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s here was but another example of Lee's favorite rule to let his antagonist attack him on the further side of a stream. Taylor's Bridge could easily have been held by Lee for a much longer time, but its ready abandonment was part of the tactics by which Grant was being led into a military dilemma. In the picture the Federal soldiers confidently hold the captured redoubt, convinced that the possession of it meant that they had driven Lee to his last corner. severe, the killed including General Daniel and General Perrin, while Generals Walker, Ramseur, R. D. Johnston, and McGowan were severely wounded. In addition to the loss of these important commanders, Lee was further crippled in efficient commanders by the capture of Generals Edward Johnson and Steuart. The Union loss in high officers was light, excepting General Sedgwick on the 9th. General Webb was wounded, and Colonel Coon, of the Second Corps, was killed. Lee's forces had been handled with such consummate skill as to mak
Confed., Stuart's Cav. Losses: Union, 40 killed, 150 wounded; Confed., 30 killed, 150 wounded. May 8-18, 1864: Spotsylvania, Fredericksburg Road, Laurel Hill, and Ny River, Va. Union, Army of the Potomac, Maj.-Gen. Meade; Confed., Army of Northern Virginia, Gen. R. E. Lee. Losses: Union, 2725 killed, 13,416 wounded, 2258 missing; Confed., 1000 killed, 5000 wounded, 3000 missing; Union, Maj.-Gen. Sedgwick and Brig.-Gens. Rice and Stevenson killed; Confed. Gens. Daniel and Perrin killed; Maj.-Gen. Ed. Johnson and Brig.-Gen. Steuart captured. May 9, 1864: Varnell's Station, Ga. Union, First Div. McCook's Cav.; Confed., Wheeler's Cav. Losses: Union, 4 killed, 25 wounded, 100 captured. May 9-10, 1864: swift Creek or Arrowfield Church, Va. Union, Tenth and Eighteenth Corps, Army of the James; Confed., Gen. Beauregard's command. Losses: Union, 90 killed, 400 wounded; Confed., 500 killed, wounded, and missing. May 9-10, 18
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Major-General Samuel Jones of operations at Charleston, South Carolina, from December 5th to 27th, 1864. (search)
eorgia regiments, the Seventh North Carolina battalion, and the battalion of South Carolina cadets, all under the immediate command of Colonel Edwards, occupied the left; the Fifth Georgia regiment, the First and Third Georgia reserves, under Colonel Daniel, the right. It was reported that General Gartrell was .slightly wounded, by a fragment of a shell, before he reached the field. The German artillery, Captain Bachman, rendered very efficient service on the left, as was proved by the numbe the left of my line of battle. Our skirmishers drove the enemy vigorously until the right of the line became engaged with the enemy's line of battle, our left at the same time overlapping his right. This position was maintained until after Colonel Daniel's demonstration on my right, when the enemy made new dispositions on and extending beyond my left. It becoming apparent that the enemy's force considerably outnumbered mine, which consisted largely of raw troops, it was deemed impracticable
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 16: Gettysburg: the first day (search)
Ewell. Reorganized, the army stood as follows: — 1ST corps. Longstreet DIVISIONSSTRENGTHBRIGADE COMMANDERBATTS.guns McLaws7,311 Kershaw, Barksdale, Semmes, Wofford Pickett5,200 Garnett, Kemper, Armistead Hood7,720 Law, Robertson, Anderson, G. T. Benning Arty. Battns.1,000 Cabell, Dearing, Henry, Walton, Alexander2184 Totals21,231 11 Brigades, 5 Battns. Arty.2184 2D corps. Ewell Early6,943 Hays, Smith, Hoke, Gordon Johnson5,564 Stuart, Walker, Nichols, Jones Rodes8,454 Daniel, Doles, Iverson, Ramseur, O'Neal Arty. Battns.1,000 Jones, Latimer, Carter, Brown, Nelson2184 Totals21,961 13 Brigades, 5 Battns. Arty.2184 3D corps. A. P. Hill Anderson7,440Wilcox, Wright, Mahone, Perry, Posey Heth7,500Pettigrew, Brockenbrough, Archer, Davis Pender6,800Perrin, Lane, Thomas, Scales Arty. Battns.1,000Lane, Garnett, Poague, McIntosh, Pegram2080 Totals22,740 13 Brigades, 5 Battns. Arty.2080 65,932 3 Corps, 9 Divisions, 37 Brigades, 15 Battns. Arty.62248 Stua
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 18: Gettysburg: third day (search)
2327 Hood's Div.3431,5044422,289 Alexander's Arty.191146139 Washington Arty.3261645 Reserve Arty.2214022184 Aggregate 1st Corps9104,3392,2907,539 Hays3620176313 Hoke3521694345 Smith1211317142 Gordon7127039380 Jones's Arty.268 Early's Div.1568062261,188 Steuart83409190682 Nichols4330936388 Stonewall3520887330 Jones5830261421 Latimer's Arty.104050 Johnson's Div.2291,2693751,873 Confederate casualties. Gettysburg. Approximate by brigades COMMANDSKILLEDWOUNDEDMISSINGTOTAL Daniel165635116916 Iverson130328308820 Doles2412431179 Ramseur2312232177 O'Neal73430193696 Carter's Arty.6352465 Rodes's Div.4211,7287042,853 Brown's Arty.31922 Nelson's Arty. Reserve Arty.31922 2d Corps8093,8231,3055,937 Wilcox51469257777 Mahone85539102 Wright4095333668 Perry33217205455 Posey127183 Lane's Arty.321630 Anderson's Div.1471,1288402,115 Pettigrew1909151,105 Brockenbrough251 123148 Archer16144517677 Davis180717897 Garnett's Arty.51722 Heth's Div.4111,9055342,850
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 20: battle of the Wilderness (search)
54 Guns FieldJenkinsAndersonLawGregg Benning 2D corps. Ewell, Early EarlyHaysPegramGordonJohnstonLong 70 Guns JohnsonWalker, Jr.SteuartJonesStafford RodesDanielRamseurDolesBattle 3D corps. Hill Anderson, R. H.PerrinMahoneHarrisWrightWalker, L. Perry HethDavisKirklandCookeWalker, H. A.80 Guns Archer WilcoxLaneMcGowae of the captured guns upon them. But the fugitives, falling back, soon met reenforcements coming from the brigades of Johnston and Gordon on the right, and from Daniel and Ramseur on the left, who attacked them with great spirit. The pursuers were utterly disorganized, as, indeed, was almost the whole of Hancock's corps, and ts. Wright, Webb, and Carroll were wounded. The Confederate losses, Humphreys estimates as between 4000 and 5000 killed and wounded and 4000 prisoners. We had: Gens. Daniel and Perrin killed; James A. Walker, R. D. Johnston, Mc-Gowan, and Ramseur severely wounded; Edward Johnson and George A. Steuart captured. One feature of the
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
rsonality, 48-50; plans for the Army of the West, 49; attitude of the Blair family toward, 49; purchases arms in Europe, 50; vacillation, 50; takes the field in central Missouri, 51; dogmatic orders by, 52; relieved from command of Department of the Mississippi, 54; system of administration in Missouri, 56, 96; proposed dictatorship for, 86; factional troubles under his administration, 95 French Broad River, the, military movements on, 115 Fright on the battle-field, 45 Frost, Brig.-Gen. Daniel M., surrenders Camp Jackson to Lyon, 36 Fugitive slaves. See slavery. Fullerton, Lieut.-Col. Joseph S., battle of Nashville, 263; supports S. in the Thomas dispute, 297 G Gallantry in action, 182 Gamble, Hamilton R., governor of Missouri, 31, 54; character, 54, 55; attitude on slavery and confiscation, 54, 58, 71 et seq.; raises special State militia, 55, 54; F. P. Blair's views as to his authority over the militia, 60; factional leader in Missouri, 69; antagonism betwe
ments, so as to conform to the Brigade organization, and appointed Dunnington, late Captain of my flag-ship, the Colonel of one of them, and Johnston, late Captain of the Richmond, Colonel of the other. My youngest son, who had been a midshipman on board the School-ship at Richmond, and who had retreated thence with the School, on the night before the surrender, was ordered by Captain Lee to report to me, and I assigned him to a position on my staff, with the rank of a second lieutenant. Mr. Daniel, my secretary, became my other aide de-camp, and Captain Butt, late commander of the Nansemond, was appointed Assistant Adjutant-General. We remained in the trenches before Danville ten days; and anxious, and weary days they were. Raiding parties were careering around us in various directions, robbing and maltreating the inhabitants, but none of the thieves ventured within reach of our guns. Lee abandoned his lines, on the 3d of April, and surrendered his army, or the small remnant th
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 5 (search)
, and report the facts to these headquarters. General Sykes has been ordered up from Hanover to Gettysburg, and General Slocum from Littlestown, and General Hancock's Corps from here. The whole army is there (Gettysburg), or under way for that point. The General desires you to report here in person, without delay, the moment you receive this; he is waiting to see you before going to the front. The trains will all go to Westminster and Union Bridge, as ordered. Very respectfully, etc., Daniel. Butterfield, Maj. General, Chief of Staff. Official: S. Williams, A. A. G. At the same time the commanding general sent orders to the provost marshal and others to collect all stragglers and send them to the front. The trains were all sent back to Westminster, and guarded by the engineer battalion and other infantry of the army. It had been for some hours, as evidenced by the preceding orders and dispositions, a fixed fact in the mind of the commanding general that the battle would
nd line to Tulafinny Trestle. German Light Artillery107Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. Girardy's Battery111Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. Young's Dismounted Cavalry387Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. Colonel Daniel, Commanding. 5th Georgia RegimentColonel Daniel231Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. 1st Georgia Reserves170Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. Section of Girardy's Battery34Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. Colonel Daniel231Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. 1st Georgia Reserves170Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. Section of Girardy's Battery34Coosawhatchie and line to Tulafinny Trestle. Major Jenkins, Commanding. Company A, Siege-trainCaptain Webb54Old Pocotaligo. Detachment 1st South Carolina CavalryCapt. Trezvant130Old Pocotaligo. Detachment 1st South Carolina CavalryCaptain Brown32Old Pocotaligo. Kirk's SquadronCaptain Kirk107Old Pocotaligo. —— Total3838 Reserves.Militia.Confederates. 46524304 40612291 — 37636125 Cadets. 301387 Dismounted Cavalry. 170231 ——— 10131338 Cavalry.Artillery.636 321681013 —— 661072987 Infantry. 10111420 Artillery.