Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Nov or search for Nov in all documents.

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oy of Spain, D'Ossun, French Ambassador at Madrid, to Choiseul, 6 Dec. 1768. and in conformity to a policy, Compare the elaborate Narrative of Lord Barrington, Secretary of War, of May, 1766. against which the advice Shelburne to Gage, 14 Nov, 1767. of Shelburne could not prevail, every idea of settling the country was opposed; and every post between Mobile and Fort Chartres was abandoned; John Finley, a backwoodsman of North Carolina, who this year passed through Kentucky, James T.. 1768. Hillsborough hastened to send Bernard's dispatches to the Attorney and Solicitor General, asking what crimes had been committed, and if the guilty were to be impeached by Parliament. Hillsborough to the Attorney and Solicitor General, 6 Nov 1768. The King, in his Speech Parliamentary History, XVI. 469. on the eighth of November, railed at the spirit of faction breaking out afresh in some of the Colonies. Boston, said he, appears to be in a state of disobedience to all law and