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nfantry came down from Kansas City on the 27th instant. After remaining here a few weeks it will march to Fort Smith to join the Army of the Frontier. This regiment, since its organization, has been on duty along the border. Colonel Adams, its commanding officer, is General Lane's son-in-law, and has perhaps been able to keep it from going to the front until now. It is a fine regiment; the men are well drilled, and do not wish to be regarded as vain carpet knights. It seems that Lieutenant Colonel Hayes has attended to drilling it and maintaining its high order of discipline. Official dispatches received at this post on the 28th from Fort Smith state that General McNeil, who recently took command of our troops in that section, is getting them in readiness to start on an expedition towards Texas. Our forces already occupy and hold the country to the Wichita Mountains, a distance of about seventy-five miles south of the Arkansas river. The activity of our cavalry over the moun
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The siege of Morris Island. (search)
breached until after Wagner had been reduced; but Gillmore thought differently, and bent all his energies to make good the faith that was in him. The engineers commenced work on the night of the 25th of July, and by the 16th of August the batteries were completed. They were eight in number — the nearest one being thirty-four hundred yards from Sumter, and the farthest forty-two hundred and thirty-five yards. Seven of these batteries bore the distinctive names of Brown, Rosecrans, Meade, Hayes, Reno, Stevens, and Strong, mounting the following guns, viz.: one three-hundred-pounder, six two-hundred-pounders, nine one-hundred-pounders, two eighty-four-pounder Whitworth, two thirty and four twenty-pounders; all Parrotts except two guns, and the whole of them rifled. Never before had such a weight of metal been directed against any fortress in one attack since the art of war began. Those who have not engaged in such operations can have only a faint idea of the labor and fatigue atte
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 16: second Manassa's. (search)
ittle hamlet of Germantown. As soon as Jackson ascertained the position of this force, he threw his infantry into line of battle, Hill on the right, Ewell in the centre, and his old division on the left, and advanced to the assault. The enemy, knowing that the salvation of their army depended upon them, made a desperate resistance, and the combat assumed a sudden fury in the front of Hill, equal to that of any previous struggle. The enemy were encouraged by a momentary success in breaking Hayes' brigade, but his lines were immediately reinstated by the reserves, and after a short but bloody strife, the battle died away as suddenly as it had begun, and the enemy retired in the darkness. This affair, which was known as the battle of Ox Hill, closed the evening of September 1st. Its thunders were aggravated by those of a tempest, which burst upon the combatants just before the battle was joined, and the Confederates fought under the disadvantage of the rain, which was swept by a vio
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 17: the campaign in Maryland. (search)
tions have already been described in part. The brigades of Lawton and Trimble were between the Hagerstown road and the command of D. H. Hill. On the left of these, and parallel to that road, was the division of Jones. The brigades of Early and Hayes were at first detached to support the horse artillery of General Stuart, who, with a portion of his cavalry, had seized an elevated hill distant nearly a mile from the infantry, whence he proposed to threaten the extreme right of the Federalists.from their right. But under this double ordeal, the veterans of Jackson stood firm, and returned the fire, inflicting a terrible slaughter upon their enemies. For more than an hour this unequal contest raged with unabated. fury. The brigade of Hayes was speedily called from the second line into the first. General Lawton, commanding the division, was severely wounded. Colonel Douglass, leading his brigade, was killed. Colonel Walker, commanding Trimble's brigade, was wounded and unhorsed.
is time there was a congress of medical men in Washington, and fortunately our dear friend and family physician, Dr. Thomas Miller, brought the great specialist, Dr. Hayes, of Philadelphia, to see our poor sufferer, though he had been previously ably attended also by Dr. William Stone, of the District. Mr. Davis's anguish was inte cannot. While they examined the eye Mr. Davis sat in the room which had the full morning light streaming through it, that the doctors might see its condition. Dr. Hayes turned to me as I stood holding the emaciated hand that wrung mine at every pang, and said, I do not see why this eye has not burst. My husband felt for the sld excelled by this blessed memory. He sat patiently until the examinations were over, without a word of remonstrance, and was taken nearly fainting back to bed. Dr. Hayes asked me if he was never irritable and remarked such patience surpasses that of man, it is godlike. There he lay, silent, uncomplaining, anxious to save everyon
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of torpedo service in Charleston Harbor by W. T. Glassel, Commander Confederate States Navy. (search)
s Bluff had been fought. I was informed that I must now take a new oath of allegiance or be sent immediately to Fort Warren. I refused to take this oath, on the ground that it was inconsistent with one I had already taken to support the Constitution of the United States. I was kept in Fort Warren about eight months, and then exchanged as a prisoner of war, on the banks of the James river. Being actually placed in the ranks of the Confederate States, I should think that even Mr. President Hayes would now acknowledge that it was my right, if not my duty, to act the part of a belligerent. A lieutenant's commission in the Confederate States navy was conferred on me, with orders to report for duty on the iron-clad Chicora at Charleston. My duties were those of a deck officer, and I had charge of the first division. On the occasion of the attack upon the blockading squadron (making the attack at night), if I could have had any influence, we should not have fired a gun, but trus
to the command of this corps. First division,Gen. Wadsworth. Second division,Gen. Doubleday. Third division,Gen. Robinson. Second corps--Major-General Hancock. First division,Gen. Caldwell. Second division,Gen. Gibbons. Third division,Gen. Hayes. Third corps--Major-General Sickles. First division,Gen. Ward. Second division,Gen. Humphrey. Fifth corps, (lately Meade's,) Major-Gen. Sykes. First division,Gen. Barnes. Second division,Gen. Sykes. Eleventh corps--Major-Generalcontained the number of wounded as indicated in the following table: Location. Division. Surgeon. No. Cashtown, Gen. Parine's, Dr. Wilson, 171 On Chambersburgh Road, Gen. Porcher's, Dr. Ward, 700 On Mummasburgh Road, Gen. Rhodes's, Dr. Hayes, 800 In Penn. College, Gen. Heth's, Dr. Smiley, 700 Hunterstown Road, Gen. Johnson's, Dr. Whitehead, 811 Fairfield, 50 Fairfield Road, Part of Gen. Johnson's, Dr. Stewart, 135 Fairfield Road, Gen. Early's, Dr. Potts, 25
at the presence of the enemy, together with the total suppression of business, cast an universal gloom over the place, which we pray we may be spared from ever beholding again. But the people submitted with becoming resignation to imperious necessity. What shall yet be our fate or the fate of our beloved country must be developed by the future. God grant us a happy deliverance The rebel force in and around the borough of York, consisted of Early's division, made up of Gordon's, Hoke's, Hayes's, and Smith's ( Extra Billy, recently elected Governor of Virginia) brigades, and numbered about ten in cavalry, artillery, and infantry. Their cannon were part of those captured from Milroy at Winchester, and consisted of heavy brass pieces and five-inch Parrott rifled guns. Some of these were planted on the hills commanding the borough early on Sunday morning. The amount of money received by the rebels in York, on their requisition or demand for one hundred thousand doll
een assigned the arduous duty of guarding the rear of the army, and on the morning of Wednesday, at daylight, took up its line of march in the following order: General Hayes's Third division leading, followed by the First division, General Caldwell, the rear being brought up by General Webb's Second division. On reaching a pointneral Webb's division was thrown forward along the line of the south side of the railroad, with its right resting on Broad Run and its left at the wagon road. General Hayes's division was marched by the right flank, and took position to the left of Webb, while Caldwell faced the railroad and awaited action. A section of Brown'sal on peal, like the reverberations of a thunder-clap, then only a shot or two for several minutes. The brunt of the fighting was done by General Webb's and General Hayes's division, with the artillery; but it was only so because General Caldwell, who was on the left, was employed in watching a heavy force of rebels which was ma
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
manhood and intellect,--men who have proved their ability and chivalry on many a field in Mexico and in this civil war,--gallant gentlemen, of whom their country had much to hope, had it pleased God to spare their lives. Lyon fell in the prime of life, leading his little army against superior numbers, his brief career affording a brilliant example of patriotism and ability. The impetuous Kearney, and such brave generals as Richardson, Williams, Terrill, Stevens, Weed, strong, Saunders, and Hayes, lost their lives while in the midst of a career of usefulness. Young Bayard, so like the most renowned of his name, that knight above fear and above reproach, was cut off too early for his country, and that excellent staff-officer, Colonel Garesche, fell while gallantly doing his duty. No regiments can spare such gallant, devoted, and able commanders as Rossell, Davis, Gove, Simmons, Bailey, Putnam, and Kingsbury,--all of whom fell in the thickest of the combat,--some of them veterans,