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Mr. John Bishop, Richard Hall, Major Wade, and Samuel Kidder still wore small clothes. In 1820 Major Wade was charged for seating and repairing small clothes 37 It is said that Major Wade was the last man in Medford to wear the ruffled shirt, small clothes, and shoe buckles of the colonial period. Mr. Blanchard's price for making a surtout coat was three dollars. In 1815 a great coat was provided with silver hooks and rings. Dr. Swan's had a large cape and velvet collar. In 1816 Mr. Benjamin Floyd, 3d had a swelled edge coat, and a pair of trimd pantaloons. Making a bound vest cost twice as much as a plain one. When pockets were put into coats there was an extra charge made. Breast pockets were mentioned in 1817. Vests which were buttoned were especially noted. One set of buttons often did duty on several coats. thrible gilt buttons @ 4 shillings a dozen would wear out more than one. Hooks and eyes were first mentioned in 1817. Rev. Converse Francis in 1818 is ch
d the estate as an innholder until the year 1730, when he sold the property to Mr. John Bradshaw, junior, who was the landlord until the year 1740, when he was succeeded by Mrs. Sarah Floyd. In the year 1748 Mr. Bradshaw sold the estate to Mr. Benjamin Floyd. From that date to the year 1759, when it was sold to Mr. Hugh Floyd, the house was kept by Mr. Benjamin Floyd and others. From the year 1759 to 1772 Mr. Hugh Floyd kept the tavern the greater part of the time. In the latter year he solMr. Benjamin Floyd and others. From the year 1759 to 1772 Mr. Hugh Floyd kept the tavern the greater part of the time. In the latter year he sold to Mr. Ebenezer Hills, who kept the house in the year 1773. Mr. Hills, in the year 1774, sold to Mr. Jonathan Porter. Mr. Porter was landlord from the year 1774 to 1786, both inclusive. He took down the old house soon after, and built the house now standing on the premises. The old swinging sign that hung in front of this tavern is dated 1769. It is in a good state of preservation, except that one of the spindles is broken. The emblem and lettering is quite distinct, as indeed they might
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 8., Medford Amicable Singing Society. (search)
The foregoing articles shall be subject to revision at all times when two thirds of the members of said society shall think proper. Accepted March 15, 1815. Gershom Tufts Gabriel Fullerton Henry Withington Ephraim Bailey James T. Floyd James Tufts Patrick Roach Elias Tufts Saml Phelps Henry Todd Thomas Calf Edward Bradbury William Butters Daniel Copland James T. Floyd, Jr. Jona Harrington James Francis, 2d. Andrew Perkins Samuel D. Hadley Seth Mayo Darius Wait Benjamin Floyd, 3d. Dexter Blodget Ladies. Charity Fullerton Anna Blodget Rebecca Floyd The forgoing is a copy of the constitution M. A. Singing society, with the names subscribed, and the following is a list of names who have had billets of invitation to Join the society by the unanimous vote of the said society, who have accepted the invitation as we the subscribers understand. Namely Benjamin Pratt, Jr. John Kimball Nathl Fessenden James W. Brooks John Phipps Mr. Fisk Galen J
uble portion was assigned to him out of his father's estate after the widow's dower was set off (1758). He added to this by the purchase from time to time of small estates, the records of his real estate transactions in the Registry of Deeds at East Cambridge extending from 1759 to 1774, and his occupation is given therein as merchant. He had several sisters who married and settled in Medford: Sarah, the wife of Jonathan Tufts; Mary, of Samuel Kidder; Frances, of Joseph Calef; Ruth, of Benjamin Floyd; Susannah, of Ebenezer Brooks; and one brother, William, who died unmarried. At the settlement of the dower estate, Joseph and two sisters, Ruth Floyd and Susannah Brooks, were the only surviving children, and that part of the estate, after setting aside two shares for the heirs of Joseph, now an absentee, was assigned to Samuel Kidder, a grandson. Sabine states that in June, 1775, news reached the Provincial Congress that the Irvings of Boston had fitted out under color of charterin
built on the old lines after it was burned. Benjamin Floyd, who is buried in the old burying ground on Salll. My grandfather, Jeremiah Jordan, married Benjamin Floyd's daughter, Patty Floyd. Grandfather Jordan sat grandmother's brother's name. As the first Benjamin Floyd recorded is as far back as I have any knowledgeute man as I have explained), I send it to you. Benjamin Floyd, 2d, was the writer and is the one buried in thying ground at the left front corner. My father Benj. Floyd (1st), husband of Ruth Floyd, died at sea Jan813. Medford April 1729, Ruth Floyd was born. Benj. Floyd Jr. or 2nd was born Jan. 5, 1755. Martha Savels wife of Benj. Floyd was born Sept. 1756. children: Benj. Floyd 3rdBorn 1780, lost at sea. Patty or MarthBenj. Floyd 3rdBorn 1780, lost at sea. Patty or Martha F.Born 1782, died 1861. Sally F.Born 1785, lost at sea. Sukey F.Born 1787, died 1795. Rebecca Thompson F.Bide here.] On the back cover is written Benjamin Floyd His Book & Property 1819 1756. —Harriett A. Jo
this mark are officers for the present year Thomas Floyd Amhurst Joselyn Joseph Gardner James W. Brooks Thatcher Magoun Those with this mark are officers for the present year Ebenezer Hall Jr Those with this mark are officers for the present year George Fuller Those with this mark are officers for the present year Darius Wait Those with this mark are officers for the present year James T Floyd Elias Tufts Timothy Brigden Timothy Rich Benjamin Floyd Caleb Brooks Patrick Roach George Cook John Symmes Jun Martin Burrage Gershom Cutter Those with this mark are officers for the present year Ephriam Hall Gilbert Brooks Galen James Those with this mark are officers for the present year Thomas Calif Benjamin Pratt Jun Nathan Bryant Benjamin Noves James T Floyd Jr Seth Branford Phillips Rogers Stephen Sprague Andrew Perkins Charles Johnson Jonas Manning Arron Blanchard
and while that old Medford roll of honor is called:— Captain Isaac Hall Lieutenant Caleb Brooks Ensign Stephen Hall Sergeant Thomas Pritchard Sergeant Isaac Tufts Sergeant Moses Hall Corporal John Tufts Corporal Gershom Teel Corporal Jonathan Greenleaf Drummer Timothy Hall Fifer William Farning Privates:— David Vinton John Bucknam Isaac Watson Jonathan Laurence Jonathan Davis Abel Richardson James Tufts. Jr. Samuel Tufts, 3d Andrew Floyd Benjamin Floyd Andrew Blanchard Samuel Tufts John Francis, Jr. Paul Dexter John Smith Abel Butterfield Josiah Cutter John Kemp Eleazer Putnam James Bucknam, Jr Aaron Crowell Jonathan Tufts Benjamin Pierce Thomas Wakefield Jonathan Teel Aaron Blanchard Richard Cole William Binford Thomas Bradshaw Daniel Tufts Peter Tufts, Jr. Ebenezer Tufts Isaac Cooch Daniel Conery David Hadley Jacob Bedin Richard Paine William Polley