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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), A campaign with sharpshooters. (search)
ough the lines around Petersburg, they pushed up their skirmish line almost to our works, in front of General Cook, near Hatcher's run, with the view of masking their larger movements. Friday evening, a battalion of sharpshooters of Wilcox's Divisied his favorite tactics, and extended his left flank to envelop our right, General Hill's Corps was massed at and beyond Hatcher's run, though a portion of his command held the works from Battery 45 to the extreme right. His headquarters were still established near Petersburg. On Saturday evening he left the front at Hatcher's run, there being no indication at that point of a forward hostile movement. This the writer knows, as having obtained permission from General Hill himself to return e what could be done toward repairing the disaster. Accompanied by a few couriers, he rode immediately afterward toward Hatcher's run, with the view of rejoining the main body of his command. He was repeatedly urged not to attempt the undertaking;
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The career of General A. P. Hill. (search)
lled siege, he held the right, or marching, flank of the army, and was constantly engaged. It was his strong hand that sent the Federal columns so often staggering back from their movements against Lee's communications. It was Hill's Corps that rolled Warren's line up like a scroll on the Weldon Railroad. It was I-Hill, with Heth and Wilcox, who overcame that bold Captain Hancock at Reams' Station. It was Hill who, with Mahone's Division, sent Hancock and Warren reeling for support from Hatcher's run. Everywhere and always, Hill was in the post of danger and won glory. Steadfast, alert, valiant, he never put his harness off, and always wore it well. Through that last winter Hill's face and form became familiar sights to the troops. He was constantly on the lines, riding with firm, graceful seat, looking every inch a soldier. Like General Lee, he was rarely much attended. One staff officer and a single courier formed his usual escort, and often he made the rounds alone. Of
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864-May, 1865. (search)
neral Birney commanding, and Mackenzie's cavalry, took up his line of march in pursuance of the foregoing instructions, and reached the position assigned him near Hatcher‘ Run on the morning of the 29th. On the 28th the following instructions were given to General Sheridan: City Point, Va., March 28, 1865. Maj. Gen. P. H. Sheridal ready, however, to give up all from the Jerusalem plank road to Hatcher's Run, whenever the forces can be used advantageously. After getting into line south of Hatcher's we pushed forward to find the enemy's position. General Griffin was attacked near where the Quaker road intersects the Boydton road, but repulsed it easily, cawhen an assault was ordered on the enemy's lines. General Wright penetrated the lines with his whole corps, sweeping everything before him and to his left toward Hatcher's. Run, capturing many guns and several thousand prisoners. He was closely followed by two divisions of General Ord's command, until he met the other division of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence of batteries Gregg and Whitworth, and the Evacuation of Petersburg. (search)
than a mile from the lines around Petersburg; the right rested on Hatcher's run, a mile below Burgess' mill, this being at the crossing of tad to the vicinity of Burgess' mill, halting on the north side of Hatcher's run. These brigades had moved under direction of General Heth. ht, their line being nearly parallel with the general direction of Hatcher's run. It rained very hard all day and most of the night. Late inh corps, of the Union army, bivouaced the night of the 30th facing Hatcher's run; one of Warren's-Fifth corps-divisions on the west side of tess' mill, and on Cooke's brigade, near where the line intersected Hatcher's run, below the mill, and on Lane's brigade, to the left of Cooke enemy had turned to their left, sweeping up every thing as far as Hatcher's run; part had filed to their right and had driven our thin line force turned to their left, and made a clean sweep of the lines to Hatcher's run. Those of our men that escaped being captured were either dr
ng only men enough to hold its works before Petersburg, and taking three days rations, marched Oct. 27. suddenly by the left against the enemy's works covering Hatcher's run and the Boydton plank-road. In other words, Meade's army was here pushed forward to find and turn the right flank of the enemy. Starting before dawn, thps, under Parke, on the right, with the 5th, under Warren, on its left, struck, at 9 A. M., the right of the Rebel intrenchments, which rested on the east bank of Hatcher's run; assaulting, but failing to carry them. Warren thereupon undertook, as had been arranged, to come in on its flank by a turning movement; while Hancock, who had simultaneously advanced still farther to our left, and had found but a small force to dispute his passage of Hatcher's run where he struck it, moved north-westward by Dabney's mill, gained the Boydton plank-road, and pushed up to strike the Lynchburg railroad in the enemy's rear. Gregg, with his cavalry division, was thrown o
ry, according to our best advices, now exceeded 40,000; his cavalry were 12,000, well equipped, in high spirits, under their boldest and most skillful leader; so that, including artillery, the entire Rebel force, well concentrated, was not far from 55,000 men. Many of these were Tennesseans and Kentuckians, long exiled, who had come home to stay, alive or dead. To oppose these, Thomas had in hand the 4th corps, Gen. Stanley, 12,000; the 23d, Gen. Schofield, 10,000; and 8,000 cavalry, under Hatcher, Croxton, and Capron — in all 30,000 men. He may have had as many more, scattered over the wide region under his command; but, to concentrate these, he must abandon such posts as Chattanooga, Stevenson, Huntsville, Decatur, Athens, &c., and in effect relinquish more to the enemy than they could hope to win by a victory. He knew that time was on his side — that, if he fell back to Nashville, showing a firm front that would compel Hood to keep his army together, our strength would be constan
valry was first assailed by this force, and pushed back to Hatcher's run; Ayres's division, which was hurrying up to the supp corps was held, and our left thus permanently extended to Hatcher's run. The Rebels in Northern Virginia evinced the grietly out March 29. southwestward till they had crossed Hatcher's run; when, facing northward, they advanced, feeling for cumulation of supplies at City Point. Humphreys crossed Hatcher's run at the Vaughan road; while Warren, moving farther to's cavalry, which had pushed northward up the Ford road to Hatcher's run. And now, as darkness fell, by Grant's order, ouro the Boydton road; on which, wheeling to the left, toward Hatcher's run, he swept down the rear of the Rebel intrenchments, he designated position; forcing the enemy northward across Hatcher's run, and pursuing them to Sutherland's depot; where he wted, returned to Five Forks, and took the Ford road out to Hatcher's run, where he crossed the 5th corps and moved rapidly to
861; died in Confederate prisons (previously included), 84. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Wilderness, Va. 1 Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. 22 Spotsylvania, Va. 16 Petersburg Trenches, Va. 30 North Anna, Va. 4 Weldon Railroad, Va. 15 Bethesda Church, Va. Peebles's Farm, Va. 7 Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864 43 Fort Stedman, Va. 26 Petersburg, Va. (assault, June 17, 1864) 57 Fall of Petersburg, Va. 5 Present, also, at Ny River; Totopotomoy; Boydton Road; Hatcher's Pun. notes.--Organized at Rochester, N. Y., the men having been recruited mostly in Monroe, Yates, St. Lawrence and Jefferson counties. Although the recruiting commenced in June, 1863, the regiment did not complete its organization until January 4, 1864. It garrisoned the forts in New York Harbor until April 23, 1864, when it was ordered to the front, and was assigned to the Ninth Corps, joining it at Warrenton, Va. On May 2, 1864, it started for the Rapidan. The regiment was in lin
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 33. capture of Lexington, Missouri. (search)
Irish Brigade, Col. Mulligan,800 Home Guards, Col. White500 Thirteenth Missouri, Col. Peabody,840 First Illinois Cavalry, Col. Marshall,500 Upon the advance of Gen. Harris, Col. Marshall's cavalry and the Thirteenth Missouri under Lieut.-Col. Hatcher, were ordered out to meet them. A sharp and decisive action occurred Wednesday evening at a point some two miles south of the city, and near the Fair Ground, which resulted in considerable loss to the Confederates, owing to their having f. The Federal loss was small — only some four being killed and a small proportionate number being wounded. The action would have been still more decisive had not the Thirteenth regiment, by some mistake, been ordered to fall back by Lieutenant-Colonel Hatcher. From this time till Wednesday, the 18th, no affairs of importance occurred, the fighting being confined to skirmishes between the hostile pickets. Much powder was burned in this way, and much lead wasted by the amateurs on both sides
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.34 (search)
rs engaged, on the Confederate side, Mr. Swinton's narrative is a very fallacious guide. Once more, Mr. Stanton, who had long preserved silence, appeared to chronicle victory, and gold, which ever sympathizes with success, rose from 2.18 1/2 to 2.41--within ten days to 2.57. Nor shall we judge him harshly in this instance, for his bulletin was based upon the following dispatch: City Point, October 27, 9 P. M. I have just returned from the crossing of the Boydton Plank Road with Hatcher's creek. At every point the enemy was found entrenched and his works manned. No attack was made during the day further than to drive the pickets and cavalry inside the main works. Our casualties have been light — probably less than 200. The same is probably true of the enemy. [Later]--The attack on Hancock proves to be a decided success. We lost no prisoners except the usual stragglers, who are always picked up. U. S. Grant. General Lee's dispatch is as follows: headquarter