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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, chapter 10 (search)
n on his honor. Conkling's expeditious retreat from Narragansett Pier is of a later date than that of this chapter. His subsequent quarrels with three Presidents (Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur), his melodramatic resignation as senator, and his abortive effort to obtain a re-election, have given him a place in the history of the time resistance to a third term for the Ex-President in 1880 was partly due to the fear that it would restore the New York senator to the power which he had lost under Hayes's Administration. At last, when he had resigned his seat abruptly to obtain a popular approval of himself and a condemnation of President Garfield, the Republicanns in the House, within a month before his death, were for the payment of the five-twenties in paper currency. and some Republican leaders in that section, notably Hayes and Garfield, remained always steadfast in favor of an honest payment of the public debt. Garfield spoke, July 15 and 21, maintaining the national obligation to
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 56: San Domingo again.—the senator's first speech.—return of the angina pectoris.—Fish's insult in the Motley Papers.— the senator's removal from the foreign relations committee.—pretexts for the remioval.—second speech against the San Domingo scheme.—the treaty of Washington.—Sumner and Wilson against Butler for governor.—1870-1871. (search)
they had long been waiting, and to Edmunds one which he had been craving since the debate on the San Domingo commission. But other senators, who had been reluctant instruments of injustice, were not content with what they had done. They knew how their subserviency would be regarded by living men, and they anticipated already the judgment of history. Fortune did not favor some of the leading prosecutors. Carpenter and Chandler failed of re-elections to the Senate. Conkling chafed during Hayes's Administration, when he was no longer master of patronage, and affronted at like neglect by Garfield, resigned his seat. Appealing to the legislature of his State to approve his conduct by another election, he met with an ignominious refusal, and then passed forever out of public life. Outside the circle of partisans holding office, or in direct relations with the President, there was almost universal condemnation of the removal as unjust or impolitic, Garfield, afterwards President,
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 57: attempts to reconcile the President and the senator.—ineligibility of the President for a second term.—the Civil-rights Bill.—sale of arms to France.—the liberal Republican party: Horace Greeley its candidate adopted by the Democrats.—Sumner's reserve.—his relations with Republican friends and his colleague.—speech against the President.—support of Greeley.—last journey to Europe.—a meeting with Motley.—a night with John Bright.—the President's re-election.—1871-1872. (search)
of the Babcock clique, and he had besides become Bristow's friend. One day the President, at the close of some ordinary matter of business, quietly asked him for his resignation, neither then nor afterwards explaining to him why he took the step. This was stated to the writer by Mr. Jewell himself. and of the impeachment of Belknap, Secretary of War, for corruption in office, from whom the President parted with a too friendly acceptance of his resignation. Later Administrations,—those of Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, and Harrison,—have happily escaped the succession of scandals which distinguished the civil service from 1869 to 1877. The demoralization of that period is chargeable in some degree to war, which always brings vices in its train; but it was also due largely to the President's too good opinion of men of easy virtue and his lax treatment of them when they were found out. This came to be the opinion of the American people, who, ever grateful for his service in the
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 59: cordiality of senators.—last appeal for the Civil-rights bill. —death of Agassiz.—guest of the New England Society in New York.—the nomination of Caleb Cushing as chief-justice.—an appointment for the Boston custom-house.— the rescinding of the legislative censure.—last effort in debate.—last day in the senate.—illness, death, funeral, and memorial tributes.—Dec. 1, 1873March 11, 1874. (search)
ely to a confirmation. It was, however, supported in debate by Conkling and Carpenter; but even with their aid it would have failed except for the strenuous efforts of General Butler, whose influence was more effective with the set then controlling the Senate than any public man who was not a member of that body. Two years later, by a similar intervention, he obtained from the same body the rejection of R. H. Dana, Jr., as minister to England. Simmons's career in office was such that President Hayes refused to give him a second term; and his later connection with a department of the municipal administration of Boston appears in court records. The Massachusetts Legislature, by large majorities in both houses, rescinded and annulled in February, 1874, the resolution of censure which in 1872 had been passed on Sumner for his bill against continuing the names of battles with fellow-citizens in the Army Register, or placing them on the regimental colors of the United States. Ante, p
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, chapter 18 (search)
plomatic episode, or rather of the diplomatic fiasco, and a final question may be asked: If the acquisition of St. Thomas was so manifestly desirable as Miss Seward represents, how does it happen that no one at Washington or among the people during the twenty years since Mr. Seward left office has said a word to revive the scheme? A good thing does not die so easily; there will always be true men and wise men to appreciate what is of enduring value. We have since had six Presidents,—Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, and Harrison,—and, not counting Washburne, five Secretaries of State,—Fish, Evarts, Blaine, Frelinghuysen, and Bayard; but none of them has coveted this island of the Caribbean Sea, rifted by earthquakes, swept by cyclones, and submerged by tidal waves, the imagined centre of universal commerce and a necessary outpost for our national defence! Journalists and merchants have been alike silent. Foreign nations who were suspected to be greedy spectators have turn<