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Doc. 1.-the invasion of Pennsylvania. Colonel A. K. McClure's letter. Chambersburgh, Pa., October--, 1862. I have had a taste of rebel rule; and, although not so bad as it might have been, my rather moderate love of adventure would not invite a repetition of it. I reached here on Friday evening to fill several political appointments in the county; and, when I got off the cars, the telegraphic operator called me aside, and informed me that he had a report from Greencastle, of the rebels entering Mercersburgh. We agreed that it was preposterous, and thought it best not to make the report public and alarm our people needlessly. I supposed that a few cavalry had crossed the Potomac to forage somewhere on the route leading to Mercersburgh, but never, for a moment, credited their advent into that place. I came home, and after tea returned to the telegraph-office to ascertain whether the rebels had been over the Potomac at any point, and I was there met by two reliable men,
Doc. 2.-General McClellan's report of the operations after the evacuation of Harrison's Landing. headquarters army of the Potomac, October 15, 1862. General: I have the honor to submit a preliminary report of the military operations under my charge since the evacuation of Harrison's Landing. The measure directed by the General-in-Chief was executed successfully with entire safety to my command and its material, between the fourteenth and nineteenth of August. The line of withdrawal selected was that of the mouth of the Chickahominy, Williamsburgh, and Yorktown. Upon this line the main body of the army with all its trains was moved, Heintzelman's corps crossing the Chickahominy at Jones's Bridge, and covering by its march the movement of the main column. The passage of the Lower Chickahominy was effected by means of a batteau bridge two thousand feet in length. The transfer of the army to Yorktown was completed by the nineteenth of August. The embarkation of the troo
Doc. 3.-proclamation of Gov. Letcher. By the Governor of Virginia. A proclamation. Under authority of an act passed on the first day of the present month, (October,) I, John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do hereby proclaim the regulation hereto annexed as having been adopted by me, and to be obligatory upon all persons and corporations coming within their purview from the date hereof. Given under my hand as Governor and under L. S. the seal of the Commonwealth this tenth day of October, 1862, and in the eighty-seventh year of the Commonwealth. John Letcher. By the Governor. George W. Munford, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Regulations for obtaining possession of salt in this commonwealth for distribution to the people. Prescribed by the Governor under the act to provide for the production, distribution and sale of salt in this Commonwealth. Passed October first, 1862. 1. No railroad, canal, or other internal improvement company in this
Doc. 4.-Christening the Palmetto State. Richmond Whig account. Richmond, Oct. 17, 1862. on Saturday last the gunboat Palmetto State, built at Charleston, mainly through the efforts and offerings of the women of South-Carolina, was formally named and dedicated. We copy from our exchanges the following account of the proceedings: All places affording a view of the boat and of the site of the ceremonial were thronged at an early hour, and a large proportion of the spectators were of the fair sex. At an early stage of the proceedings General Beauregard and staff, and Brig.-General Gist and staff, arrived and took position on the upper deck, which, being elevated some distance above the surrounding wharves, formed the rostrum for the occasion. As the hero of Sumter, Manassas and Shiloh stepped upon the gangway and came within view of the assembled throng, he was welcomed with hearty and long continued cheers. At the appointed hour, the exercises were opened with
Doc. 5.-the escape of General Stuart. Official report of General Pleasanton. Frederick, Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1862. the following are the main features of the report of Gen. Pleasanton, relative to the rebel raid into Pennsylvania: On Saturday morning, (October eleventh,) at four o'clock, he received orders to start with his command, and was soon en route for Hagerstown, arriving there about eleven o'clock. There he was informed that the rebels were moving in the direction of Mercersburgh. He started toward Clear Spring, on the Hancock road, to intercept them. He had proceeded four miles, when he was ordered to halt, by a despatch from headquarters. At half-past 1 o'clock P. M., he was ordered to move to Mechanicstown via Cavertown and Harrison's Gap, and sent patrols to Emmettsburgh and Gettysburgh to obtain information of the enemy. He arrived at Mechanicstown at half-past 8 o'clock P. M. At half-past 12 o'clock A. M. he sent scouts in the direction of Midd
Doc. 6.-expedition to Jacksonville, Fla. Report of Brig.-General Brannan. headquarters expedition to St. John's River, steamship Ben Deford, Oct. 13, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel W. P. Prentice, Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of the South, Hilton Head, S. C.: Colonel: In accordance with orders received from headquarters, Department of the South, I assumed command of the following forces, intended to operate against the rebel batteries at St. John's Bluff, and such other parts of the St. John's River as should contain rebel works: Forty-seventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Col. T. H. Good, effective strength, 825; Seventh regiment Connecticut volunteers, Col. Jos. Hawley, effective strength, 647; section of First Connecticut light battery, Lieut. Cannon, effective strength, 41 ; detachment of First Massachusetts cavalry, Captain Case, effective strength, 60: total, 1573. The expedition left Hilton Head, S. C., on the afternoon of the thirtieth of September, 18
Doc. 7.-the operations in Texas. Rear-Admiral Farragut's report. flag-ship Hartford, Pensacola Bay, October 15, 1862. sir: I am happy to inform you that Galveston, Corpus Christi, and Sabine City, and the adjacent waters, are now in our possession. A short time since I sent down the coast of Texas a volunteer lieutenant, J. W. Kittredge, with the bark Arthur, the little steamer Sachem, and a launch, with which force he said he would take Corpus Christi and the waters adjacent, from whence we heard of so many small craft running to Havana. He succeeded very well, took the place, made several captures, and compelled the enemy to burn several of their vessels ; but on one occasion, venturing on shore with his small boat, he was surrounded and taken prisoner and carried to Houston, where they paroled him on condition that he should go North and not serve until regularly exchanged. He returned here in the Arthur, and I shall send him North in the Rhode Island. I next
Doc. 8-the wants of the rebel army. Appeal of Governor Vance to the people of North-Carolina. after the most strenuous exertions on the part of its officers, the State finds it impossible to clothe and shoe our soldiers without again appealing to that overflowing fountain of generosity — the private contributions of our people. The rigors of winter are approaching, our soldiers are already suffering, and must suffer more if our sympathies are not practical and active. The quartermaster's department is laboring faithfully to provide for them; but owing to speculation and extortion, will fall short. The deficiency must be supplied by the people. We shall have an active winter campaign, and how can our troops, if ragged, cold, and barefoot, contend with the splendidly equipped columns of the enemy? The articles most needed, and which the State finds it most difficult to supply, are shoes, socks, and blankets, though drawers, shirts, and pants would be gladly received.
Doc. 9.-General Stahel's reconnoissance. Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Sackett. headquarters Ninth New-York cavalry, Centreville, Va., October 19, 1862. Brigadier-General Stahel, Commanding First Division Eleventh Army Corps: sir: In accordance with orders received from headquarters First division at ten o'clock A. M., October fifteenth, I marched to Chantilly, and sent a patrol under Capt. Ayres through Frying Pan toward Leesburgh. I then advanced with my main force on Little River turnpike to Green Springs Cross-Roads, and sent Captain Hanley to Aldie to join the picket who had sent for reenforcements. As per order, I remained here in command of the Ninth New-York and First New-Jersey cavalry until the morning of the sixteenth instant. At one o'clock A. M., Captain Ayres returned with his detachment, having patrolled the country thoroughly to within three miles of Leesburgh, but found nothing of the enemy. About nine o'clock on the morning of the sixteenth instant,
Doc. 10.-execution of Porter's guerrillas. Palmyra (Mo.) courier account. Saturday last, the eighteenth of October, witnessed the performance of a tragedy in this once quiet and beautiful city of Palmyra, which, in ordinarily peaceful times, would have created a profound sensation throughout the entire country, but which now scarcely produces a distinct ripple on the surface of our turbulent social life. It will be remembered by the reader that on the occasion of Porter's descent upon Palmyra, he captured, among other persons, an old and highly respected resident of this city, by name Andrew Allsman. This person formerly belonged to the Third Missouri cavalry, though too old to endure all the hardships of very active duty. He was therefore detailed as a kind of special or extra provost-marshal's guard or cicerone, making himself generally useful in a variety of ways to the military of the place. Being an old resident, and widely acquainted with the people of the pla