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lls of Washington and Lee University in historic Lexington in the hills of Virginia, I felt for the first time as a Northerner, indigenous to the soil, what it means to be a Southerner. I, who had bowed my head from childhood to the greatness of Grant, looked upon my friends bowing their heads before the mausoleum of Lee. I stood with them as they laid the April flowers on the graves of their dead, and I felt the heart-beat of the Confederacy. When I returned to my New England home it was to o the North and the South, the editors take pleasure in recording their deep appreciation; also to Generals Sickles and Buckner, the oldest surviving generals in the Federal and Confederate armies, respectively, on this anniversary; to General Frederick Dent Grant and General G. W. Custis Lee, the sons of the great warriors who led the armies through the American Crisis; to the Honorable Robert Todd Lincoln, former Secretary of War; to James W. Cheney, Librarian in the War Department at Washingt
Preface The introduction that follows from General Frederick Dent Grant is a simple statement of the large movements during the last year of the war in mass. In it the reader will find a concise summation of what follows in detail throughout the chapters of Volume III. It is amazing to the non-military reader to find how simple was the direct cause for the tremendous results in the last year of the Civil War. It was the unification of the Federal army under Ulysses S. Grant. His son, in the pages that follow, repeats the businesslike agreement with President Lincoln which made possible the wielding of all the Union armies as one mighty weapon. The structure of Volume II reflects the Civil War situation thus changed in May, 1864. No longer were battles to be fought here and there unrelated; but a definite movement was made by Grant Versus Lee on the 4th of May, accompanied by the simultaneous movements of Butler, Sherman, and Sigel — all under the absolute control of the
Contents   page Map--Theatre of Georgia and the Carolinas CAMPAIGNS2 Frontispiece--A shot that Startled WASHINGTON4 introduction   Frederick Dent Grant13 Part I Grant Versus Lee   Henry W. Elson   the battle in the WILDERNESS21  Spotsylvania and the Bloody Angle51  attack and repulse at Cold Harbor79 Part II the simultaneous movements   Henry W. Elson   Drewry's Bluff IMPREGNABLE93  to Atlanta — Sherman Versus JOHNSTON99  the last conflicts in the SHENANDOAH139 Part III closing in   Henry W. Elson   Charleston, the unconquered PORT169  the investment of Petersburg175  Sherman's final CAMPAIGNS209 Part IV from war to peace   Henry W. Elson   Nashville — the end in Tennessee   the siege and fall of Petersburg   Appomattox  Part V engagements of the Civil War from May, 1864, to May, 1865   George L. Kilmer  Photographic descriptions thr
Introduction Frederick Dent Grant, Major-General, United States Army General Ulysses S. Grant at city Point in 1864, with his wife and son Jesse Upon being appointed lieutenant-general, and having assumed command of all the armies in the field, in March, 1864, General Grant had an interview with President Lincoln, during which interview Mr. Lincoln stated that procrastination on the part of commanders, and the pressure from the people of the North and from Congress, had forced him into issuing his series of military orders, some of which he knew were wrong, and all of which may have been wrong; that all he, the President, wanted, or had ever wanted, was some one who would take the responsibility of action, and would call upon him, as the Executive of the Government, for such supplies as were needed; the President pledging himself to use the full powers of the Government in rendering all assistance possible. General Grant assured the President that he would do the bes
eneral, United States Army (Retired) Grant's favorite war-horse Cincinnati Three cha their backs. They are the mounts used by General Grant in his final gigantic campaign that resultee's army. On the left is Egypt, presented to Grant by admirers in Illinois, and named for the disan in St. Louis, who on his death-bed sent for Grant and presented him with the finest horse in the their ears. Perhaps they were looking at General Grant. The battle chargers of the general urnished at the author's request by General Frederick Dent Grant, U. S. A.--T. F. R. General Grant, General Grant, was appointed colonel of the Twenty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry and on joining the regiment pe Sanitary Fair in Chicago (1863 or 1864), General Grant gave him to the fair, where he was rafflede Vicksburg campaign. In this campaign, General Grant had two other horses, both of them very haDavis. After the battle of Chattanooga, General Grant went to St. Louis, where I was at the time[3 more...]
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXVI (search)
, in reply to which request I was informed that the accounts had been settled. In another case I requested that my appeal from adverse action be submitted to President Grant, who had had occasion to know something about me. I was requested by telegraph, in cipher, to withdraw that appeal, as it was liable to cause trouble. Being otified me that the account had been allowed. To illustrate the application of the same principle under opposite conditions, I must relate the story told of President Grant. When informed by a Treasury officer that he could not find any law to justify what the President had desired to be done, he replied, Then I will see if I cary officer who can find that law. Of course no change in the incumbent of that office proved to be necessary. I have thought in several cases in later years that Grant's military method might have been tried to advantage. Be ye wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove is the only rule of action I have ever heard of that can st
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXIX (search)
nsable to good citizenship organization of the national guard General Grant without military books measures necessary to the national defery advantage of the popular enthusiasm throughout the country after Grant's first victory to have made the Union armies absolutely irresistibt there may not be among all the living graduates of West Point one Grant or Sherman or Sheridan, or one Lee or Johnston or Jackson. So muche policy of the government more than two years. It was not until Grant took command of all the armies that the true strategic principle gothe general military policy. In this connection, the story told by Grant himself about his military studies is very instructive. When askedoks, and never had any, except the West Point text-books. No doubt Grant might have profited by some additional study, but none at all was f former commanders. The development of great military ability in Grant, as the result of his own experience and independent thought,—that
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXX (search)
e regard for his rank and services, and to appoint another in the same manner. The title commanding general of the arm is inappropriate and misleading. There never has been any such office in this country, except that created especially for General Grant in 1864. The old title of general-in-chief, given to the officer at the head of the army before the Civil War, is the appropriate title in this country. That officer is, in fact, the chief general, but does not command the army. If it be in a republic where the President is and must be commander-in-chief, whether he is a man of military education and experience or not. So strongly were these views impressed upon my mind by my studies of the subject, made at the request of General Grant and General Sherman many years ago, that when I became the senior officer of the Army I refrained scrupulously from suggesting to the President or the Secretary of War or anybody else that I had any expectation of being assigned to the comman
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXXI (search)
General Sherman's friendship his death General Grant's recognition of services his great traittellectual Honesty his confidence in himself Grant, like Lincoln, a typical American on the retimy good fortune to serve in the field with General Grant, it would be inappropriate to make herein to find only casual mention of my name in General Grant's Memoirs. But I was not only consoled, bmotion when told by his worthy son, Colonel Frederick Dent Grant, that his father had not ceased up reatness. The greatest of all the traits of Grant's character was that which lay always on the sd from his mistake gave him real pleasure. In Grant's judgment, no case in which any wrong had bee the great rebellion. It has been said that Grant, like Lincoln, was a typical American, and fore himself. The soldiers and the people saw in Grant or in Lincoln, not one of themselves, not a plrrendered to him, were the crowning glories of Grant's great and noble character. On September 2[10 more...]
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
a, 366 City Point, Va., Sherman's visit to Grant at, 347, 348 Civilians, the military arm obby, 150; reflection, 160, 312; instructions to Grant, March 3, 1865, 348; assassination, 349, 411; lled at Louisville, 239, 240, 295; letter from Grant, Feb. 23, 1884, 240, 241; on the establishmentconcerning immediate action against Hood, 237; Grant's determination to take personal command at, 279; refugees prohibited to congregate in, 369; Grant at, 370 Rally Hill, Tenn., Hood takes posse 116; nominated major-general, U. S. A., by Pres. Grant, 117, 543; nomination confirmed by the Sena865, 530; secures payment for his troops, 530; Grant's last thoughts for, 543; relieved from controTennessee campaign, 329; joint operations with Grant against Lee, 331 et seq., 337, :347, 348; posse on military court with Thomas, 277 ; trip by Grant and S. to visit, 294, 295; captures Fort Fisheio Railroad from, 199; Grant before, 232, 233; Grant's strategy at, 358 Vincent, —, S.'s room-ma[73 more...]