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C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 200 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 192 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 40 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 28 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 24 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 19 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 12 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 8 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
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g at, D. 40 Morrison, —, Capt., of the cutter Lewis Cass, D. 16 Morrison, James M., Doc. 306 Morrison, J. G., Jr., raises the U. S. flag at Harper's Ferry, Md., D. 104 Morss, Josephine, P. 15 Mortinier, Henry, of Md., Dec. 175 Morton, A., flag-raising in New York, at the store of, P. 44 Morton, —, Gov., of Indiana, D. 47 Moses, C. Lee, Capt., reply to J. P. Benjamin, P. 182 Moss, J. W., chairman of Wheeling (Va.) convention, D. 69 Motley, John Lothrop, causes of the war, D. 78; Doc. 209 Mount Vernon, Ind., D. 30 Moulton, R. G., See Whitworth guns, D. 77 Munroe, Timothy, Col. Mass. 8th militia, Dc. 81 Murphy, W. D., D. 57 Myers, Theodore Bailey, D. 76, 91 My Country, P. 8 N Naar,---Judge, of N. J., D. 15 Nagle, Colonel, D. 95 Napoleon I., Int. 41 Napoleon, Ark., Government stores at, seized, D. 39 Napton, Col., 8d Regt. N. J. S. M., D. 55 Nashville, Tenn., first cannon
addressed to the London Times, in the same year, 1861, on the Causes of the civil war, by John Lothrop Motley, afterward Minister to the Court of St. James. In this letter Motley says of the ConstitMotley says of the Constitution of the United States: It was not a compact. Who ever heard of a compact to which there were no parties? or who ever heard of a compact made by a single party with himself? Yet the name ofto condense a more amazing amount of audacious and reckless falsehood in the same space. In all Motley's array of bold assertions, there is not one single truth—unless it be, perhaps, that the Consti the people of the United States in the aggregate; Everett repeats substantially the same thing; Motley, taking a step further, says that it was ordained and established by a power superior to the Sta people of another state. The Constitution was established, not over the States, as asserted by Motley, but between the States, and only between the States so ratifying the same. Little Rhode Island
preparation and ratification would suffice. The language of the final article would have been quite enough: The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. This is not the language of a superior imposing a mandate upon subordinates. The consent of the contracting parties is necessary to its validity, and then it becomes not the acceptance and recognition of an authority over them—as Motley represents—but of a compact between them. The simple word between is incompatible with any other idea than that of a compact by independent parties. If it were possible that any doubt could still exist, there is one provision in the Constitution which stamps its character as a compact too plainly for cavil or question. The Constitution, which had already provided for the representation of the states in both houses of Congress, thereby bringing the matter of representation within the pow
e sovereignty of any government. There was no such surrender, no such transfer, in whole or in part, expressed or implied. They retained, and intended to retain, their sovereignty in its integrity—undivided and indivisible. But, indeed, says Motley, the words sovereign and sovereignty are purely inapplicable to the American system. In the Declaration of Independence the provinces declare themselves free and independent States, but the men of those days knew that the word sovereign was a teno meaning for us. We have seen that, in the very front of their Articles of Confederation, they set forth the conspicuous declaration that each state retained its sovereignty, freedom, and independence. Massachusetts—the state, I believe, of Motley's nativity and citizenship—in her original constitution, drawn up by men of those days, made this declaration: The people inhabiting the territory formerly called the Province of Massachusetts Bay do hereby solemnly and mutually agree with ea<
n expressly declared, would have been a necessary deduction from the acceptance of the Constitution itself, has been magnified and perverted into a meaning and purpose entirely foreign to that which plain interpretation is sufficient to discern. Motley thus dilates on the subject: Could language be more imperial? Could the claim to State sovereignty be more completely disposed of at a word? How can that be sovereign, acknowledging no superior, supreme, which has voluntarily accepted a supreme law from something which it acknowledges as superior? Rebellion Record, Vol. I, Documents, p. 213. The mistake which Motley—like other writers of the same school— makes is one which is disposed of by a very simple correction. The states, which ordained and established the Constitution, accepted nothing besides what they themselves prescribe. They acknowledged no superior. The supremacy was both in degree and extent only that which was delegated by the states to their common agent.
tion of officers, 197. Moore, Dr. L. P. Surgeon general of Confederacy, 268-69. Morehead, —, 344. Morgan, John H., 342, 351. Morris, Gouverneur, 117, 123. Proposed method of presidential election, 135-36. Island, 243. Motley, John Lothrop, 112, 113, 119. Extract from letter to London times, 110-11. Remarks on sovereignty, 121-22, 127. Munford, Col. George W., 231. Extract from letter of Judge Campbell, 232, 233. Musser, Col. R. H., 369. Myers, Col. A. C. Quar182-83. Position and action concerning Fort Sumter, 250-53, 540-41. Combination to be suppressed, 278. Nullification of tariff act of 1828, 430. Southern forts. Evacuation urged, 242-43. Sovereignty. Definition, 120-21. Remarks of Motley, 121-22, 127. Remarks of Madison, 122. Remarks of Hamilton, 122. Remarks of Wilson, 123. Definition by Vattel, 123. Relation to Tenth Amendment, 124-132. Remarks on sovereignty, 128-29. Extracts from essays by Hamilton, 137-38. Extracts f
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Joint high commission. (search)
ed from Great Britain damages inflicted on the American shipping interests by the depredations of the Alabama (q. v.) and other Anglo-Confederate cruisers. To effect a peaceful solution of the difficulty, Reverdy Johnson (q. v.), of Maryland, was sent to England, in 1868, to negotiate a treaty for that purpose. His mission was not satisfactory. The treaty which he negotiated was almost universally condemned by his countrymen, and was rejected by the Senate. His successor, John Lo- Throp Motley (q. v.), appointed minister at the British Court, was charged with the same mission, but failed in that particular, and was recalled in 1870. The matter was finally settled by arbitration. Much correspondence succeeded the efforts to settle by treaty. Finally, in January, 1871, the British minister at Washington, Sir Edward Thornton, in a letter to Secretary Fish, proposed, under instructions from his government, a Joint High Commission, to be appointed by the two governments, respectivel
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morrill, Justin Smith 1810- (search)
the liberal pensions to those who have suffered in patriotic service (perhaps annually exceeding for like services all British appropriations for the last century), the higher dignity and respect accorded to women, the paternal care of the poor, as well as of the insane, the blind, and deaf-mutes, and the general absence of all beggars. We appeal finally from Mr. Gladstone to Mr. James Bryce, the author of The American commonwealth, whose work has already placed him in the rank of Gibbon, Motley, and De Tocqueville. Unlike Mr. Gladstone—except that he is also a member of the British Parliament—he is not a partisan, and has devoted years to the study of the United States and its people, visiting every State of the Union for the sole purpose of impartiality and historic veracity. That Mr. Bryce is competent authority on questions of the morals and selfishness of Americans, none will dispute. Setting forth American characteristics, he says: They are a moral and well-conducted
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Motley, John Lothrop 1814- (search)
Motley, John Lothrop 1814- Historian and diplomatist; born in Dorchester, Mass., April 15, 1814; graduated at Harvard University in 1831, and afterwards spent a year at the universities of Gottingen and Berlin; travelled in Italy, and, returning, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1836. He wrote two historical novels— John Lothrop Motley. Master's hope (1839) and Merry Mount (1849). In 1840 he was secretary to the American legation in Russia; in 1861-67 minister to Austria; and John Lothrop Motley. Master's hope (1839) and Merry Mount (1849). In 1840 he was secretary to the American legation in Russia; in 1861-67 minister to Austria; and in 1869-70 minister to Great Britain. He became interested in the history of Holland, and embarked for Europe in 1851 to gather materials for his great work, The history of the rise of the Dutch republic, which was published in London and New York in 1856. In 1861 he published The United Netherlands (2 volumes, enlarged to 4 volumes in 1867). This work was followed, in 1874, by The life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland, with a view of the Primary causes of the thirty year
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
st nations at peace with the United States......Oct. 12, 1870 Oliver P. Morton, appointed minister to Great Britain, declines for political reasons......Oct. 25, 1870 Jacob D. Cox, Secretary of Interior, resigns......Oct. 30, 1870 John Lothrop Motley, minister to England, asked to resign by the President, July, 1870; disregarding the request, is recalled......November, 1870 Third session opens......Dec. 5, 1870 President's annual message presented......Dec. 5, 1870 J. H. Raineusual appropriations for the army for the year ending June 30, 1878, the President calls on the Forty-Fifth Congress to meet Oct. 15......May 5, 1877 Ex-President Grant leaves Philadelphia for an extended European tour......May 17, 1877 John L. Motley, historian, born 1814, dies at Dorsetshire, England......May 29, 1877 Ten Molly Maguires hanged, six at Pottsville, and four at Mauch Chunk, Pa.......June 21, 1877 Civil service order issued by President Hayes: No officer should be re