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Whiskey and ice scarce at Richmond.--The New Orleans Picayune thinks whiskey and ice must be growing exceedingly scarce in Richmond. A friend just returned informs the editor, on entering a fashionable drinking saloon in the Confederate capital, he saw this placard posted over the counter: Drinks fifteen cents each. No bills changed except at heavy discount. Gentlemen will please refrain from eating the ice in their tumblers after drinking. --Cincinnati Gazette, Nov. 14.
Mary Henderson, an old lady of Johnson County, Indiana, who has been blind for a number of years, has knit twelve pairs of socks for volunteers in the army from her neighborhood, the yarn for which she twisted herself at the spinning wheel. This is an example worthy of being imitated by those who are younger, and have the unimpaired use of their organs of vision.--Louisville Journal, Nov. 15.
53. down-trodden Maryland. by B. air--Tom Bowling. Down-trodden, despised, see brave Maryland lie, The noblest of all States; Up and to ransom her let each one try, To hasten the plans of the Fates. Her land is of the greatest beauty That e'er the eye gazed on; Fearless she roused her to her duty, Nor paused she till ‘twas done. From her, her Old Line has departed, With leaders true and brave; She's been of all the truest hearted-- Why suffer her to be a slave? She's waited long with murmurs deep, Aye calling on ye oft; Still traitors on her insults heap, Still lies her hope aloft. But yet she hopes for better things, When Jeff, who all commands, This wanton war to an end quick brings, With peace to our Southern lands. And when the South is free once more, 'Twill be her proudest boast, That forth the first her men did pour, To curb the invading host. Baltimore, Nov. 18. 1861.
A Vigorous Definition.--A Western cotemporary defines a Peace Meeting to be a meeting to enter a solemn and indignant protest against every effort to save the Government from being over-thrown. --Michigan Argus, Nov. 8.
Martial music.--In the programme of a concert recently given in the interior of Georgia, we find the following: Battle of Manassas, Descriptive Fantasia, Soldier's March in Camp, Cannon's Booming, Call the Alarm, Yankee Doodle Advancing, Dixie Answering, Yankee Doodle and Dixie Fighting, Dixie played on the Right Hand, Yankee Doodle on the Left Hand, Yankee Doodle Running, Dixie Victorious, Sweeping the Field. --Illinois State Journal, Nov. 6.
An incident.--As the fleet of transports was passing down the Chesapeake Bay to Hampton Roads, on that beautiful day in October when we first got under weigh at Annapolis, a large bald eagle came sweeping out from the shore of Maryland, and soaring high in air above the fleet, finally alighted on the masthead of the Atlantic, the Headquarters of the army. In an instant all eves were upon him, and conjectures were busy as to whether he were a loyal bird, come to give his blessing at parting, or a secession rooster, intent on spying out our strength. We gave the bird the benefit of the doubt; an officer peremptorily stayed the hand of a soldier who would have shot him, and we accepted the omen as auguring the full success of our enterprise.--Leavenworth (Kansas) Times, Nov. 22.
t is jocularly termed the canvas, a sword is a toad-sticker, and any of the altered patterns of muskets are known as howitzers. Mess beef is salt horse, coffee is boiled rye, vegetables are cow feed, and butter strong grease. Bully is the highest term of commendation, while dissent is expressed in the remark I don't see it. Almost every regiment has its nickname, and few officers or privates receive their legal appellations or titles when spoken of in their absence.--Cincinnati Commercial, Nov. 20 The Boston Post has the following Mark Tapley species of letter from one of its correspondents: Camp gunpowder, army of the Potomac, November, 1861. dear Messrs. Editors: Billy Briggs and I still remain in the army. The other morning I was standing by him in our tent. Hand me them scabbards, Jimmy, said he. Scabbards! said I, looking round. Yes, boots, I mean. Billy arranged himself in his scabbards — a dilapidated pair of fashionable boots — and stood up in a very erec
The Clergy of rebellion.--A correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch, writing from Marion, Ala., says: Rev. H. A. M. Henderson, late of Kentucky, is now canvassing this portion of the State, raising a regiment. He is a Methodist clergyman, and was driven from Kentucky because he would not take upon him the Lincoln yoke. It argues well for the Southern confederacy to see the clergy flying to arms. It is stated here that one-half of the Baptist ministers of this State are in the army, so that in the convention many vacant seats are to be found. --N. Y. World, Nov. 20.
es up Guyandotte Creek, met a rebel captain named Harvey Barrett mounted on a large gray horse and driving before him two unarmed Union men, whom he was about to force into the rebel army. These men were on their way to join Sperlock's company when waylaid by Barrett, who threatened to shoot them if they attempted to escape. As soon as Captain Sperlock saw the party he rode up to Barrett, and ordered him to lay down his arms, which he refused to do. Sperlock then told him he was attempting to impress into the service of the rebels two men against their wills, and that if he did not instantly dismount and give himself up, he would kill him. Barrett denied that the men were going against their wills, but they, seeing that there was a chance of escape, cried out that they were Union men. Sperlock then raised his rifle to his shoulder and sent a ball through Barrett's heart, who toppled from his horse, and, like a true rebel, died with a lie in his throat.--Cincinnati Gazette, Nov. 6.
A New way to obtain liquor.--The expedients of soldiers to obtain liquor seem inexhaustible. A Paducah correspondent of the St. Louis Republican says the other day a man started out with his coffeepot for milk; and on his return, an officer suspecting him for having whiskey in his can, wished to examine it, and the man satisfied him by pouring out milk. At night there was a general drunk in that soldier's quarters, ending in a fight. It was at last discovered that the man had put a little milk into the spout of his can, sealing the inside with bread, and filling the can with whiskey. That man is cute enough to lead an expedition against Jeff. Thompson.--Louisville Journal, Nov. 30.