artist; I can only say he is a Confederate gray.
I purchased him in the mountains of Virginia in the autumn of 1861, and he has been my patient follower ever since. . . . You must know the comfort he is to me in my present retirement. . . . You can, I am sure, from what I have said, paint his portrait.
I can only say he is a Confederate gray—Lee on traveller
This famous photograph of Lee on Traveller was taken by Miley, of Lexington, in September, 1866.
In July of that year Brady, Gardner, and Miley had tried to get a photograph of the general on his horse, but the weather was so hot and the flies accordingly so annoying that the pictures were very poor.
But the September picture has become probably the most popular photograph in the South.
In the Army of Northern Virginia the horse was almost as well known as his master.
It was foaled near the White Sulphur Springs in West Virginia, and attracted the notice of General Lee in 1861.
Lee's affection for it was very deep an
urrender, 252-53, 257.
Taylor, 242.
Warren, 403.
Fox, G. V., 235, 236, 252. Plan for reinforcing Fort Sumter, 233-34, 243, 244.
Franklin, Benjamin. Remarks on sovereignty, 122.
Free press (Detroit). Remarks on coercion, 221.
Free-soil party (See Republican Party).
Fremont, Gen. John C., 32, 369.
Friends, Society of, 2.
Frost, Gen. D. M., 356-57.
Fugitives, rendition laws, 12-13, 37, 68-69.
Gage, General, 100-101.
Gaillard, John, 9.
Gardner, Captain, 326-327. Colonel, 306, 326.
Garnett, Gen., Robert, 293-94, 319, 321, 374.
Gatchell, William H., 290-91.
Georgia. Slavery question, 1, 2.
Instructions to delegates to Constitutional convention, 79.
Ratification of Constitution, 92.
Ordinance of secession, 189.
Germantown (ship), 285.
Gerry, Elbridge, 86, 117.
Gorgas, Gen. J., 409. Chief of ordnance for Confederacy, 269.
Extract from monograph on development of ordnance supply, 412-13.
Grant, Gen. Ulysses
e of, 488-89.
Frazier, General I. W., 356-57.
Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 124-25.
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 294-300, 306-07.
Freedmen's bureau, 616, 620.
Fremont, Gen. John C., 15, 90, 91-92, 93, 94, 96,97, 114, 496.
Fremont, Gen. John C., Proclamation in Missouri confiscating private property, 8.
French, General, 307.
Fry, General, 426.
Gaines, Dr., 115.
Gaines' (gunboat), 173.
Galena (gunboat), 85.
Galveston, Texas, capture and recapture, 196-98.
Gardner, General, 333, 352.
Garfield, Colonel, 15.
Garland, General, 279.
Garnett, General, 266, 377.
Gary, General, 563.
Geary, General, 88.
Geddes, Colonel, 52-53.
Geneva Conference, settlement of U. S. claims against Great Britain, 236-37.
Georgia, reconstruction, 630-32.
Georgia (cruiser), 221, 237.
Germantown (frigate), 164.
Gettysburg, Pa., Battle of, 355, 370-78.
Ghent, Treaty of, 1815, 7.
Gillmore, General Q. A., 65, 533.
Gilmer, Gen. J. F., 25, 175, 428, 534. Extract f