Your search returned 383 results in 150 document sections:

Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Book III (continued) (search)
n included in Henry Ward Beecher's Plymouth collection of 1852. With the organization of the 12th Massachusetts Infantry in 1861 two Maine men in the second battalion introduced to camp Say brothers, will you meet us, On Canaan's happy shore? To this melody the glee club of the unit evolved a set of verses half applied to one of their own members, a Scotch John Brown. When these words became the characteristic song of the regiment, the officers tried in vain to have the words applied to Ellsworth, the first Northern commissioned officer who had fallen in the War. Inevitably many new versions were composed on John Brown of Ossawatomie—by H. H. Brownell, Edna Dean Proctor, Charles Sprague Hall, and anonymous writers; and from these developed variants beyond recall. The hymn had become a war ballad of widest popularity; but the ballad was to be rehabilitated as a hymn again. This occurred when Julia Ward Howe, one of a party to visit the Army of the Potomac in December, 1861, was ur
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Index (search)
nts of geography (Morse), 401 Elements of political economy (Newman), 434 Elements of political economy (Perry), 435 Elements of political economy (Raymond), 431 Elements of political economy (Wayland), 434 Elfin knight, the, 507 El Gringo, 132 Eliot, Chas. W., 177, 239, 354, 417 Eliot, Jared, 427 Eliot, John, 389, 575 Ellet, Charles, Jr., 434 Elliott, A. Marshall, 459 Elliott, Maxine, 283 Elliott, T. C., 137 Ellis, A. J., 462 Ellis, Edward S., 66 Ellsworth, 496 Elsie Venner, 306, 416 Ely, R. T., 442 Emerson, E. W., 306 n. Emerson, R. W., 12, 34, 47, 99, 100, 109, 112, 113, 115, 118, 120, 121, 122, 26, 127, 248, 249, 254, 258, 305, 306, 415, 417, 452, 472, 488, 523, 530, 550, 570 Emerson's magazine, 314 Emigrant's guide to the Gold Mines, the, 145 Emigration and immigration, 442 Emmett, Dan D., 495 Emmy Lou, 420 Emory, W. H., 144, 153 Enamoured Architect of Airy rhyme, 37 Encyclopedia of the philosophical sciences, t
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 19: the Tribune continues. (search)
s of the Tribune, pausing, here and there, when something of interest respecting its editor catches our eye. Greeley and McElrath, we observe, are engaged, somewhat extensively, in the business of publishing books. The Whig almanac appears every year, and sells from fifteen to twenty thousand copies. It contains statistics without end, and much literature of what may be called the Franklin School—short, practical articles on agriculture, economy, and morals. Travels on the Prairies, Ellsworth's Agricultural Geology, Lardner's lectures, Life and speeches of Henry Clay, Tracts on the Tariff by Horace Greeley, The farmers' library, are among the works published by Greeley and McElrath in the years 1843 and 1844. The business was not profitable, I believe, and gradually the firm relinquished all their publications, except only the Tribune and Almanac. September 1st, 1843, the Evening Tribune began; the Semi-Weekly, May 17th, 1845. Carlyle's Past and Present, one of the three o
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 2 (search)
to Alexandria, situate on the right bank of the Potomac, and four or five miles below Washington. The city of Alexandria, and the Heights of Arlington, opposite Washington, with the intermediate connecting points, were seized without opposition. A few troopers, that held the town as an outpost of the force at Manassas, were captured; the remainder galloped off to bear the weighty tidings. The bloodless initiation of operations was beclouded by but one event, the murder of the young Colonel Ellsworth, of the Fire Zouaves, who was shot by a citizen within a hotel of the town of Alexandria, while bearing away a Confederate flag, which he had hauled down from the cupola of the building. Powerful earthworks, as tetes-de-pont to the Long Bridge and Aqueduct, were immediately constructed by the engineers; and forts were laid out to cover the approaches to Alexandria and Arlington. These formed the initiation of the system of Defences of Washington. Barnard: Report of Engineer Operat
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
forcements to Sheridan, 593. Dufour on army corps, 64; on passage of the Adda by Prince Eugene, 416. Early attacked before Fort Stevens, and driven, 527; advances towards Washington, 527; burned Baltimere and Ohio Railroad viaduct, 527; retired across the Potomac, 527; expedition at Frederick, Maryland, via Hagerstown, 526; operations in the Shenandoah Valley, 554; at battle of Winchester, 556: at battle of Cedar Creek, 561; address to army after his defeat at Middletown, 563. Ellsworth, Colonel, shot at Alexandria, Virginia, 30. Emmettsburg, see Gettysburg. Ewell rejoined Jackson after defeat of Bristoe Station, 180; advances into Maryland and Pennsylvania, 319; at Chambersburg, Carlisle, Gettysburg, and York, 320; at Mine Run, 391; his corps captured at Sailor's Creek, 610. Exterior line, the Federal, in Virginia, 44. Fairfax Courthouse abandoned by Confederates, 47. Fair Oaks, the battle of, 128; Confederate report of—Johnston's reasons for attack, 131; battl
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1855. (search)
n the school for thorough work. On April 20, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Charlestown City Guards, Captain Boyd, Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Militia, commanded by Colonel Samuel C. Lawrence, and the next morning left Boston for Washington. On May 8th he was commissioned Regimental Paymaster, with the rank of First Lieutenant, which office was abolished in the service after the return of the three months men. He entered Alexandria, Virginia, with the Fifth, at the time when Colonel Ellsworth was killed. After the battle of Bull Run, he carried Colonel Lawrence, who had been wounded, from the field to Centreville. On July 30, 1861, he returned to Boston with his regiment; but being determined to see the thing through, as he expressed it, he obtained a commission on August 20, 1861, as Adjutant of the Eighteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. On January 31, 1862, at one o'clock in the morning, he died, at Hall's Hill, near Alexandria, Virginia, of typhoid fever, con
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
Dwight, Howard, Capt., Memoir, 1. 358-369. Dwight, John, I. 252. Dwight, S., II. 374. Dwight, Wilder, Major, Memoir, I. 252-272. Also, I. 363, 364;, 365; II. 24, 136;. Dwight, William, I. 252, 358;. Dwight, William, Jr., Brig.-Gen., I. 143,366 II. 282, 398;, 399, 404. E. Eells, J. H., Rev., I. 389. Eells, Maria A., I. 389. Eells, S. H., Asst.-Surg., Memoir, I. 389-394. Eliot, Samuel, I. 409. Eliot, W. G., Rev. Dr., I. 418. Ellis, Rufus, Rev., I. 151. Ellsworth, E. E., Col., I. 328. Emerson, G. B., I. 24. Emerson, George S., I. 96. Emerson, John, Capt., II. 229, 230;. Emerson, Jonathan, II. 230. Emerson, N. F., II. 229. Emerson, R. W., I. 57, 86;, 99, 282, 353. Emerson, S., II. 230. Emerson, S. G., Memoir, II. 229-233. Emory, W. H., Maj.-Gen., I. 64, 67;, 71. Endioott, W. C., II. 2. Engley, W. F., II. 235. Erving, John, I. 351. Erving, Langdon, 1. 351. Estes, Private, I. 250, 251;. Everett, Edward, I.
1851 Wood to be taken from Dorchester 20 years, 1632 Cut for fuel on Roxbury Neck, 1632 Wood Stands are at the market-place, 1800 One on Merrimac street, 1824 Removed from Bowdoin square, 1832 Workingmen A great gathering on the Common, Jan. 19, 1878 Workhouse The town had one, 1686 One occupied near the Granary, 1737 Had fifty-five inmates, 1741 Sold at auction, and removed, 1795 See the Almshouse, Wrecked passengers on City of Washington, 150 at Eastern Depot, July 12, 1873 Wrestling matches become frequent and popular, 1876 Owens and MeLaughlin, at Music Hall, Dec. 27, 1876 Owens and Murphy, at Music Hall, Sep. 21, 1877 Y. Yellow Fever prevailed in Boston, July, 1798 Again prevailed in town, Aug., 1819 A few cases in the City, Aug., 1822 One case in Richmond street, Oct. 12, 1870 Creates considerable alarm in Boston, July, 1879 Z. Zouaves, Ellsworth drill on Boston Common, July 21, 1860
69 Water Registrars, 169 Wax Figures, 169 Webster, Daniel 169 Webster, Edward, Col. 169 Webster, Fletcher 169 Webster, John W 169 Webster Garden, 170 Wells, John 170 Wells, John D., Col 170 Weston, Pedestrian 170 West Point Cadets, 170 Weights and Measures, 170 West Street Gate, 170 Whipped, 170, 171 Whipping-Post, 171 Whig and Tory, 171 Whitefield, Rev. George 171 Widows, 171 Wilkes, Commodore 171 Wild Geese, 171 Wilson, John, Rev. 171 Window Glass, 171 Wine, 171 Witchcraft, 172 Winslow, 172 Wolves, 172 Women Vote, 172 Woodhull, Victoria 172 Wool, Gen. John E. 172 Wood (Fuel) 172 Wood Stands, 172 Workingmen, 172 Workhouse, 172 Wrecked Passengers, 172 Wrestling Matches, 172 Y. Yellow Fever, 173 Z. Zouaves, Ellsworth 173 Appendix. Boston Topography, 1630, 175-178 Boston Old Highways, 1708, 179-189 Boston Nomenclature of Sts. 190-206 Boston Wharves, 1820, 207, 208
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States. (search)
ave acquired it in a form so complete and so favorable for assimilation to our institutions as by the cession of 803. In the fall of 1799, the French Revolution had assumed the phase which made Napoleon First Consul of France. He found France engaged in needless hostilities with the United States. He at once determined upon. a policy of conciliation, and appointed his brother Joseph Bonaparte at the head of a commission to treat with the newly arrived American commissioners, Murray, Ellsworth and Davie. The result was the treaty of Morfontaine, September 30, 1800, and the establishment of friendly relations. The election of Jefferson speedily followed, and Napoleon had the satisfaction of seeing the administration of American affairs pass into the hands of a political party deemed friendly to France. Let us recount the events which led to these results. Napoleon had taken Talleyrand into his cabinet, and Talleyrand had a bobby: the recovery of Louisiana, and its organizat