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The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1862., [Electronic resource], What the North Thiske of the war thus far. (search)
eral Lee retired in despair from Greenbrier, and Gen. Floyd ran away from Cotton Mountain. Two rebel raids into Eastern Kentucky have been met and repulsed, and at last accounts Humphrey Marshall, and his discomfitted followers, utterly demoralized, were running through Pound Gap. An army of near twenty thousand men, under General Lander, looks up the Valley of Virginia toward Winchester. The gun-boat fleet at Cairo is well advanced, and there will be no difficulty, presently, when Gen Halleck pacifies Missouri, in starting the long talked of Mississippi expedition by land and river, in proportions commensurate with the conquests expected of it, On the Western frontier, also, an expection that will be thirty thousand strong is being organized, with which it is designed to penetrate from Kansas. to the Gulf, and leave no secessionism in its path. And throughout the North, from Maine to Minnesota, are tens of thousands of volunteers in camps of instruction, forming an immeuse r
cessity then to attack Columbus or Bowling Green.--Starvation will do the work. The New Orleans Delta, in a late edition, says:" The safety of the whole South depends on the result of the battle at Columbus. This place once taken, there can be no effectual resistance at other points." In military philosophy a position turned and besieged is equal to a place captured. Hence, according to the New Orleans Delta, the safety of the whole South is in jeopardy. The victory announced. Gen. Halleck sends this message to Gen. McClellan: Fort Henry is ours! The flag of the Union is re-established on the soil of Tennessee. It will never be removed. Commodore Foote's report. U. S. Flagship Cincinnati off Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Feb. 6, 1862. The gun-boats under my command — the Essex, Commander Porter; the Carondelet, Commander Walker; the Cincinnati, Commander Stembel; the St. Louis, Lieutenant commanding Paulding; the Conestoga, Lieutenant commanding Phelps; th
olonel Geary. Large numbers of rebel pickets, mounted, were stationed all the afternoon near Bolivar. "the Cumberland river expedition" marching to attack Fort Donaldson. Louisville, Feb. 7. --General Grant will attack Fort Donaldson to-morrow. Three large steamers, Benjamin J. Adams, F. H. Fairchilds, and Baltic, left here for the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers this evening. All quiet along the line of the Louisville and Nashville railroad. A dispatch from General Halleck to Gen. Huell this evening says: We have taken Fort Henry. The enemy has retreated on Paris, leaving part of his guns. Our cavalry are in pursuit. A large expedition for the South. Of the reported firing at Red Bluff, near Savannah, last week, the Herald says: The arrival of the sloop-of-war Savannah at this port from Port Poyal yesterday, may throw some light on this reported attack. The Savannah left on the 30th ult., and she reports that a formidable expedition, inc
e forces have been, according to the statements of the inhabitants, moving for about a week, their provisions having gone some days before and that their numbers were much leas than has been generally supposed. This latter point, however, may be matter of mere conjecture, or may be purposely misrepresented by the people — Why the evacuation took place, whither the enemy has gone, what is to be the next movement of Gen. Bulleck--on these points we have no further light. Dispatch from Gen Halleck. Washington, Jane 2 --The following dispatch has been received at the War Department, in reply to an inquiry from General Meigs: Corinth, May 31. M. C. Meigs, Quartermaster General: If Beauregard has been at Richmond, others have forged his signature, as I have received letters from him about exchange of prisoners nearly every day for the last fortnight. The evacuation of Corinth commenced on Wednesday and was completed on Thursday night, but in great haste as a
tured at Winchester were told they were to be sent to Richmond, they were perfectly astonished. "why," said they, "it was announced at tattoo that McClellan had been in Richmond for three days." This dispatch, which was sent by McClellan through Gen. Banks, is a correct copy of the original, and was intended to encourage the Yankee troops when an attack from Jackson was looked for: Headq'rs 3d Brigade, General Banks's Division, May 19th, 1862. [Circular] The Brigadier-General commanding announces the following intelligence to the troops of his command: By telegraph from Frederick, dated May 19, 1862: "To Gen. Williams" "Gen. Halleck telegraphs Gen. McClellan that he has captured Gen. Price, Cols, Dorsey and Cross, and Capt. Budd, of General Price's staff, and his whole army. [Signed] N. P. Banks, Major-General." This glorious news will be read to all the troops of the command to-night at tattoo. By command. Brig.-Gen'l Williams.
river, and the flight, demoralization, and dispersion of Beauregard's army, a decisive overthrow of the rebel army of the East will end the war. So not for Richmond. Had not the wise and we considered plans of Gen. Scott, Gen. Motherland and Gen Halleck, been interrupted by our Abolition men unionists, this rebellion would have been to-day among the things of the past. But as our Abolition disturbers and marplite precipitated the disastrous battle of Bell Run; they also contrived to break ocommerce from rebel forays. Speculations respective Beauregard. Persons from New Orleans, who know Gen. Beauregard, say he is not the sort of man to give way to such frantic actions in view of reverses is has been attributed to him by Gen. Halleck. As he has carried off all his great guns and munitions of war from Gerinth, at will probably be found that he is in -fortified position in the direction of Grand Junction and Memphis. If so, our gunboat a will find the latter place strongly
ctacle. Our pickets are reported to have been driven in at Sharpsburg last evening. Interesting from Washington — feeling relative to the elections — Gen Halleck on a foreign war — communication from the French Minister — Rumored change in the Cabinet — the Contemplated Confederate attack on Yorktown, &c., &c. The Wae gravest importunes, and which may effect a change in the whale aspect of the war were to day submitted by the French Legation to the Secretary of State. Gen. Halleck expresses the belief that a foreign war, necessitating a levy an masses of our whole population would not be an evil without large compensating benefits. He elop its possible resources. An informal meeting of the Cabinet was held to-day, and an adjournment had to this evening, when it re-assembled at 8 o'clock--Gen. Halleck being present, on special invitation of the President. It is believed that decisions of more ultimate importance, than any yet made in the course of the wa
ional Northern intelligence from our New York files of the 17th instant: Gen Halleck's Criticisms of the Yankee campaigns of the past year — the Efficiency of his Generals. The Yankee Commander-in-Chief, Gen. Halleck, has made a long report of the Yankee campaign of the past year, in which he most successfully lifts all bnce, waited month after month to strengthen his position and to organize.--General Halleck claims that he ought to have advanced during the siege of Vicksburg.--He adelay. The defeat of Gen. Rosecrans's right wing is attributed primarily by Gen. Halleck to two causes — to his advancing with so wide a line, (forty miles in lengthing is characterized — for a wonder — with warm praise. This defence of Gen. Halleck against the imputations of the public in regard to Rosecrans's campaign ingea moment, compared with a decisive march to Atlanta? These telegrams of Gen. Halleck do not relieve him. The earliest, ordering reinforcements, is one to Gen. H
e in our possession. Reports from the front, not official, by parties that left there on Saturday, are to the effect that the result of the fighting on Friday was yet more advantageous to the Calon cause than that of Thursday, resulting in Lee's falling back, according to some reports, twelve miles, leaving his dead and wounded in our hands. Grant, according to the same report, has a field full of prisoners, and had advanced to Spotsylvania C H. A verbal message received at Gen Halleck's headquarters, by a messenger from the Army of the Potomac, is to the effect that the battle closed on Friday, the enemy having fallen back about twelve miles, leaving his dead and wounded on the field. On Saturday, at 3 o'clock, Lee's army was in full retreat through Spotsylvania, and when the messenger left Gen Hancock was entering the place in pursuit. We have captured many prisoners, but the number is not known. Gen Wadsworth is reported killed, and General Webb wounde