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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 426 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 8 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 6 0 Browse Search
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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 2: education (search)
s honored president, it makes it clear that Charles Dana was even at that early day no ordinary persequently many a pair of good eyes were ruined. Dana's, which from his studious habits must have alwheld together for several years is evident from Dana's correspondence with James Barrett, who was atted for correspondence which casts a light upon Dana's plans and mental development. On April 1, er he had been at Cambridge nearly a half-year, Dana wrote to Dr. Flint: For my part, I am in e highest sense a theist. On March 4, 1840, Dana wrote from Lancaster, New Hampshire, to James Bmy door with the president wishes to see you, Mr. Dana, and not one of those cursed bores seeking wh necessity of my going away to teach school. Mr. Dana the poet begins next week a course of literatelligence I have you shall have the benefit. Mr. Dana, the poet, is now delivering a course of lecto hear them say, are beautiful and profound. Mr. Dana is a disciple of Coleridge in philosophy. Dr[7 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 3: community life (search)
n to his sister, the exact reasons which caused Dana to join the Brook Farm Association must remain ch an important bearing upon the development of Dana's character, let me quote further from his corry Dr. Ripley; but in this as in everything else Dana seems to have been his principal assistant and forward. So far as I am able to ascertain, Dana did not bring forward his method of freeing com of time. Among other notable articles which Dana contributed to the Harbinger is one on the univs Jeannette L. Gilder, and published in 1886. Mr. Dana's selections were Eternity, Herzliebste, and ons. In due time she won the admiration of Charles Dana, who offered her his heart and hand with al, and satisfactorily accounts for the fact that Dana was not at the fire. With their lives linked b After the failure of Brook Farm had deprived Dana of steady occupation, he sought and obtained clurnalistic experience. It has been seen that Dana had already made the acquaintance of Horace Gre[18 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 4: in active journalism (search)
r than president. In this epigrammatic opinion Dana's insight had made him prophetic, while in othel measures of reform. In this correspondence Dana charges the conservative or bourgeois party witndividuals cannot tower above them. And yet Dana continued to attend the Assembly and to report portant historical epoch than that furnished by Dana to the Tribune. However much one may feel dispostance or time. So far as one can judge from Dana's analysis of the speeches and the newspaper dimajorities. The event was full of interest to Dana, and he made haste to report and comment upon iphecy. In connection with a previous remark of Dana's, that Louis Napoleon would rather have the emwith Louis Napoleon's election to the Assembly, Dana calls attention to the fact that the vote actuis Napoleon's first appearance in the Assembly, Dana says: He was instantly the sole object of a definitive if not a permanent government. Dana, while faithfully reporting the final result to[23 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 5: political studies abroad (search)
Chapter 5: political studies abroad Dana visits Berlin Republican movement in Germany aa republican government, they had not yet, says Dana, adopted the absurd idea that German nationaliten under German authority. Here, as in France, Dana, speaking their language fluently, and mixing wjority in the proportion of five votes to two. Dana attributes this extraordinary result to the refs, workshops, places of amusement, and streets, Dana wrote seven letters to the Tribune in quick sucf letters far the most numerous and interesting Dana ever wrote, except those covering the Civil Warforgets disaster. And so it was always. If Dana appears to have been at times either a partisane terms of the law. It is worthy of notice that Dana visited a number of these aided associations atesire for fuller information, but unfortunately Dana's stay abroad was too short to permit an exhausdertaking from that day to this. And so far as Dana is concerned, these results only go to prove th[3 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 6: return to New York journalism (search)
ective tariff land reform Pacific Railroad Dana arrived at New York in March, 1849, by the stea so far as I can discover, it found no place in Dana's writings, and at no time received his approva and books of the day, without discovering that Dana was in many respects a stronger and more aggres nerve if not of courage. On the other hand, Dana: was never known to weaken in a fight, nor to aby those who knew these men at the time that to Dana much more than to Greeley was due the tremendourikes of the New York carpenters occurred, and Dana, notwithstanding his own recent strike for a hin of the public lands owned by the government. Dana's idea was that Congress should pass such laws national government. But neither Greeley nor Dana was content to rest the establishment of the co to bear in the discussion. In November, 1850, Dana wrote an editorial for the Tribune which may bee one class or the other. In his editorials Dana presented the fundamental arguments on which th[17 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 7: the shadow of slavery (search)
Chapter 7: the shadow of slavery Dana and Lincoln human Restlessness and divine Providicago Ericsson's caloric engine principles of Dana and Greeley the blue pencil It is said thatly settled by the war between the States. That Dana had ever heard of Lincoln at the time, or for me whole world. While Greeley was still abroad, Dana, under the caption of Human Restlessness and dit the fact that it was probably Greeley and not Dana who made even this small concession to the doctprinciples, there is nothing in it to show that Dana had yet become an abolitionist. From a letter state here that during all my association with Dana in the South, where we were constantly face to at Greeley, who was older and better known than Dana, was bitterly hated by the entire white populat of the Southern States for the presidency, and Dana his most powerful advocate. They stood side byrest, he came under the correcting influence of Dana's criticism. This is well illustrated by a let[11 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 8: declaration of principles (search)
ld lead to ruin, and that expenses must be reduced. Dana seems to have opposed cutting down the paper, but wainternal and external evidence, may be designated as Dana's: We have no special regard for any country bments to represent the paper in Washington, and thus Dana was left in actual charge during most of the year. halanx, and the sale of its property in New Jersey. Dana doubtless wrote the article commenting upon this evewn country. The great duty which henceforth claimed Dana's constant attention was that of limiting slavery toof a theoretical nature. It became the chief aim of Dana's life, the central subject of his thoughts and actiwhile Greeley was absent in Europe, were either from Dana's pen, or selected by him from the daily contributiose of this year the Tribune made a declaration which Dana repeated many years afterwards more than once in thesent day there is absolutely no proof to support it. Dana, who always exercised the most perfect independence
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 9: Dana's influence in the tribune (search)
d to reading the Bible. The next day he begged Dana's pardon for scolding about the omission of hismercy be sure to aim well. After commending Dana's editorial remarks on Benton and Lew Campbell eg for it. On February 6, 1856, he wrote to Dana: I had to meet Clayton last evening at Se his willingness to give up Washington whenever Dana might think it best, then desiring to stay longn August, therefore it is entirely certain that Dana had principal charge of the Tribune from early d yet, with all this confidence and enthusiasm, Dana was mistaken. He had worked as he had never wor had ever yet dared to hope for. Meanwhile, Dana and his friends of the Tribune were not cast doanagement of the Tribune, as before, largely in Dana's hands. Just what articles either wrote it woday. In a letter to Pike, September 1, 1859, Dana makes this entirely clear by the explicit declauents through a friendly interpretation. Under Dana's special guidance it had also come to be the l[11 more...]
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 10: last days with the tribune (search)
est Point, the criticism did but little harm to Dana or the book. It must be confessed, however, thto another and far more ambitious undertaking. Dana's indefatigable industry and wide range of readpartnership between Seward, Weed, and himself. Dana naturally favored his political aspirations, anertain as any unproven thing can be that it was Dana's brain which conceived it and Dana's hand thatDana's hand that wrote it. About the middle of May, 1861, the Tribune began to discuss the feasibility of a movemgreement, much less of a positive rupture, till Dana received notice at his desk that his services wd it upon. It is worthy of note, however, that Dana accepted his dismissal, unexpected as it certaiJohnson, one of the board of managers, wrote to Dana on May 27, 1865. In this letter he says: no light on public affairs. The fact is that Dana was for the most part of his life far too busy shot directed against the flag at Fort Sumter, Dana came out for war to the death. The Tribune als[34 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 5 (search)
delegations of youths from Brook Farm, then flourishing. Among these were George and Burrill Curtis, and Larned, with Charles Dana, late editor of the New York sun; all presentable and agreeable, but the first three peculiarly costumed. It was then it was said, an economical transformation of their sisters' skirts or petticoats. All the young men of this party except Dana wore these gay garments and bore on their heads little round and visorless caps with tassels. Mr. Perkins, whose attire was always defiantly plain, regarded these vanities with ill-concealed disapproval, but took greatly to Dana, who dressed like a well-to-do young farmer and was always handsome and manly. My uncle declared him to be full of sense and knowledge, and the others to be nonsensical creatures. Dana was indeed the best all-round man at Brook Farm, --a good teacher, editor, and farmer,--but was held not to be quite so zealous or unselfish for the faith as were some of the others. It was curious that