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Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 20: (search)
fighting was only kept up during the evening by an exchange of firing between the Yankee guns mounted on an old redoubt close to the opposite shore and our batteries on two hills, about a mile apart, in the space between which Generals Stuart and Lee, with their respective Staffs, had taken up their position, carelessly stretched on the ground, chatting and laughing and watching the effect of the shells crossing each other over their heads, as unconcerned as if there were no enemy within miles guns upon them. In spite of my warning, which was received with mockery, the joyous assembly continued their seance till, a few seconds after, the shot was heard, and a shell fell plump in their midst, burying in the earth with itself one of General Lee's gauntlets, which lay on the ground only a few feet from the General himself, and bespattering all who were nearest to it with earth and mud. It was now my turn to laugh as I beheld my gallant comrades stampede right and left from the fatal
troops in this battle: Churchill's regiment. Field and staff: Killed—James Harper, adjutant. Wounded—N. Terry Roberts, sergeant-major; and A. H. Sevier, aid. Capt. J. S. Pearson's company, Des Arc Rangers: Killed, 4—James M. Williamson, B. J. Freeman, C. L. Tuck and T. L. Miles. Wounded, 29—Capt. J. S. Pearson, First Lieut. W. W. Wair, Second Lieut. D. McIver, Second Sergt. A. P. Haralson; First Corp. J. S. Perry; G. Harrison, J. C. Tarkington, James S. Stone, W. D. Anthony, W. Lee, F. M. Crawford, G. W. Isaac, J. E. Nicholson, C. N. Hayley, A. C. Dunaway, L. T. Benton, John S. Perry, L. B. Harden, S. J. Perry, W. F. Fogg, H. Lafaver, A. M. McIntosh, S. L. Morgan, J. M. Jackson, James P. Clement, R. M. Sheppard, E. Davis, L. H. Johnson and S. H. McNeill; total, 33. Capt. L. M. Ramsauer's company, Augusta Guards: Killed, 5—Third Lieut. J. S. Chambers, Ord.-Sergt. R. E. Alexander, Fourth Sergt. J. J. McKenzie, J. C. Chenault and F. Jones. Wounded, 14—Capt. L. M. R
n line, he encountered two young men named Robert Brannon and Dan'l W. Lee, between whom and himself there had been some previous misunderstansed a willingness to leave the house, and he did so, in company with Lee.--Meanwhile, a daughter of England had gone out to alarm the neighbors, and Mr. John Burns entered the yard just as Brannon and Lee were leaving. He was seized and thrown to the ground, and, it is stated, (thart of the difficulty has taken place,) while Brannon held him down, Lee approached and stabbed Burns in the shoulder, inflicting a severe wo short time after the occurrences above narrated, officer Perrin met Lee and Brannon in the street, and heard Lee, who was intoxicated, remarLee, who was intoxicated, remark that he had stabbed three men. Having gained some information of the facts, the officer went to England's house, saw a pool of blood in thend found a large dirk knife. He then ascertained the whereabouts of Lee and Brannon and took them into custody. They were arraigned before
Grand Jury Presentments. --The Grand Jury of Judge Lyons' Court, (John Purcell foreman,) yesterday returned a presentment against John Lipscomb and Thos. Wilkinson, for burglary committed about nine months ago, and one presentment against Dan'l W. Lee and Robert Brannon, for a felonious assault on Elizabeth England. The Grand Jury adjourned till Saturday week.
The Daily Dispatch: March 2, 1861., [Electronic resource], The surrender of U. S. Property in Texas. (search)
attempt to retake this position — which is not considered probable. The stores, houses and shops are closed; the streets are almost deserted, except by the Rangers and the K. G. C's. The Alamo and Military Plaza present a very martial appearance. The Government property is now in charge of the citizen soldiers of the place.--The volunteers are all well armed. They are plainly dressed, some in kersey — a fine looking body of men, with a determined air. Another letter says: Col. Lee, U. S. A., has just arrived, but too late to effect anything, even if disposed to offer resistance. The Rangers will return to their camp on the Salado, and will at once march to take possession of the other United States forts and garrisons on the frontier. It is thought they will be surrendered without resistance, so large will be the force brought against them. The Lone Star flag once more floats from the Alamo. The following is the order issued by Gen. Twiggs, after the surrend
Trial commenced. --Dan'l W. Lee and Robert Brannon were arraigned for trial before Judge Lyons yesterday, on the charge of committing a felonious assault on John Barns.
The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Boston courtesy to a Southern merchant. (search)
Called Court. --A special session of the Court of Hustings was held yesterday. Present--Aldermen Sanxay, Hill, Regnault, Beveridge, Bray and Timberlake. Dan'l. W. Lee and Robert Brannan, charged with stabbing John Burns with intent to kill, and breaking into the house of Robert England and assaulting his wife, were arragned for examination; and the Court having heard the evidence, sent the prisoners on to be tried before Judge Lyons, at the next term of his Court. The prisoners were admitted to bail in the sum of $300 each.