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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
the following is a list of the names (320 in number) of those to whom Medals were awarded: James McCloud, Louis Richards, Thomas Flood, James Buck,) Oscar E. Peck, Thomas Gehegan, Edward Farrel, Peter Williams, Benjamin Sevearer, John Davis, Charles Kenyon, Jeremiah Regan, Alexander Hood, John Kelley, Daniel Lakin, John Williams, John Breese, Alfred Patterson, Thomas C. Barton, Edwin Smith, Daniel Harrington, John Williams, J. B. Frisbee, Thomas Bourne, William McKnight, William Martin, John Greene, John McGowan, Amos Bradley, George Hollat, Charles Florence, William young, William Parker, Edward Wright, Charles Bradley, Timothy Sullivan, James Byrnes, John McDonald, Charles Robinson, Pierre Leno, Peter Colton, Charles W. Morton, William Martin, Robert Williams, George Bell, William Thompson, John Williams, Matthew Arthur, John MacKIEie, Matthew McClelland, Joseph E. Vantine, John Rush, John Hickman, Robert Anderson, Peter Howard, Andrew Brinn, P. R. Vaughn, Samuel woods, Henry Thie
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
ineer A. C. Stimers to Captain Ericsson, March 9; oral statements to the author by Captain Worden, and various accounts by contemporaries and eye-witnesses; also, Report of Lieutenant Jones to the Confederate Secretary of the Navy at the close of the first day's engagement. During the combat, the gallant Captain Worden, whose record in the history of the Navy is without blemish as a man and a soldier, had suffered severely. He had stationed himself at the pilot-house, while Lieutenant. Greene managed the guns, and Chief Engineer Alban C. Stimers, who was on board in the capacity of Government inspector, worked the turret. Nine times that turret was struck by the Merrimack's projectiles. The side armor was hit eight times by them; three times they struck and glanced from the deck, and twice they gave the pilot-house — the most vulnerable point — a heavy blow. One of these struck fairly in front of the peep-hole, at which Worden was watching his foe. It shivered some cement, and
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
e of D. Miller, and which lasted until dark, the Confederates were driven back. Hooker's men rested that night on their arms upon the ground they had won from their foe. Mansfield's corps (divisions of Joseph K. F. Mansfield. Williams and Greene) crossed the Antietam during the evening in Hooker's track, and bivouacked on Poffenberger's farm, a mile in his rear. The night of the 16th was passed by both armies with the expectation of a heavy battle in the morning. Few officers found rrible storm of shot and shell. It fought desperately for half an hour unsupported, when its leader fell severely wounded. In the mean time Mansfield's corps had been ordered up to the support of Hooker, and while the divisions of Williams and Greene, of that corps, were deploying, the veteran commander was mortally wounded. The. charge of his corps then devolved on General Williams, who left his division to the care of General Crawford. The latter, with his own and Gordon's brigade, pushed
ch I shall never forget. They had endeared themselves to every one of our company, and participated, together with a part of our company, in one of the severest battles of the Indian campaign. In justice to these brave men, who composed quite half of our company, I think it proper to give their names in this connection: Thos. Marshall, James Marshall, George H. Morrison, J. C. Morrison, James Sweeney, A. Laraway, J. A. Wolverton, Wm. C. Allan, Neil McNeil, A. H. Wise, A. Dougherty, J. P. Hale, Edwin Stone, C. D. Harn, D. C. Hawkins, John Greene, A. H. Rose, F. Tippin, J. W. Day, M. R. Thompson, J. C. Higgins, J. H. Perkins, H. A. Smith, A. Frederichs, F. Addicks, George Gemasche, Limon Blondo, C. Cowett, C. H. Douglass, R. C. Rothwick, J. W. Huckings, Joseph Hart, C. Johnson, J. P. Mirch, Robert Muir, G. W. Little, Joel Florida, S. D. Snell, A. B. Hanscomb, Daniel Getchell, R. R. Hubbard, Thomas Chambers, J. C. McConnell. Richard Strout, Captain Company B, Ninth Regiment M. V.
d a Committee to be chosen to that purpose to assist him; and whatsoever they shall do therein, that to stand for good. May 28, 1629: In the second general letter, the Court say:-- We have further taken into our consideration the fitness and conveniency, or rather necessity, of making a divident of land, and allotting a proportion to each adventurer; and, to this purpose, have made and confirmed an Act, and sealed the same with our common seal. In the Charlestown records, 1664, John Greene, giving a history of the first comers, says:-- Amongst others that arrived at Salem, at their own cost, were Ralph Sprague with his brethren Richard and William, who, with three or four more, by joint consent and approbation of Mr. John Endicott, Governor, did, the same summer of anno 1628 (9), undertake a journey from Salem, and travelled the woods above twelve miles to the westward, and lighted of a place situate and lying on the north side of Charles River, full of Indians, called A
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Rhode Island, (search)
dinances that should be made by a majority of the inhabitants—heads of families— for the public good. For some time the government was administered by means of town-meetings. In 1638 William Coddington and others, driven from Massachusetts by persecution, bought of the Indians the island of Aquiday or Aquitneck, and made settlements on the site of Newport and Portsmouth. A third settlement was formed at Warwick, on the mainland, in 1643, by a party of whom State seal of Rhode Island. John Greene and Samuel Gorton were leaders. The same year Williams went to England, and in 1644 brought back a charter which united the settlements at Providence and on Rhode Island under one government, called the Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Then the commonwealth of Rhode Island was established, though the new government did not go into operation until 1647, when the first General Assembly, composed of the collective freemen of the several plantations, met at Portsmouth (May 19) a
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 17: heresy and witchcraft. (search)
rs, she being near neighbor unto us, and many times have had occasion to have dealings with her, and we have not indeed in the least measure perceived, either by words or deeds, any thing whereby we could have any grounds or reason to suspect her for witchery or any thing thereunto tending. And this is evident unto us that she is diligent in her calling, and frequents public preaching, and gives diligent attention thereunto. John Palfery, Mathew Bridge, Richard Eccles, ffrancis Whitmor, John Greene, Nathaniell Green, William Diksone. We, who have here subscribed our names, do testify that we have known this Winnefret Holman, widow, this many years, but never knew any thing in her life concerning witchery. But she hath always been a diligent hearer of and attender to the word of God. Mary Patten, Mary Hall, Jane Willows, Anna Bridge, Elizabeth Bridg, Elizabeth Green, Jeane Diksonne, Elizabeth Winship, Thomas Fox, Ellin Fox, William Towne, Martha Towne, Mary Eccles, Isobell Whittm
athaniel Sparhawk, 1658, 1677-1680. 1683, 1685, 1686. John Shepard,* 1658. Francis Moore, 1659, 1673-1681, 1683, 1685-1687. Thomas Longhorn,* 1659. Thomas Cheney,* 1659. Thomas Chesholme,* 1660, 1664. John Ward,* 1660. Richard Eccles,* 1660, 1669. Daniel Gookin, 1660-1672. Richard Dana,* 1661. Abraham Errington,* 1661. Walter Hastings, 1661, 1669, 1673– 1681, 1683, 1685-1705. Jonathan Hyde,* 1662, 1676. Edward Hall,* 1663. Thomas Brown,* 1663. John Greene,* 1664. Isaac Williams,* 1664. Thomas Parks,* 1665, 1685. Edward Jackson, 1665, 1682. Samuel Andrews, 1666, 1681-1693. James Trowbridge,* 1666. Joseph Cooke,* 1667, 1689. William Dickson, 1667, 1679, 1680, 1682, 1684. Gregory Cooke,* 1667. Francis Whitmore,* 1668, 1682. Peter Towne, 1668, 1676, 1690, 1691, 1694, 1695. John Spring,* 1668, 1678. John Fuller,* 1669, 1675. Samuel Goffe,* 1670. Thomas Prentice, Jr.,* 1670. Samuel Champney, 1670, 1681-
Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904, Charlestown School in the 17th century. (search)
he schoolmaster of Charlestown appears from the following:— 11: 12 mo. 1636. Mr. Wetherell was granted a House plott with his cellar, selling his other house and part of his ground. 12: 12 mo. 1637. About Mr. Wetherell it was referred to Mr. Greene and Mr. Lerned to settle his wages for the Yeare past in pt and pt to come & they chose Mr. Ralph Sprague for a third. 28: X mo. 1638. John Stratton was admitted a townsman & has liberty to buy Mr. Wetherell's house. 1641. Mr. Wethrall's in 1657. He, with his wife Constant (Starr), was admitted to the Charlestown church in 1658. He is said to have been the son of Ralph Morley, of Braintree. His mother may have been the widow Catharine Morley who sojourned thirty weeks with John Greene, of Charlestown, at two shillings and sixpence per week. John Morley died January 24, 1660-1, and in his will bequeathed his estate at Lucas and at Chesthunt Leyes, Hertford county, Eng., first to his wife, and secondly to his sister, Mrs. An
Glines, Hon. Edward, Address by77, 86, 87, 92, 93 Goff's Falls, N. H.50 Goldthwaite, S.20 Goodwin, Xtopher, Jr.37, 39, 40 Gore, Christopher53 Gould, Thomas21 Gow, Rev. John R.102 Granary Burial Ground20 Grant, General7 Greaves, Thomas60 Greene, John19 Greene, General Nathaniel78, 86, 87, 95 Greenville Street, Somerville45 Gridley, Colonel90 Griffin's Falls50 Guild, Lieutenant Governor Curtis, Jr. Address by77, 79, 86, 87, 92, 93 Guild House, The44 Hadley, Henry K.77 Hadley, MasGreene, General Nathaniel78, 86, 87, 95 Greenville Street, Somerville45 Gridley, Colonel90 Griffin's Falls50 Guild, Lieutenant Governor Curtis, Jr. Address by77, 79, 86, 87, 92, 93 Guild House, The44 Hadley, Henry K.77 Hadley, Mass.68 Hadley, S. Henry44, 77 Hadley, Samuel D.44 Hale, Robert17 Hall, Andrew52 Hall, Benjamin52 Hall, Dudley56 Hall, Ebenezer52, 53, 56 Hall, Ebenezer, Jr.52 Hall, Willis52 Hammond, Lawrence, Recorder34 Hancock, Governor John52 Hancock,—, Schoolmaster, 172465 Harper's Magazine3 Harpswell, Me.103 Harrington Family, The46 Harvard College2, 8, 19, 33, 34, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65 Harvard College, Charlestown Graduates of Previous to170160 Harvard Graduates, Sibley37 Haven, George47