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ing the rear of Sheridan's trains from White House to James river. Col. John F Ballier, of the 98th Pennsylvania cavalry, was killed in a fight near Reams's Station on the 29th. The 67th Long Island regiment, 70 in number, have returned to New York, their term of service having expired. The regiment was mustered into service in 1864 with 1200 men. At the commencement of the present campaign they counted 320 muskets. They have now dwindled down to about 150, including those still in front of Petersburg. Mrs. Snead, wife of Col T L Snead, of St Louis, long Chief of Staff to Gen Price, recently arrived in that city from the South, having passed the Federal lines without permission from the proper authorities. For this she has been arrested and sent, for the present, to Gratiot street prison. Gen. Archer, who was captured at the battle of Gettysburg, has been sent to Maj. Gen. Foster to keep Gen. Gardner company under the fire of the rebel batteries at Charleston.
Charged with Feloniously Obtaining Monsy. Some two weeks since a man named John Head, keeper of a livery stable in this city, was committed to Castle Thunder on the charge of feloniously obtaining money from persons whom he had engaged to take across the lines. Upon a representation of the facts before General Gardner, that officer considered the matter an offence against the laws of the Commonwealth, and therefore referred it to the Mayor, who on Saturday last had Head brought before him for a hearing, when the following testimony was elicited: Mrs. Lina Castleberger, upon whose complaint the prisoner was arrested, testified that about the 14th of July, 1864, herself and Carolina Niedmeyer, F. Marsch, M. Sumit, and Kunigude Deqeubardt, made an arrangement with Head to take them across the Potomac for $3,000, one half to be paid in advance, the other at the end of the Journey. On going with him to the office to procure passports, he was refused one for himself, but after
, and could scarcely realize the fact that be was no more. Funeral services were performed, according to the ritual of the Episcopal Church, by the Rev. George Patterson, and at one o'clock the remains, the coffin having been strewn with flowers by fair hands, were replaced in the hearse, and the cortege moved up Grace street, the military marching with arms reversed, and the band playing a funeral march.--The following officers acted as pall-bearers; Lieutenant-General Ewell, Brigadier-General Gardner, Brigadier-General Kemper, Brigadier-General Preston, Brigadier-General Lawton, Brigadier-General Smith, Colonel Cox, Colonel August, Colonel Smith and Major Gassett. In the procession were members of the Kentucky Congressional delegation, members of the Confederate, State and City Governments, and prominent citizens of Richmond. Escort duty was performed by the Public Guard, the Fire Brigade, and a detachment of Colonel Pemberton's Artillery Battalion. The cortege moved to
, and all badly frightened. It was some time before they were thoroughly convinced they were not to be murdered. After removing everything of value to us, Lieutenant Gardner poured turpentine over the cabin floor and applied the match. In a few minutes she was in flames. While this vessel was burning, the "22" brought downom her — nautical instruments, telescopes, charts, clocks, medicine chest, &c. And then, pouring turpentine over the cabin floor, this fine boat was fired. Lieutenant Gardner hesitated to apply the match; but there was no help for it, and she was soon ablaze. Once more we are on our course, the "22" following in our wake. Ting cut away, swung round under the propeller. It was some time before this could be extricated. All being clear, we moved ahead a short distance, and Lieutenant Gardner was sent on board after the captain and his papers. In a few moments he came over the side with a very confident air, feeling sure that he, being an Englis
The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1864., [Electronic resource], Promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel Mosby. (search)
roublesome Montgomery was doing his utmost, for he still hung upon our flank like a gad-fly, spitting out his 30-pound Parrott bolts in a very spiteful manner. We refrained from firing for some time, in order to conceal the character of the vessel; but believing that we were known, the order was given to uncover the after gun, set the colors and pennant, and return shot for shot. The sight of Confederate bunting and the sound of our own gun made a new crew. The "Ready--Fire!" of Lieutenant Gardner's clear distinct voice acted like a charm throughout the ship, and the shells he sent buzzing away had a wonderful effect upon the enemy. The Montgomery suddenly discovered that the nearest road to New inlet (for which were making) was a straight line, and not the curved one we were steering, and consequently commenced widening the space between us. The Lilian had made one very creditable brush to get up, but now she began to lag like a tired hound; and what was our best surety, steam
The coast batteries in Maine dismantled. Belfast, Me., December 27. --Under the supervision of Major Gardner, United States army, the batteries in this city and at other points on the coast of Maine are being dismantled. The guns have been carried to Fort Knox.