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James Buchanan, Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion, Mr. Buchanan's administration. (search)
tive of State emancipation the case in Virginia employment of the post office to circulate incendiary publications and pictures among the slaves message of General Jackson to prohibit this bylaw his recommendation defeated the pulpit, the press, and other agencies abolition petitions the rise of an extreme Southern Proslavercalculated to arouse the savage passions of the slaves to servile insurrection. So alarming had these efforts become to the domestic peace of the South, that General Jackson recommended they should be prohibited by law, under severe penalties. He said, in his annual message of 2d December, 1835: I must also invite your attention . Globe of June 8, 1836. It is worthy of remark, that even at this early period not a single Senator from New England, whether political friend or opponent of General Jackson, voted in favor of the measure he had so emphatically recommended. All the Senators from that portion of the Union, under the lead of Messrs. Webster and Dav
ous to the whole country, and has since passed into universal disrepute. But not so with its twin sister secession. Whilst these proceedings were pending, General Jackson was ready and willing to enforce the laws against South Carolina, should they be resisted, with all the means in his power. These were, however, inadequate f rendered such legislation unnecessary. In fact, this act and the Force Bill, as it was then called, conferring on him the necessary powers, were approved by General Jackson on the same day (2d March, 1833). Such was, at this crisis, the jealousy of executive power in Congress, that the only effective enactments of this bill were 186-61, and to confer upon President Buchanan the same powers for the collection of the revenue which they had, but only for this brief period, conferred on President Jackson. The majority in South Carolina, encouraged by success in bringing Congress to terms on the tariff question, and smarting under the reproach of nullificat
nal proceedings of the States, would prove as visionary and fallacious as the Government of [the old] Congress. And General Jackson, a high authority, especially on such a subject, had declared in his Farewell Address 2 Statesman's Manual, 951. of their political brethren in other portions of the Union. The President, whilst admitting that Mr. Madison and General Jackson may have erred in these opinions, was convinced that should a rebellion break out within the seven cotton States, thlated extensively throughout the South, of a character to excite the passions of the slaves, and, in the language of General Jackson, to stimulate them to insurrection and produce all the horrors of a servile war. This agitation has ever since bernment that such a proposition was first advanced. It was afterwards met and refuted by the conclusive arguments of General Jackson, who, in his message of the 16th January, 1833, transmitting the nullifying ordinance of South Carolina to Congress,
n for this purpose the Senate declines throughout the entire session to act upon the nomination of a collector of the port of Charleston Congress refuses to grant to the President the authority long since expired, which had been granted to General Jackson for the collection of the revenue the 86th Congress expires, leaving the law just as they found it General observations. We have already seen that Congress, throughout the entire session, refused to adopt any measures of compromise to pthe Judiciary Committee, further to provide for the collection of duties on imports. This bill embraced substantially the same provisions, long since expired, contained in the Act of 2d March, 1833, commonly called the Force Bill, to enable General Jackson to collect the revenue outside of Charleston, either upon land or on board any vessel. Mr. Bingham's bill was permitted to slumber on the files of the House until the 2d March, the last day but one before Congress expired, H. Journal, p.
the manner in which it, with the report, was brought to light and published Mr. Buchanan's reply to the report General Scott's statement of the interview with President Buchanan on 15th December, and observations thereupon the example of General Jackson in 1888, and why it was inapplicable. It is now necessary to recur to the condition of the forts and other public property of the United States within South Carolina, at the date of the President's annual message, on the 3d December, 1860ey are often contradicted by official and other unimpeachable testimony. And here it is due to General Scott to mention, that on the evening of their interview (15th December), he addressed a note to President Buchanan, reminding him that General Jackson, during the period of South Carolina nullification, had sent reenforcements to Fort Moultrie to prevent its seizure by the nullifiers and to enforce the collection of the revenue. This example was doubtless suggested for imitation. But the