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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Unveiling of the monument to the Richmond Howitzers (search)
which seeks to instill its blessings at the point of the sword. The distinction between freedom and despotism grows so alarmingly indistinct. No better proof could be given of the extent to which the movement, vainly resisted by the South, has revolutionized free institutions, than that such a compulsory freedom should have been the serious thought and purposed order of the day. What is all the noise in the street? said a gentleman in conscription time in New York. Oh, nothing, sir, said Pat, they are only forcing a man to turn volunteer. Such would be the comedy of the new logic if its serious adoption does not turn it into tragedy. Nevertheless in the same year in which Virginia emancipation was receiving such cold comfort in Ohio, on all other questions—financial, economic, and constructive — the mind of Thomas Jefferson had become the governing mind of the country. The principle of justice to all and special privileges to none became in this year the unmistakable choice