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Prisoners captured --It has heretofore been stated that a number of persons living on Hatteras Island known at bankers or wreckers) had taken the oath of allegiance to Lincoln's Government, Eight of these persons visited Hyde county week before just, for the purpose of disseminating certain proclamations issued by the Lincoln commander at Fort Hatteras. They were captured and held as prisoners by Captain Hall, who commands a company of the 7th Regiment stationed in Hyde. On one of the prisoners a letter was found from the preacher Taylor, who, it is said, assisted the Lincolnites in making a landing on Hatteras Island. The letter was addressed to his brother-in-law in Cumberland county, in which county Taylor married, and, we think, formerly lived.--Taylor says that he and others were obliged to take the oath of have their property destroyed. A poor excuse, The letter shows that Taylor is now a regular Lincolnites sympathizer.
With the North, it is a question of existence. --The atrocious conduct of the Lincoln Government in silencing the press in suppressing liberty of speech, and in bringing the Bastille into wholesale requisition; and the abject submission of the Northern people to this despotic policy, may, their approval and laudation of it, are subjects of constant surprise to the Southern public, and the conjectural explanations given for them are more various and contradictory. Considering that the Norat is that sentiment, and what the facts in which it originates? We find the best men of the North--those, at least, whom we have been in the habit of regarding as their best men — concurring in a common purpose with the worst, of upholding Lincoln's Government in all its measures, right, or wrong. Buchanan, Dallas, Cass Dickinson, Cushing, Richardson, Douglas, and Cadwalladervie with the Blairs, Seward, Greeley, Sherman, Weed, Grow, Sumner, and Hale, in giving their active support to the
Arrest of Abolitionists. --A German named Casper Kling, and James Imlay, formerly lesser of a race course at New Orleans, were arrested in that city a few days ago, for being Lincoln sympathizers.
ely come, and if we read of the aright, that day is not at . A report prevails that the one- burnings the dwellings at Falls Church were driven back towards their for by our troops. Certain it is, that Col. Tom Tayler's Kentucky regiment drove from Munson's Hill, a few days fell details of which exploit are narrated army correspondent. The trains failed to connect at Staunton yesterday and consequently we are without any additional intelligence from the army of as Kanawha. The Kentucky looks encouraging is breaking up the enemy's making gradual advances with his troops. We have intelligence from a reliable about the outrages perpetrated by Lincoln's disciples in that State, on innocent men and women, and even children, have reached people intolerable barbarity. They leave in any conveyance they can obtain, the purpose of seeking refuge in Thousands of true-hearted Kentuckians will flock to our standard, and strike for the refraction of their Commonwealth.
of promise and safety. Mr. W. left the of Maryland last Saturday, with his family in an open boat. The passage of the my and dangerous, and he was the necessity of throwing a portion of the overboard to prevent the swamping of the trail vessel. After undergoing many trials and privations, the party successfully reaching Fredericksburg, and arrived in Richmond yesterday morning by railroad. The lower common of Maryland are ammunitions for secession, while the on Pennsylvania, have Lincoln affiliations. Sickle's Brigade has invaded the Southern part of the State, searching and plundering horses, harassing unoffending citizens, stealing negroes, and performing all the acts of diabolism for which the Yankees are noted. The members of the Maryland Legislature who were recently arrested by order of the Federal Government, are now confined at Fortress Monroe, together with the Hon. Henry May and other "political prisoners." Col. Zar Thomas are so far from having escaped from For
The Daily Dispatch: October 3, 1861., [Electronic resource], Candidates for Congress in North Carolina. (search)
ninsula, made a haul of two wagon leads of military clothing, arms, &c., destined to be smuggled across the river for the use of disunion troops. The capture was made near Fredericktown, about 15 miles from Leonardtown. Blath-Plack of President Lincoln. President Lincoln will undoubtedly have a special interest in the conflict now going on in Kentucky between the Unionists and Secessionists in the vicinity of "Rolling Forks," near Muldrows Hill, as he was born in that neighborhood. President Lincoln will undoubtedly have a special interest in the conflict now going on in Kentucky between the Unionists and Secessionists in the vicinity of "Rolling Forks," near Muldrows Hill, as he was born in that neighborhood. Letter from Mr. Seward--the American correspondence of the London times. Department of State, Washington, September 21, 1861. Many intelligent and patriotic citizens have applied to me by memorial, asking the attention of the Government to what they represent as treasonable matter contained in a letter bearing the date of Washington, August 10th, published in the London time and they express their convictions that the statements made in that communication are untrue, and that it is t
the west bank of the Mississippi river. The balance of his forces, with the General himself, were to have arrived at the same point yesterday, his purpose, as is understood, being to co-operate with General Johnston's army in Kentucky. The recent series of brilliant successes that have attended our arms in Missouri, resulting in driving the enemy up towards St. Louis, is no doubt the cause of this move, Pocahontas being no longer a position of any great strategic importance. The Lincoln troops in possession of Smithland, Ky. The Nashville Gazette, of Sunday, says: Capt. Ben. F. Egan arrived in our city yesterday, direct from Smithland, and gives us information in regard to the landing of the Hessians, which he witnessed. The steamer Empress came up the Ohio river on Tuesday evening, 24th inst., with a regiment of infantry, and a company of cavalry, Federal troops, who disembarked and quietly took possession of the town. The citizens made no resistance; the women