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John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, I. The tocsin of war. (search)
ave her hands full to keep her enemies at home in check. Alas! how little did either party understand the temper of the other! How much like that story of the two Irishmen.--Meeting one day in the army, one says, How are you, Mike? How are you, Pat? says the other. But my name is not Pat, said the first speaker. Nather is mine Mike, said the second. Faix, thin, said the first, it musht be nayther of us. Nothing could better illustrate the attitude of the North and South towards each oPat, said the first speaker. Nather is mine Mike, said the second. Faix, thin, said the first, it musht be nayther of us. Nothing could better illustrate the attitude of the North and South towards each other than this anecdote. Nothing could have been more perfect than this mutual misunderstanding each displayed of the temper of the other, as the stride of events soon showed. The story of how Major Anderson removed his little band of United States troops from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, for reasons of greater safety, is a familiar one; likewise how the rebels fired upon a vessel sent by the President with supplies intended for it; and, finally, after a severe bomba
s, in words, between the Eastern and Western soldiers. One day a veteran of Hooker's command met an Irishman of Logan's Corps at the spring where they went to fill their canteens. What corps do you belong to? said the Eastern veteran, proud in the possession of the distinguishing badge on his cap, which told his story for him. What corps, is it? said the gallant son of Erin, straightening his back; the Fifteenth, to be sure. Where is your badge? My badge, do ye say? There it is! said Pat, clapping his hand on his cartridge-box, at his side; forty rounds. Can you show me a betther? On the 14th of February, 1865, Major-General John A. Logan, the commander of this corps, issued General Orders No. 10, which prescribe that the badge shall be A miniature cartridge-box, one-eighth of an inch thick, fifteensixteenths of an inch wide, set transversely on a field of cloth or metal, one and five-eighths of an inch square. Above the cartridge-box plate will be stamped or worked in a
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The end of the war-the March to Washington- one of Lincoln's anecdotes-grand review at Washington-characteristics of Lincoln and Stanton-estimate of the different corps commanders (search)
ds would be permitted to leave the country unmolested, that his position was like that of a certain Irishman (giving the name) he knew in Springfield who was very popular with the people, a man of considerable promise, and very much liked. Unfortunately he had acquired the habit of drinking, and his friends could see that the habit was growing on him. These friends determined to make an effort to save him, and to do this they drew up a pledge to abstain from all alcoholic drinks. They asked Pat to join them in signing the pledge, and he consented. He had been so long out of the habit of using plain water as a beverage that he resorted to soda-water as a substitute. After a few days this began to grow distasteful to him. So holding the glass behind him, he said: Doctor, couldn't you drop a bit of brandy in that unbeknownst to myself. I do not remember what the instructions were the President gave me, but I know that Governor Smith was not permitted to perform the duties of his o
he day; While others assert 'twas the ninth he was born- 'Twas all a mistake — between midnight and morn. Some blamed the baby, some blamed the clock: Some blamed the doctor, some the crowing cock. With all these close questions sure no one could know, Whether the babe was too fast or the clock was too slow. Some fought for the eighth, for the ninth some would die; He who wouldn't see right would have a black eye. At length these two factions so positive grew, They each had a birthday, and Pat he had two. Till Father Mulcahay who showed them their sins, He said none could have two birthdays but as twins. Now Boys, don't be fighting for the eight or the nine Don't quarrel so always, now why not combine. Combine eight with nine. It is the mark; Let that be the birthday. Amen! said the clerk. So all got blind drunk, which completed their bliss, And they've kept up the practice from that day to this. From Ms., furnished by Ellis in August, 1866. As a salesman, Lincoln was la
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 8: Seven Pines and the Seven Days battles (search)
t had really neither time nor taste for plunder. There were other mementoes of their stay and of their hasty departure left by our friends the enemy, not quite so attractive or appetizing --the ghastly leavings of numerous field hospitals; pale, naked corpses and grotesque piles of arms and legs. At one of these hospital stations we found an Irishman, whom we at first thought dying, as perhaps he was; but a swallow or two of the crathur revived him, and when, under such inspiration, did Pat ever fail to be communicative and. witty? He seemed to grasp the situation perfectly, and upon someone asking if the apparent flight might not after all be a trap-Be dad, said he, an‘ ef it's a thrap, thin shure an‘ little Mac's lost the thrigger! At or near Savage Station, I think on this 29th of June, our brigade commander, General Griffith, was killed. In a shower of projectiles turned loose upon us by an unseen foe, at least half a shell from a three-inch rifled gun lodged in his bod
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 16: Gettysburg (search)
--Yanks? O, yes! sang out the Federal Irishman, I know ye, now you've turned your ougly mug to me. I had the plizure of kicking yez out from behind Marye's wall, that time Sedgwick lammed yer brigade out oa there! Yer a --liar, shouted our Pat, and I'll jist knock yer teeth down yer ougly throat for that same lie, and suiting the action to the word, he vaulted lightly over the gun, and before we had time to realize the extreme absurdity of the thing, the two had squared off against eachderal gladiator was gory, and the next movement revealed the stumps of two shattered fingers, which he was about to drive full into Burgoyne's face. Hold! I cried; your man's wounded! On the instant Burgoyne's fists fell. You're a trump, Pat; give me your well hand, said he. We'll fight this out some other time. I didn't see ye were hurt. Just as this intensest climax of the great battle was happily avoided, a member of General Early's staff — I thought it was Major Daniel, but he
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces at Williamsburg, Va. (search)
yerson (k). Brigade loss: k, 109; w, 353; in, 64 == 526. Artillery, Maj. Charles S. Wainwright: D, 1st N. Y., Capt. Thomas W. Osborn; 4th N. Y., Capt. James E. Smith; 6th N. Y., Capt. Walter M. Bramhall; H, 1st U. S., Capt. Charles H. Webber. Artillery loss: k, 4; w, 20 == 24. Third division, Brig.-Gen. Philip Kearny. Staff loss: k, 2. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles D. Jameson: 87th N. Y., Col. Stephen A. Dodge; 57th Pa., Col. Charles T. Campbell; 63d Pa., Col. Alexander Hays; 105th PaT, Col. Amor A. McKnight. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. David B. Birney: 3d Me., Col. Henry G. Staples; 4th Me., Col. Elijah Walker; 38th N. Y., Col. J. H. Hobart Ward: 40th N. Y., Col. Edward J. Riley. Brigade loss: k, 16; w, 92; m, 10==118. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Hiram G. Berry: 2d Mich., Col. Orlando M. Poe; 3d Mich., Col. Stephen G. Champlin; 5th Mich., Col. Henry D. Terry; 37th N. Y., Col. Samuel B. Hayman. Brigade loss: k, 69; w, 223; m, 7==299. Artillery, Capt. James Thompson: B, 1st N
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 8.89 (search)
and Irish. I said to him: My poor fellow, you are badly hurt. What regiment do you belong to? He replied: The Fifth Confederit, and a dommed good regiment it is. The answer, though almost ludicrous, touched me as illustrating the esprit de corps of the soldier — his pride in and his affection for his command. Colonel Von Zinken told me afterward that one of his desperately wounded Irishmen cried out to his comrades, Charge them, boys; they have cha-ase (cheese) in their haversacks. Poor Pat, he has fought courageously in every land in quarrels not his own.--D. H. H. Hindman and Bushrod Johnson organized a column of attack upon the front and rear of the stronghold of Thomas. It consisted of the brigades of Deas, Manigault, Gregg, Patton, Anderson, and McNair. Three of the brigades, Johnson says, had each but five hundred men, and the other two were not strong. Deas was on the north side of the gorge through which the Crawfish road crosses, Manigault across the gorge and so
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 30: (search)
4th rate). Acting-Master, A. R. Langthorne; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, H. A. Bodman; Acting Assistant Paymaster, S. T. Savage; Acting-Ensign, J. W. Morehead; Acting-Master's Mates, E. C. Hubbell, Wm. Gregg and W. O. Stephenson; Engineers, B. Hand, David Chillas and George Shipley. Steamer Romeo (4th rate). *Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, J. V. Johnston; (Admiral's Report, ‘86) Acting-Assistant Surgeon, J. S. McNeely; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, E. R. Maffat; Acting-Ensigns, J. B. Dwyer, Pat.Murphy, Robert P. Smith and Eugene Zimmerman; Acting-Master's Mates, J. E. Ernest, R. P. Shaw and G. C. Cox; Engineers, J. McCurdy, Joseph Grippen and J. P. Williams. Steamer Rattler (4th rate). *Acting Master, W. E. Fentress; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, W. H. Wilson; Acting-Master, W. E. H. Fentriss; Acting-Ensigns, G. S. West, Wm. Ferguson and John Bath; Acting-Master's Mates, H. E. Church, Daniel Welsh and S. H. Strunk; Engineers, James Whitaker, Jefferson Bell and A. J. Bashloe; Actin
Chicago Democratic National Convention of 1864, spirit of the, 666 to 669. Chickamauga, battle of, 415-25; losses at, 425. Churchill, Gen. T. J., surrenders Fort Hindman, 293; his losses, 294. Cincinnati, gunboat, sunk, 56. Cincinnati, cutter, sunk, 314. Clarke, Gen. Charles (Rebel), killed at Baton Rouge, 103. Clarke, Col., Mich., killed at Port Hudson, 333. Clark, Col., reports Rebel movements, 180. Clarksville, Tenn., captured by guerrillas, 213. Cleburne, Major-Gen. Pat. (Rebel), wounded, 221; commands division at Stone River, 274; turns on Hooker at Ringgold, 445; killed at Franklin, 683. Clendenin, Major, captures raiders, 404. Clinton, Miss., captured by McPherson, 306. Cockrell, Gen., wounded at Franklin, 683. Coffey, Gen., in Missouri, 36; at Lone Jack, 36. Coggin's Point, occupied by McClellan, 168. Cold Harbor, Grant's flank movement to, 579; battle and map of, 580; grand assault on, 581; officers killed at, 582. Collins, C