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Boston Harbor (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
David Hadley Jacob Bedin Richard Paine William Polley Peter Conery Joseph Clefton Samuel Hadley, Jr. Moses Hadley John Callender John Clarke Andrew Bradshaw Thomas Savels Francis Hall Benjamin Savils On their return Madam Brooks (who had watched from her attic window as the red-coated host came back down the valley) had the big kettle swung over a fire out of doors and prepared chocolate for these Medford men's refreshing—the tea had gone into Boston harbor. But one was mortally wounded, his comrades bore him home to die, he the only son of his mother and she was a widow. Both youth and age was the toll taken from Medford that day. Of the latter, was a man of seventy who had one son among the Medford minute men, and another in the Danvers company. The latter, who bore the father's name, was wounded and brought to Medford, whither his wife came to care for him until his recovery. But, killed at Menotomy, the father's lifeless body was
Whitmore Brook (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
work ahead. That brought him over the brook and up the hill to where the first meeting-house had been. The roads divided a little further on at its top. He kept to the left. We have no idea it was a silent ride. He doubtless shouted, Wake up, turn out, the regulars are coming! as he rode hastily along. Soon the lights twinkled in the windows and the guns were taken down (all probably in readiness) and the village was astir behind him. Another quarter mile and he had passed over Whitmore brook, and a little further, a place where we stop, look and listen now. He did not, nor did people, need to there till sixty years later. Another quarter and he passed Rev. Edward Brooks', and still another made three miles and a half through Medford; then over Wear bridge into Charlestown again. Another half-mile (about a quarter of it in Menotomy) brought him to the Cooper tavern. There, he turned to the right toward Lexington, into the course he deflected from at the top of Winter hill,
Winter Brook (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
tants. And it was a little town, too, even with the addition (twenty years before) of the section of Charlestown which moved the boundary from the river to the present lines. Perhaps this may account for the poet's geographical error. But really, if the grouping of dwellings makes a village, we can excuse the poet's mistake, for there were comparatively few, for which there was good reason. A careful scaling of the map of Medford (and the course of the road is the same today) places Winter brook and Tufts square at approximately a half mile from the boundary line which is near the top of the hill. A half mile further and Revere had passed the Cambridge road (at his left) and crossed Two-penny brook, both more consequential streams than now. Near the latter was a large farmhouse, which, fifty years ago, was a part of the well known Mystic house. A quarter mile farther on, at the left, there loomed up in his sight, stately and grand, a three-storied house with its several outbuil
Louisburg (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
d that day. Of the latter, was a man of seventy who had one son among the Medford minute men, and another in the Danvers company. The latter, who bore the father's name, was wounded and brought to Medford, whither his wife came to care for him until his recovery. But, killed at Menotomy, the father's lifeless body was brought to Medford, to the home from whence a few hours before he had gone to the fray. In his youth he had been in the expedition that captured the Gibraltar of America, Louisburg. But (as Miss Wild says it) though by age exempt, and having sons in the ranks, he showed his Putnam spunk and went with the rest. He had been for ten years a resident of Medford, his home probably in the valley opposite Medford's first schoolhouse. Gold stars are placed on the service flags and on the memorials of today. Certainly they should be beside the names of these two, William Polley, Henry Putnam, who went out from their homes in Medford on that 19th of April, to their death
Delair Junction (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
fifty years ago, was a part of the well known Mystic house. A quarter mile farther on, at the left, there loomed up in his sight, stately and grand, a three-storied house with its several outbuildings. It was in the midst of extensive grounds, and far back from the village street. This will be easily recognized as the estate of Colonel Isaac Royall, and knowing of his Tory proclivities, it is unlikely that Revere stopped there but rode quickly by. Another quarter mile brought him to Fish-house lane (the present South street), the old way to the fording place. A few houses were there, among them the Admiral Vernon tavern, and the river and bridge lay ahead. Another quarter and he had passed over it, by the Royal Oak tavern, and turning squarely to the left, he sped on. That quarter mile brought him through the densest settled part of Medford, to where we meet tonight; but it wasn't called Governors avenue then. If we can credit the poet's words about the hour, the good people
Winter Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ge into Medford town, which is all very fine; but he really rode into Medford near the top of Winter hill. Do those that read the poem know how nearly Medford came to being left out of the ride that on the Cambridge road which led up the valley of Sucker brook to Lexington. From the top of Winter hill the Menotomy road closely borders the Medford boundary, to near that old powder-house the royal forces had then recently raided. While still in Charlestown, beyond Winter hill, Revere caught sight of some horsemen he thought to be British officers, and so did not continue in that direct ere, he turned to the right toward Lexington, into the course he deflected from at the top of Winter hill, but still ahead in the game. The time we have referred to (1775) was midway between Medfow many in our territorial boundary? Certainly the Royall house, possibly one on the slope of Winter hill,—perhaps that which sheltered the Baroness Reidezel after Burgoyne's defeat at Saratoga,—a ve
Josiah Cutter (search for this): chapter 3
Sergeant Thomas Pritchard Sergeant Isaac Tufts Sergeant Moses Hall Corporal John Tufts Corporal Gershom Teel Corporal Jonathan Greenleaf Drummer Timothy Hall Fifer William Farning Privates:— David Vinton John Bucknam Isaac Watson Jonathan Laurence Jonathan Davis Abel Richardson James Tufts. Jr. Samuel Tufts, 3d Andrew Floyd Benjamin Floyd Andrew Blanchard Samuel Tufts John Francis, Jr. Paul Dexter John Smith Abel Butterfield Josiah Cutter John Kemp Eleazer Putnam James Bucknam, Jr Aaron Crowell Jonathan Tufts Benjamin Pierce Thomas Wakefield Jonathan Teel Aaron Blanchard Richard Cole William Binford Thomas Bradshaw Daniel Tufts Peter Tufts, Jr. Ebenezer Tufts Isaac Cooch Daniel Conery David Hadley Jacob Bedin Richard Paine William Polley Peter Conery Joseph Clefton Samuel Hadley, Jr. Moses Hadley John Callender John Clarke Andrew Bradshaw
Isaac Tufts (search for this): chapter 3
ade a stand and met the retreating foe, we cannot say. Perhaps they joined the Danvers company that made a forced march thither as it came through Medford. Who were they, do you ask? Listen! yes, give them the honor due the brave, but who can not, will nevermore, answer Here! Perhaps none here tonight bear these names, but let us stand while that old Medford roll of honor is called:— Captain Isaac Hall Lieutenant Caleb Brooks Ensign Stephen Hall Sergeant Thomas Pritchard Sergeant Isaac Tufts Sergeant Moses Hall Corporal John Tufts Corporal Gershom Teel Corporal Jonathan Greenleaf Drummer Timothy Hall Fifer William Farning Privates:— David Vinton John Bucknam Isaac Watson Jonathan Laurence Jonathan Davis Abel Richardson James Tufts. Jr. Samuel Tufts, 3d Andrew Floyd Benjamin Floyd Andrew Blanchard Samuel Tufts John Francis, Jr. Paul Dexter John Smith Abel Butterfield Josiah Cutter John Kemp Eleazer Putnam
William Polley (search for this): chapter 3
homas Wakefield Jonathan Teel Aaron Blanchard Richard Cole William Binford Thomas Bradshaw Daniel Tufts Peter Tufts, Jr. Ebenezer Tufts Isaac Cooch Daniel Conery David Hadley Jacob Bedin Richard Paine William Polley Peter Conery Joseph Clefton Samuel Hadley, Jr. Moses Hadley John Callender John Clarke Andrew Bradshaw Thomas Savels Francis Hall Benjamin Savils On their return Madam Brooks (who had watched from her attic wis it) though by age exempt, and having sons in the ranks, he showed his Putnam spunk and went with the rest. He had been for ten years a resident of Medford, his home probably in the valley opposite Medford's first schoolhouse. Gold stars are placed on the service flags and on the memorials of today. Certainly they should be beside the names of these two, William Polley, Henry Putnam, who went out from their homes in Medford on that 19th of April, to their death, on the first Patriots' day.
Daniel Conery (search for this): chapter 3
ardson James Tufts. Jr. Samuel Tufts, 3d Andrew Floyd Benjamin Floyd Andrew Blanchard Samuel Tufts John Francis, Jr. Paul Dexter John Smith Abel Butterfield Josiah Cutter John Kemp Eleazer Putnam James Bucknam, Jr Aaron Crowell Jonathan Tufts Benjamin Pierce Thomas Wakefield Jonathan Teel Aaron Blanchard Richard Cole William Binford Thomas Bradshaw Daniel Tufts Peter Tufts, Jr. Ebenezer Tufts Isaac Cooch Daniel Conery David Hadley Jacob Bedin Richard Paine William Polley Peter Conery Joseph Clefton Samuel Hadley, Jr. Moses Hadley John Callender John Clarke Andrew Bradshaw Thomas Savels Francis Hall Benjamin Savils On their return Madam Brooks (who had watched from her attic window as the red-coated host came back down the valley) had the big kettle swung over a fire out of doors and prepared chocolate for these Medford men's refreshing—the tea had gone into
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