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h upon your thoughts, with the knowledge of the bereaved and soul-stricken ones at home, weeping for those whom they will see no more on earth,--with that hospital before your eyes, filled with wounded and maimed comrades,--I ask you now whether you are ready again to meet the traitorous foe who are endeavoring to subvert our Government, and who are crushing under the iron heel of despotism the liberties of a part of our country? would you go next week? would you go to-morrow? would you go this moment? One hearty Yes! burst from every lip. Brigadier-General Kelley, with twenty-five hundred men, of Virginia and Ohio Volunteers, left New Creek, Virginia, at night, on an expedition against the rebels in Romney. Nearly at the same time, Thomas Johns, of Second regiment Potomac brigade, marched from the mouth of Patterson's Creek, with seven hundred men, to favor Gen. Kelley's attack on Romney, by a feint or diversion toward the north of the town.--Wheeling Intelligencer, Nov. 2.
as insisted upon by the rebels.--(Doc. 108.) A wagon train was established between Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C. Fifty wagons were employed in the service. This was rendered necessary by the closing of the Potomac and the great amount of freight thus thrown upon the railroad.--Baltimore American, October 26. Generals Fremont and Sigel arrived at Springfield, Missouri, and were received with a display of National flags and every demonstration of joy.--National Intelligencer, Nov. 1. The Charleston Mercury, of this date, declares that the Northern army has broken its ranks forever; that no trumpet will call them to battle again; and that however new forces may be mustered, and new generals commissioned, the decree of Manassas cannot be reversed; that therefore Southern independence is assured, and it accordingly gives some space to the consideration of what the relations of the new Government with the world are to be. It describes the late prosperous and happy c
success of the expedition. At daylight the boats arrived alongside the Louisiana without having lost a man. The only casualty was received by Lieutenant Hopkins, who had his right hand severely burned while applying a torch.--Philadelphia Press, Nov. 14. Gen. John B. Henderson, of the Missouri State Militia, made a compromise with the rebels at Dyer's Mills, near Concord, Missouri, by which he agreed that the United States would not make any arrests if the rebels would lay down their armreturn to their homes. Gen. Prentiss acquiesced in the compromise. The rebels were four hundred strong, and Gen. Henderson's force numbered one thousand five hundred. The proposition for compromise came from the rebels.--National Intelligencer, Nov. 1. General Kelley issued a proclamation from Romney to the people of Hampshire County and the Upper Potomac, in which he assured them of protection to their persons and property.--(Doc. 112.) Asa T. Pratt, of Braintree, Mass., who expre
October 31. A skirmish occurred at Morgantown on Green River, Ky., between a Union force under Colonel McHenry and a party of rebels belonging to Buckner's camp, in which the latter were driven across the river with some loss.--The camp occupied by the Indiana regiments, on the farm of Jesse D. Bright at Jeffersonville, is called Camp Jo Wright, in honor of ex-Governor Wright.--Cincinnati Gazette, Nov. 8. The Twenty-fifth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers left Camp Lincoln, at Worcester, for the seat of war. The regiment is commanded by Colonel Edwin Upton, of Fitchburg, and numbers one thousand and thirty men, well equipped, and armed with the Enfield rifle.--All the rebel prisoners in Fort Lafayette, New York harbor, were removed to Fort Warren, near Boston.
122.) Colonel Mulligan, made prisoner by the rebels at the capture of Lexington, was exchanged.--St. Louis Democrat, Nov. 3. The Federal prisoners at Charleston were removed from Castle Pinckney. Along the whole line of march, the streetds, and other similar conveniences, which they had extemporized during their stay at Castle Pinckney.--Charleston Mercury, Nov. 2. The Tenth regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Charles H. Russell, passed through New York. eral Benham's camp, at Hawk's Nest, came to their relief, and soon drove the enemy back of the hills.--Cincinnati Gazette, Nov. 5. An important proclamation relating to the coming election in Maryland, was issued by General Dix. It having beeneen set apart as hospitals, and the sick receive the daily attentions of the benevolent ladies of Griffin.--Griffin Union, Nov. 1. General Fremont signed, at Springfield, Mo., an agreement entered into with two commissioners, on the part of the
red off Frying Pan Shoals, while trying to run the blockade of Charleston, by the gunboat Gemsbok.--Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 4. General McClellan was presented with a sword by the city councils of Philadelphia to-day, at his residence in Wasor Hudson, where they took the steamer Connecticut for New York, at seven o'clock in the evening.--Springfield Republican, Nov. 4. The British steamer Bermuda, with a cargo of eighteen hundred bales of cotton, ran the blockade from Savannah, Ga finding all things favorable, made a clear and triumphant exit over the bar. She cleared for Havre.--Savannah Republican, Nov. 4. The Charleston (S. C.) Mercury, of this date, says: The trial of our privateersmen for piracy, in New York and Phhaust every resource of the State before the foot of the invader shall pollute the soil of Tennessee.--Baltimore American, Nov. 16. The Charleston Mercury, of this date, contains the following:--In view of the especial malignity exhibited by th
for treason against thirty-two prominent citizens, among whom were Robert J. Breckinridge, jr., J. C. Breckinridge, Humphrey Marshall, Ben. Desha, and Harry T. Hawkins. Nineteen persons were also indicted for high misdemeanor.--Baltimore American, Nov. 13. Electors for President and Vice-President were chosen throughout the revolted States, and also members of Congress. The Congress is to meet at Richmond on the 18th of February, 1862, and the votes for the two highest offices in the Govehundred and twenty Federal troops, under Capt. Shields, were captured by the rebels near Little Santa Fe, Mo., this morning. The Federals were on their way to join Gen. Fremont's column. The force of the enemy was five hundred men.--N. Y. World, Nov. 8. The Thirteenth Indiana regiment, under the command of Col. J. J. Sullivan, and a portion of Capt. Robinson's Ohio Cavalry, returned to Huttonsville, Va., from an arduous scout of nine days duration through a very rough country, heretofore
hree cannon, and then started back down the river to Tobacco Port.--Nashville Gazette, November 10. At a meeting of the merchants of Santa Fe, New Mexico, it was resolved that they would indorse for the National Government to any amount that may be advanced to the territory. This action was taken in consequence of the scarcity of coin, which has heretofore made up the circulating medium in the transactions of business, and has, from some cause, almost entirely disappeared.--N. Y. World, Nov. 29. The New York Chamber of Commerce, upon the occasion of the retirement of Gen. Scott, adopted a series of resolutions highly appreciative of his great services.--(Doc. 135.) This day a battery of two rifled cannon was opened from Gen. Rosecrans' position on the New River, Va., and silenced the rebel battery opposite on Cotton Hill. The rebel battery thus silenced had been opened on the 30th ult., and by its command of the only road by which Gen. Rosecrans' position could be rea
He was said to have been a most excellent soldier, and at the time of committing the offence was crazed with liquor. He met his fate like a man.--Mobile Register, Nov. 11. At Washington, D. C., the new Minister Resident from Sweden and Norway, Edward Count Piper, was presented to the President by the Secretary of State. Hl probably continue, and upon the whole we think this portion of the population should not be present to embarrass the defensive preparations.--Savannah Republican, Nov. 9. It having been reported that there were sundry rebel batteries near Beaufort, which is about ten miles above Port Royal, the gun-boats Seneca, Ottawa, and service, and recommends that no further proceedings be had. The proceedings were laid before the Major-General commanding, and approved to-day.--Baltimore American, Nov. 8. Governor Gamble, of Missouri, arranged with the President the organization of the militia of that State, to be employed in the defence of the State against
ers. The Union men of East Tennessee burned a number of railroad bridges and the telegraph wires to prevent the transportation of troops. One bridge, of two hundred feet span, was destroyed on the East Tennessee railroad. Four structures on the line north of Knoxville were entirely demolished. A very heavy wooden bridge at Charleston, Bradley Co., Tennessee, was destroyed. Charleston is seventy-five miles southwest of Knoxville, and contains two hundred inhabitants.--N. Y. Commercial Nov. 13. The Richmond Whig, of to-day, says that the Confederate army in Virginia is reorganized. The State is constituted a department, comprising the three armies of the Potomac, the Valley and Acquia, under the chief command of General Johnston. General Beauregard commands the army of the Potomac, General Thomas Jackson that of the Valley, and General Holmes, Acquia. The army of the Potomac comprises four divisions: the first, including the Valley, under General Doren; second, G. W. Smi