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General Assembly of Virginia.Senate. Friday, March 28th, 1862. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock A. M. the President in the chair. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Doggett, of the M. H. Church. Report of Committee. Mr. Conrad, from the Committee on Military affairs, reported a joint resolution, authorizing the purchase of one of Stewart's sight adjusters, for the use of the army. Resolution. By Mr. Christian, of Augusta: Resolved, That the use of this chamber be tendered to the Confederate Senate during the recess of the State Senate, after the close of the present session. Bills passed. Authorizing the County Court of Brunswick to impasse a tax on dogs. Appropriating $5,000 to repair the road from Saltville to Tazewell C. H. Prescribing penalties against the illegal assessment and collection of taxes [Providing that any person holding office under, any other than the existing government of this State who shall make such collection or as
The Daily Dispatch: March 31, 1862., [Electronic resource], [correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch] (search)
General Assembly of Virginia. Senate. Saturday, March 28, 1862. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock A. M. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Doggett, of the M. E. Church. The several amendments of the House of Delegates to "a bill providing for a stay law" were considered and agreed to. Bills reported. Bill to amend an act cor ceraing ferries in the counties of Russell and Wise. Bill to mend and re-enses the 634 ordinance of the Convention, authorizing banks to change their places of business. Mr. Carson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported the following-bill: merd and re-enact the 39th section of an act entitled "an act to reduce into one all acts and parts of acts, and joint resolutions, for raising troops for the defence of the State, for enrolling and embodying the militia, calling for disfis and collecting he arms of the State, passed at the present session of the General Assembly" The same committee, having had under consid
to co-operate with the committees provided for by them in the object of this meeting, and pledging the cordial action of the city and its people in all which can promote the well-being and comfort of the wounded soldiers. The Mayor appointed the following gentlemen as the committee provided for by the resolution: Committee to Wait on citizens. Jefferson Ward--Rev. J. B. Solomon, A. Y. Stokee, W. Holt Richardson, Rev. J. W. Michelbacker. Madison Ward--Rev. J. L Burrows, Rev D S Doggett, R. R. Harrison, J B Watkins. Monroe Ward--Rev. J. Peterkin, Rev. J. V. Moore, J R Tucker, W H Lyons. Committee of arrangements. John D. Harvey, John Enders, Isaac W Walker, J. H. Martin Jullas A Hobson, Bolling W. Hexall. John W McKeel, Lewis H Frays A. B. Wells Chas Bates, Wm M Su ton, John H Doswell, John H Pleasants, R. J. Christian, Samuel B. Smith, Geo. Gwathmey, M cellas Starge, Miles Turpin, H K Ellyson, Thos U Dudley. On motion, the meeting adjourned.
by 13 ayes, 8 nors. Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill, in accordance with the design of a resolution to them referred, repeating the act commutation for clothing to non-commissioned officers and privates, and providing that all clothing shall hereafter be furnished by the Government. The bill was placed on the calendar. The Senate then adjourned. House of Representatives --The House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Doggett. Mr. Collier, of Va., offered a joint resolution rendering thanks to Commander W. E. Lynch for gallant and meritorious conduct at Aquia Creek, Roanoke Island, &c. Referred to Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Curry, of Ala, presented a memorial from the officers of Union Theological Seminary, Alabama, asking the exemption of theological students from military service. Referred to Military Committee. Mr. Kennan, of Ga, introduced a bid to create and abolish certain offices,
A discussion ensued, in which Messrs. Haynes and Hunter advocated the exemption of justices — The debate was then extended, and resulted in some sparring between members, which profited no the and resulted in nothing. A message from the President, in answer to a resolution, announced that the Executive had no information of the hanging of soldiers without trial. Ordered to be printed. The Senate adjourned. House of Representatives.--House met at 12 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Doggett. The Chair said. that the unfinished business before the House for the morning hour was the resolution introduced a few days since by Mr. Ashe, of N. C., as follows: Resolved, That the President be requested to communicate to the House the estimated amount required to be appropriated to meet claims upon the Confederate Government for vessels and other property seized by the naval and military authorizes for the use of the Government. The resolution was taken up and passe
wspapers, was amended by adding "having at least 500 bona fide subscribers." Mr. Hill, of Ga., moved to amend the bill by striking out the clause exempting "ministers of the Gospel." Negatived — yeas 5, Nays 17 Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Burnett, Brown, Clark, Hill, and Lewis. Pending the further consideration of the subject On motion of Mr. Dortch, the Senate adjourned' House of Representatives. --The House met at 12 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Doggett. The Chair announced the business of the morning, the special order for the morning hour, being the bill introduced by the gentleman from Virginia, (Mr. Russell, of the Judiciary Committee.) in relation to the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. Mr. Jones, of Tenn., moved to postpone the bill, with a to continue the call of the States, and the motion prevailed, and the consideration of the bill was postponed. Mr. Russell then moved that the bill be made the special
on each plantation cultivated exclusively by negro labor, and owned by any person in the civil or military service of the Confederate States, or any minor, or widow, or unmarried women, or person not of sane mind." Mr. Preston moved to strike out "by any person in civil service." Agreed to. Pending the consideration of the amendment offered by Mr. Sparrow, on motion, the Senate adjourned to meet on Friday. House of Representatives.--The House met at 12 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Doggett. Mr. Lyons, of Va., offered a resolution, as follows: The President having recommended that the 18th day of this month be set apart as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God for the victories which have blessed our arms: Therefore, Resolved, That this House, sympathizing fully and cordially with the President in the motives which prompted that recommendation, will comply with it, and when it adjourns to-day will adjourn until Friday, the 19th of this month. This resol
Appointments for Richmond. --The appointments for the ensuing year of the Methodist Episcopal Conference convened at Petersburg, were made yesterday. The following are for Richmond: Dr. Doggett, returned to the Broad Street Church; Rev. Geo W. Langhorne to Centenary Church; Rev. John E. Edwards to Trinity Church; Rev. W. H. Christian to Union Hill; Rev. C. H. Pierson to Clay Street-Church; and Rev. J. A Duncan appointed editor of the Richmond Christian Advocate
nment are in violation of the plainest provisions of the Constitution, are destructive of the most sacred rights of the citizen, and an unwa table breach of the faith of the Government to the citizens thereof, and therefore, void. " reported a bill to authorize the appointment of two Assistants to the , with equal to those of the chief in the establishment. Passed. The Senate went into secret session. House of Representatives.--The House met at 12 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Doggett. The Chair laid before the House a communication from the President, transmitting the report of Col. with reference to atrocities of Gen. Milroy in Western Virginia, in response to a resolution of the House adopted last week. The and report were laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. The resolution of Mr. Lyons, which was undecided on Saturday, was taken up, but not agreed to. Mr. Staples, of Va., submitted a resolution to inquire into the expediency of exempti
lution to grant to the principal officer of each executive department, a sent upon the floor of Congress, with a privilege of discussing any matters pertaining to his department. Referred to the Committee of the Judiciary. Mr. Wigfall introduced a bill to place hospitals under military control. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The Senate then went into secret session. House of Representatives.--House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Doggett. The Chair laid before the House a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting resolutions adopted by the Legislatures of Alabama and South Carolina in relation to guaranteeing the war debt — referred to Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. Miles, of South Carolina, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill entitled "An act to declare what persons shall be exempt from military service." Postponed, and made the special order for to-morrow at 1 o'clo