Resignation from U. S. Army, 267.
Attachment to Confederate army, 267-68.
Lee Commander-in-chief of Virginia army, 284.
Campaign in western Virginia, 374-76. Commander of Confederate army, 434. Capt. Stephen D., 246, 247, 248.
Letcher, Gov. of Virginia, 260, 293.
Reply to U. S. call for troops, 354.
Lexington (Mo.) Battle of, 369-70.
Lincoln, Abraham, pres. U. S., 45, 178, 212, 216, 229, 230, 234, 237, 242, 244, 253-54, 263, 278, 341, 360, 413. Nominated, 42-43, 44.
Right of state interposition, 160.
Property ceded to Federal gov't, 180.
Commissioners appointed to Peace Con-gress, 214.
Ordinance of secession, 259.
Alliance with Confederacy, 259-60, 284.
Concentration of Confederate troops, 293. Gov. Letcher's reply to U. S. call for troops, 354.
Richmond the object of concentrated as-sault, 380-81.
Wade, Senator, 58.
Walker, L. P., 271. Selected secretary of war (Confederacy), 209.
Correspondence concerning bombardment of For
Miss S. S., 58.
James, Henry, Sr., 70.
James, Henry, Jr., 70.
James, William, 70.
Jennison, William, 23.
Jewett, J. P., 65, 67, 68.
Johnson, Dr., Samuel, 90.
Johnson, Eastman, 170.
Keats, John, 174.
Kimball, J. W., 99.
Kirk, J. F., 190.
Kirkland, Pres. J. T., 116.
Kneeland, Dr., 23.
Kossuth, Louis, 46.
Lachapelle, Madame, 96.
Langdon, Pres., Samuel, 21.
Lathrop, G. P., 70.
Lechmere, Mrs., 151.
Lechmere, Richard, 150.
Lee, Judge, Joseph, 150, 152.
Lee, Mrs., 151.
Letcher, Gov., 178.
Lindley, John, 100.
Livermore, George, 18.
Longfellow, H. W., II, 24, 32, 33, 36, 37,44, 65, 68, 69, 70, 86, 107; early life, III; comparison of Bowdoin and Harvard, 111-112; plans of life, 114-115; Bowdoin professorship, 116; first visit to Europe, I 6; European work, 117-118; early sketches, 118-119; marriage, 119-122; removal to Cambridge, 123; friendships, 124; Craigie House, 124-127; appearance, 128-129; second marriage, 130; Hiawatha, 131; Evangeline, 131; Psalm of life, 1