters, was also an object of in[11 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.67 (search)
From Vicksburg the President visited General Pemberton's army in the extensive position it was ent concerning the operations impending, General Pemberton and I advocated opposite modes of warfarhirteenth Corps six or eight hours. Lieutenant-General Pemberton informed me of this engagement by ton, on the 13th, I found a telegram from General Pemberton, dated the; 12th, informing me that the n ordered from Port Hudson to Raymond by General Pemberton, but had been driven from that place thes, of the cavalry, had informed him that General Pemberton's forces were at Edwards's depot, 20 milivered at Bovina early next morning, and General Pemberton replied promptly that he moved at once whe enemy's great superiority of numbers, General Pemberton maintained a spirited contest of severals in our estimates. According to Lieutenant-General Pemberton's report of March 31st, 1863 (the oasters by giving a written order to Lieutenant-General Pemberton, which he terms opening corresponde[17 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The defense of Vicksburg. (search)
see, then under General Bragg, to report to General Smith as his Chief Engineer. Confederate lines in the rear of Vicksburg. From a War-time photograph. I was with him in that capacity until the 1st of November, when I was made, by General Pemberton, Chief Engineer of the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, of which General Pemberton had just taken command. This change extended my field of operations from Holly Springs to Port Hudson, but I never relinquished immediate chargGeneral Pemberton had just taken command. This change extended my field of operations from Holly Springs to Port Hudson, but I never relinquished immediate charge of the defenses of Vicksburg. Hence I may safely claim to have been identified with the defense almost from the beginning to the end of operations. The series of irregular hills, bluffs, and narrow, tortuous ridges, apparently without system or order, that constitute the strong defensive position of Vicksburg, raised some two hundred feet above the level of the river, owe their character, with all their strangely complex arrangement and configuration, to the natural erosive action of wate
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The terms of surrender. (search)
dear General: Herewith I send you General Pemberton's account of the surrender of Vicksburg. contained in the correspondence between General Pemberton and myself. The fact is, General PemberGeneral Pemberton, being a Northern man commanding a Southern army, was not at the same liberty to surrender an a all he could to bring about that result. Pemberton is mistaken in several points. It was Bowengree, however, before we separated, to write Pemberton what terms I would give. The correspondenceem very freely about the meeting between General Pemberton and myself, our correspondence, etc., bu Grant. Iii. Correspondence between General Pemberton and Generals Grant and Blair. GenerGeneral Pemberton to General Grant: On the 19th of January, 1874, General Pemberton addressed a letter,General Pemberton addressed a letter, substantially to the same effect, to General Frank P. Blair, whose reply follows General Grant's.-. Luckey, Secretary. General Blair to General Pemberton: St. Louis, January 24, 1874. General[2 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 1.1 (search)
ction, where I arrived on the 15th of September, relieving General J. C. Pemberton. The work before me was serious; all the more so that i our part became apparent to me upon my first conference with General Pemberton, in which I learned that by his orders a complete abandonmentof September, 1862, to 19,736 men. Before being relieved, General Pemberton, at my request, gave an estimate of the minimum force requisite, ther incident of note in the operations around Charleston. General Pemberton had caused to be removed from Cole's Island eleven guns of heom my department to be sent to Vicksburg to the assistance of General Pemberton. But my protest against so exhaustive a drain upon my commanorces under me in July, 1863, were much less than those under General Pemberton in June, 1862. 3. Because in July, 1863, I had only 1184 inflly an ordinary field-battery, erected, as already stated, by General Pemberton to prevent a near approach from the south end of Morris Islan
auregard in advance for his instructions. J. C. Pemberton, Major-General. Savannah, Ga., April 13ing. Knoxville, Tenn., April 13, 1862. General Pemberton, Charleston, S. C.: Have the six regilanta. I will order them to Chattanooga. J. C. Pemberton, Major-General. Fort Pillow, April 14, d that the four regiments forwarded from General Pemberton's department to your command were detain15,000 more. Can we not be re-enforced from Pemberton's army? If defeated here, we lose the Missi If a brigade can be spared from there, General Pemberton will be directed to send it to Chattanoo Tennessee, Knoxville, May 27, 1862. Maj. Gen. J. C. Pemberton, Commanding, &c., Charleston, S. C.:ritten to the Governor of Georgia and to Generals Pemberton and Lawton, and must urge upon the Deparility to afford you relief. I am, &c., J. C. Pemberton, Major-General, Commanding. subsistenceder any to join you from the commands of General Pemberton at this time. No troops can be spared e[2 more...]
ual in holding back the Third Division of your army as the destruction of bridges. We have deciphered the cipher and we read as follows: Corinth, April 9. General S. Cooper, Richmond, Va.: All present probabilities are that whenever the enemy moves on this position he will do so with an overwhelming force of not less than 85,000 men. We can now muster only about 35,000 effectives. Van Dorn may possibly join us in a few days with about 15,000 more. Can we not be re-enforced from Pemberton's army? If defeated here we lose the Mississippi Valley and probably our cause; whereas we could even afford to lose for a while Charleston and Savannah for the purpose of defeating Buell's army, which would not only insure us the Valley of the Mississippi, but our independence. G. T. Beauregard. Very respectfully, O. M. Mitchel, Brigadier-General, Commanding Third Division. General orders, no. 17. Hdqrs. Dept. Of the Mississippi, Camp, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 19, 1862.
ault repulsed the siege vigorously pressed Pemberton calls a parley surrenders Grant drives Jo.f the cloud gathering on the Mississippi. Gen. Pemberton, who was in chief command at Grenada, had ity, as if intending to form a junction with Pemberton at some point on the Big Black, above the rahad so recently been driven out of Jackson. Pemberton thereupon ordered his trains sent back towarcapture was now but a question of time. For Pemberton was notoriously short of both provisions hen. At length, after 45 days of isolation, Pemberton, hopeless of relief, and at the end of his rrmed that Gen. Bowen and Col. Montgomery, of Pemberton's staff, bore a communication from their chie night of the 3d, a messenger was sent to Gen. Pemberton with information that an attempt to createay through our left and form a junction with Pemberton south of the city, when the latter, apprehencompelled to present a bold front at once to Pemberton and to Johnston, had necessarily drawn to hi[18 more...]
s in an intensely hostile region could have but one result; since the enemy were probably twice as strong, both in defenses and in men, as they would have been found had our advance been made with compact celerity. Secessionville is a petty village formed of the Summer residences of a few James island planters, on the east side of their island, two miles from the Stono, with salt water on three sides, and swamps narrowing to a mere ride the only practicable land approach from the west. Pemberton was in chief command at Chlarleston, Brig.-Gen. N. G. Evans having direction under him in this quarter; but Col. J. G. Lamar was in immediate charge of the works; against which Gen. H. G. Wright advanced at early dawn, June 16. with a force of perhaps 6,000 men, though some 1,500 more were on the island, guarding camps, &c. The direct attack was made by Brig.-Gen. Isaac I. Stevens, Killed, a few weeks later, at Chantilly. with Col. W. M. Fenton's brigade, composed of the 8th Michigan
eville, Va.; whence he swept down the railroad, disabling it almost to Lynchburg; then turning nearly south, and striking the North Carolina railroad between Danville and Greensboroa; destroying some depots of supplies, and taking 400 prisoners. Evading Greensboroa, he moved thence south-westward on Salisbury — a Rebel prison-camp — which was defended April 12. at Grant's creek, 10 miles out, by 3,000 Rebels under Gen. W. M. Gardiner, with 14 guns directed by Col. (formerly Lt.-General) Pemberton. This force was charged by our cavalry, and instantly routed: all its guns being taken, with 1,364 prisoners. The remainder were chased several miles until utterly dispersed. Vast magazines of ammunition and depots of provisions, clothing, medicines, &c., were found in Salisbury and destroyed, with 10,000 small arms, 4 cotton factories, 7,000 bales of cotton, the railroads, &c., &c. After spending two days in this work, Stoneman returned thence by Slatersville, N. C., to Jonesboroa, A