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. H. Hill, of Charlotte, to take command of it. Major Hill was a West Pointer and a veteran of the Mexican war. To the raw volunteers, unused to any restrictions, as well as to the men accustomed to the laxity of militia methods, he seemed, as Judge McRae expressed it, a tremendous disciplinarian. But, adds the Judge, in speaking of the effect of his discipline on the first body organized there, As a proof of the value of the training, the old First (on its disbandment at the expiration of itsficient officer. Under Martin's supervision the ten regiments of State troops and all subsequent regiments were organized. The first six regiments, commanded respectively by Cols. M. S. Stokes, C. C. Tew, Gaston Meares, George B. Anderson, D. K. McRae, and Charles F. Fisher, were in a short while transferred to the Confederacy and ordered to Virginia, three of them arriving there in time to be present at the first battle of Manassas. The Seventh, Col. R. P. Campbell, was, after some delay,
raditions, gloried in the same history, and differed only in the construction of the Constitution. In this great battle, so signally victorious for the Confederate arms, North Carolina had fewer troops engaged than it had in any other important battle of the armies in Virginia. Col. W. W. Kirkland's Eleventh (afterward Twenty-first) regiment, with two companies— Captain Conolly's and Captain Wharton's—attached, and the Fifth, Lieut.-Col. J. P. Jones in command during the sickness of Colonel McRae, were present, but so situated that they took no decided part in the engagement The Sixth regiment was hotly engaged, however, and lost its gallant colonel, Charles F. Fisher. This regiment had, by a dangerous ride on the Manassas railroad, been hurried forward to take part in the expected engagement. When it arrived at Manassas Junction, the battle was already raging. Colonel Fisher moved his regiment forward entirely under cover until he reached an open field leading up to the fam
the woods on the left were full of the enemy, and that a column moving across the field would be exposed to a fire in flank, he ordered these regiments to change direction to the left and clear the woods. The regiments were imperfectly drilled and the ground densely wooded, and before they succeeded in carrying out the maneuver it was too late for them to assist the attack of the Twenty-fourth Virginia and the Fifth North Carolina. The charge made by the Fifth North Carolina, led by Col. D. K. McRae, Lieut.-Col. J. C. Badham, Maj. P. J. Sinclair and Adjt. J. C. McRae, will be a lasting monument to the heroism of North Carolina troops. This regiment, on clearing the woods, changed direction to the left and, lapping wings with the Twenty-fourth Virginia, rushed upon Hancock's strong line. The Regimental History gives this account of the charge: In front of the redoubt were five regiments of infantry supported by a battery of ten pieces (Cowan 6, Wheeler 4), with clouds of skirmish
y Colonel Ruffin not to expose himself so needlessly, was killed. Upon the fall of Garland, Colonel McRae assumed command, and ordered the two regiments on the left to close in to the right. This ohe Federals, General Reno, commanding a corps, was killed by the Twenty-third North Carolina. McRae's Report. General Hatch was wounded, as were also Colonels Gallagher and Wainwright, both commanades of Colquitt and Garland, of D. H. Hill's division. Garland's brigade was commanded by Col. D. K. McRae, and included the Fifth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-third North Carolina reg divisions of Walker and McLaws were hurrying to our assistance. Garland's brigade under Colonel McRae went into action with alacrity, but owing to an unfortunate blunder of one of the captains, ts, was kept intact, and moved to the sunken road. Portions of this brigade were rallied by Colonel McRae and Captain Garnett and others, and again joined in the battle. A little before ten, Gene
North Carolina, was killed, LieutenantCol-onel Johnston took command of that regiment. This regiment and the Twenty-third were both in Rodes' gallant division, which was in the front of Jackson's brilliant flank attack. In this battle the North Carolinians under Johnston captured a stand of the enemy's colors. After Gettysburg Johnston was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, to date September 1, 1863, and assigned to the command of his brigade, formerly led by Samuel Garland and D. K. McRae. It was composed of the Fifth, Twelfth, Twentieth and Twenty-third regiments and Second battalion of North Carolina infantry. This command fought under its gallant leader in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, at which latter battle General Johnston received a severe wound. He was again in command during the valley campaign under Early, participating in the series of severe battles which ended with that of Cedar Creek, a victory in the morning, a defeat in the afternoon.