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Bad Serape. --A slave named Macklin, the property of Dr. Jennings, was before the Mayor yesterday, charged with aiding and carrying free negroes to the enemy's lines, and trading with the enemy. Owing to the absence of witnesses the accused was locked up for a future hearing.
The Mayor held his Court in the sweat room yesterday, and came nigh melting before he could complete his docket of the cases before him. We note the following: Solomon Parker, insolent to John D. Hicks, discharged. Macklin, slave to Dr. Jennings, of James City, aiding negroes to escape from their owners. Continued. Jim Butler, a Petersburg free negro, penitentiary convict, and graduate of the chain gang, for remaining here contrary to law, was flogged, and then sent to the chain gang. Martha A. Hobson, leaving the city as a servant, visiting the North, and returning here in violation of law, she being free. Continued. Lawrence, a slave, whipped for breaking a gas lamp. Margaret Polin, aiding Pat Coleman, a free negro, in stealing $1,200 from Martin Quinlan. Continued. Mary S. Hill, killing Jim Hodson, a free negro. No proof against her. Discharged. Spencer and Susan Norvell, free negroes, insolent to Martha Cilty. Not proved satisfactorily,
Aiding runaways. --A negro named Macklin, slave to Dr. Jennings, of James City, was before the Mayor yesterday to answer the charge of aiding a runaway slave to escape from this city. The prisoner proved a good character, and showed his fidelity to his master by establishing the fact that he had frequently been within the enemy's lines and had always returned. It was proved, however, that he had carried a runaway from this city to New Kent for the sum of $10, the runaway having a forged pass, with which he passed the pickets on the road.--There was no proof that the prisoner knew the pass was forged, or that he intended to aid the runaway to escape into the Yankee lines. The Mayor reviewed the evidence. and then stated as a fact that many servants whose characters were unexceptionable in other respects were most prompt to aid runaways in getting off. He took until Friday morning to give his decision.
ch led to these disfigurations. The case was continued to the 23d instant. A negro named Jackson, the property of Hubbard & Gardner, was arraigned on the charge of receiving a saddle valued at fifty dollars, belonging to Wm. Ira Smith, knowing the same to have been stolen. The case was continued to the 22d Elijah, a slave, for selling the saddle to Jackson which he had stolen from Mr. Smith, was remanded to jail till the same time. The case against Martin, a negro belonging to Dr. Jennings, residing near Richmond, for aiding negroes to escape to the Yankees, was, according to adjournment, again brought before the Mayor yesterday. Earnest efforts were made to have him discharged on the ground that he was a negroid did not know that he was committing any wrong in what he did; but the Mayor, very wisely as we think, took a different view of the matter and decided to send the accused on to the next term of the Hustings Court. Bail was asked and granted for the negro in the su
News of the War. A Dismal account of the Libby. Two sutlers — McCarty and Jennings — who were captured by Mosby near Alexandria a few weeks since, were recently exchanged as soldiers through mistake, and have arrived in New York with the usual cheerful batch of lies about the Libby prison. The account is paraded under a four line heading, and we extract the following precious morsels from it: From Staunton we were taken to Richmond, arriving about sundown, and were marched past Jeff. Davis's mansion to the Provost Marshal's, who committed us at once to the Libby prison, and placed us on the second floor, among up wards of hundred Union prisoners, comprising and classes — lawyers, Quakers, butlers, farmers, and deserters from our ranks, many of them as marked as when they came into this world. The sight we beheld here was shocking. The dimensions of the room in which they were confined was forty feet by seventy, with an eight foot ceiling. It fronted on Cary street,<
nia county, Va. Shepperson acknowledged having sold one of the horses, but claimed to have done so as agent only for Mr. James P. Tyler, of Henrico county.--These circumstances partially shifted the charge from S. to that gentleman, who was then called upon to explain how they came into his possession. This he did by the testimony of Mr. George P. Tyler, his brother, and another soldier, who testified that on the 9th or 10th of August, they were at Jas. Tyler's on a visit from the army, and while there a man named Jennings came up and sold him the horses. The man immediately afterwards left and had not been heard from since. At this stage of the proceedings the Mayor adjourned the examination till Wednesday next, in order to have present a very material witness for the Commonwealth.--Shepperson was discharged from all guilt, but held to bail to appear as a witness. Tyler was bailed to appear for examination in the sum of $700. A. Judson Crane, Esq., appeared as counsel for Tyler.
Twenty Dollars reward --Ranaway from my house, in Sidney, on the 23d of this month, my negro girl Betay. She is about 18 years old and of a gingerbread color. I think she is lurking about the Old Market. The above reward will be paid when delivered to me. Elizabeth Jennings. no 27--6t*
Twenty dollars reward --Ranaway from my house, in Sidney; on the 23d of this month, my negro girl Betsy. She is about 18 years old and of a gingerbread color. I think she is lurking about the Old Market. The above reward will be paid when delivered to me. Elizabeth Jennings. no 27--6t*
The Daily Dispatch: May 10, 1864., [Electronic resource], The movement on Richmond--two more Repulses of the enemy by Gen Lee — affairs on the Southside — feint at Drewry's Bluff — fight expected near Petersburg Today — the Central Railroad Tapped, &c, &c. (search)
T Anderson, It; T F Bowie, Maj, Fitz Lee's Staff; J P Puryear, 3d Va cav; M A Rucker, 3d Ky; J C Anderson, Adj't 13th S C; T C Campbell, It, 5th La; Geo Wilcox, 26th N C; Geo Conner, Adj't 2d La; W H Noel, It, 2d La; T D Gregory, Adj't 1st Tenn; S H Magnet, It, 10th Ga; H A Hardy, It, 3d Ala; J D Adrian, Capt, 44th Ala; J T Irvin, Capt, 61st Ala; J J Oberdeen, Capt 6th Ala; J C Kitchen, lieut, 6th S C, G M Grimes, lieut, 1st S C, J G Warren, lieut, 6th Ala; C M Compton, lieut, 31st Ga; R P Jennings, Capt, 23d Va; J T Duggan, lieut, 49th Ga; W T Marshall, Capt, 49th Ga; J N Wilson, lieut, 1st Tenn; J O Waddell, Adj't, 20th Ga; W D Starke, lieut, engineer corps; W H May, lieut, 3d Ala; N E Campbell, lieut, 5th S C; J A Watson, lieut, 12th S C; Lt V R Bell, 15th Va; Capt C Hardy, do; Lt R N Turner, 1st Tex; Lt R A Johnson, 15th Va; Capt V S Pitts, do; Lt S W Cox, 48th Ala; Lt W Baird, 53d Ga; Lt J W Gower, 14th Miss; Lt Carter, 6th Va cav; Capt C H Bell, do; Lt E B Langley, 47th Ala; Lt
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1864., [Electronic resource], The soldiers giving to the poor of the City. (search)
igade, per C E Daugherty, Commissary Sergeant. From 17th Virginia regiment, Corse's Brigade, per T L Chase, Commissary Sergeant. From 19th Virginia regiment, Hunton's Brigade. From 57th Virginia regiment, Barton's Brigade. From 1st Regiment Virginia Artillery. From 9th and 38th Virginia regiments, of Barton's Brigade, per M C Blackwell, Commissary Sergeant. From 11th Virginia regiment, per E P White, Commissary Sergeant. From 1st Virginia regiment, per J C Jennings, Commissary Sergeant. From 29th Virginia regiment, per J R Fuller, Commissary Sergeant. From 8th Virginia infantry, per Sergeant A Stevenson. From 28th Virginia regiment, per Rev Peter Tinsley, Chaplain. From Gen Pegram's Brigade, per Joseph Mayo, Esq, Mayor. From Fauquier Artillery, Capt Marshall, per Jno W able. From the "Stonewall" Brigade, composed of the 2d, 4th, 5th, 27th and 33d Virginia regiments. Gen Evans, in his letter accompanying the contribut