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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, I. April, 1861 (search)
s of dollars. This announcement was received with the wildest shouts of joy. Young men threw up their hats, and old men buttoned their coats and clapped their hands most vigorously. It was next hinted by some one who seemed to know something of the matter, that before another day elapsed, Harper's Ferry would fall into the hands of the secessionists. At night the enthusiasm increases in intensity, and no further opposition is to be apprehended from the influence of Tim Rives, Baldwin, Clemens, etc. etc. It was quite apparent, indeed, that if an ordinance of secession were passed by the new Convention, its validity would be recognized and acted upon by the majority of the people. But this would be a complication of the civil war, now the decree of fate. Perhaps the occurrence which has attracted most attention is the raising of the Southern flag on the capitol. It was hailed with the most deafening shouts of applause. But at a quiet hour of the night, the governor had it
The first sign of the beginning of an irreconcilable conflict between the sections was seen on December 20th. A resolution was offered (ostensibly as a compliment to the famous Irish temperance orator), that Theobald Mathew be permitted to sit within the bar of the Senate during the period of his sojourn in Washington. This resolution was favored by Mr. Seward and other Northern senators, but it was opposed by the Southern members, on the ground that Father Mathew, in the language of Senator Clemens, had been charged with denouncing one portion of the Confederacy as little better than a band of lawless pirates. Mr. Seward, in an insidious speech eulogizing Father Mathew's services as a temperance orator, ended by expressing the hope that the Senate would give evidence, by the unanimity with which they would pass the resolution, whether if slavery should be an error, or if it be a crime, if it be a sin, we deplore its existence among us, and deny the responsibility of its introd
y and utter collapse of the Confederacy — has received additional confirmation since that portion of this work was stereotyped, through an averment of Hon. Jere. Clemens, late U. S. Senator from Alabama, who, in a Union meeting held at the city of his residence, Huntsville, Ala., March 13, 1864, said: Before I declare this meeort Sumter's surrender, a public proclamation that the Rebels would have possession of Washington City within a month. He was an original Secessionist; while Senator Clemens, with most of the people of their county (Madison), clung to the Union, so long as they could with safety. That Mr. Clemens has fabricated such a statement wMr. Clemens has fabricated such a statement with regard to two of his neighbors, by whom it might so easily be refuted, if untrue, will hardly be suggested. V. The confidence of the Rebels--Russell on the capture of Washington. That the speedy capture and occupation of Washington by the Confederates were confidently anticipated by their chiefs, as among the earliest and
of 1850, 203; replies to Jeff. Davis, 205; reports a bill organizing Utah, etc., 207; his Compromise measures adopted, 208; 222; Dixon's opinion of Clay's sentiments, 230-1; 265; favors the Panama Congress, 267; instructions to Minister Everett, 268; instructions to Messrs. Anderson and Sergeant, 269; letter to Leslie Combs, etc., 343-4; he likens the Union to a marriage, 857; allusion to, 399; 404; Pollard's estimate of Clay's influence, etc., 609-10. Clayton, John M., of Del., 190. Clemens, Hon. Jere., at Huntsville, Ala., 632. Cleveland, Ohio, Gov. Seward's speech at, 199; John Brown's proceedings at, 288. Clingman, Thomas L., of N. C., 308; 329 ; his prescription for free debaters, 373; allusion to, 406; 487; in Confederate Congress, 485-6; allusion to, 514. Clinton, De Witt, allusion to, 18; 394. Clinton, George, allusion to, 42; 264. Clinton, George W., speech at Albany, 394-5. Clinton Hall, N. Y., proposed meeting at, 125. Clinton, Miss., against Abo
m S. C. 4. John B. Floyd, Va., U. S. Sec. of War. 5. Ben. McCullough, Texas, Maj. Texas Rangers. 6. Wm. H. T. Walker, Ga., Lieut.-Col. Inft. U. S. A. 7. Henry A. Wise, Va., late Gov. of Va. 8. H. R. Jackson, Ga., late Minister to Austria. 9. Barnard E. Bee, S. C., Capt. Inft. U. S. A. 10. Nathan G. Evans, S. C., Major Inft. U. S. A. 11. John B. Magruder,, Va., Major Art. U. S. A. 12. Wm. J. Hardee, Ga., Lieut.-Col. Cav. U. S. A. 13. Benj. Huger, S. C., Major Ordnance U. S. A. 14. Robert S. Garnett, Va., Major Inft. U. S. A. There have been other appointments made, but they are not yet known outside of the War Office. Gens. Fauntleroy, Winder, Cocke, Ruggles, and Holmes are in the Provisional Army of Virginia. Gens. Theophilus H. Holmes, Gwynn, and Gattin are in the Provisional Army of North Carolina. Gens. Pillow and Anderson have appointments as Major-Generals in Tennessee. Major-General Jere. Clemens commands in Alabama.--Richmond Whig, July 12.
stopped on her way up and buried twenty-seven, and by the time she got to Memphis seven more were dead. We buried fifty-eight that same night, and the men who were not hurt came to take supper on our boat, and out of a crew which in the morning numbered one hundred and eighty-five men, only twenty-two were left. All the masters were scalded to death except the First Master, Mr. Daniel, and he being upon the quarterdeck escaped. All the engineers were killed except the First Assistant, Mr. Clemens, and he had gone up on the Clara Dolsen, also one of the pilots. One of the Master's Mates was killed, the other badly scalded. The ball that did all this mischief was a thirty-two pound rifled, and entered upon the port side just above gun No. One, and killing two captains of guns, passed clear through the steam-drum and lodged in the forward officers' mess-room. In looking at that poor mess I thought that perhaps it was foreordained, but may God preserve me from such a fate. Yo
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
n, George, 95. Chapman, J. J., 190. Charles River the, 96. Chaucer, Geofrey, 92. Cheney, John, 176. Child of the college, A, 38-68. Child, F. J., 52, 53, 336. Child, Mrs., Lydia Maria, 77, 102, 126. Choules, J. O., 175. Christ, Jesus, s18. Church of the Disciples, the, 97. Cicero, 171. Cinderella, 253. Civil War, the, 235-270. Clapp, Henry, 85. Claretie, Jules, 313. Clarke, Edward, 62. Clarke, J. F., 86, 97, 98, 244. Clarkson, Thomas, 327. Clay, Henry, 136. Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain), 284. Cleveland, Grover, 350, 351. Cobb, Governor, 214. Cobden, Richard, 327. Cockburn, Lord Chief Justice, 281. Cogswell, J. G., 189. Coleridge, S. T., 102, 104, 272. Collins, J. A., 85. Collins, William, 15. Colombe's Birthday (Browning), 202. Columbus, Christopher, 308. Come-outers, the, 114. Comte, Auguste, zoi. Confucius, 2. Constant, Benjamin, 86. Conway, M. D., 304, 309. Conway, Mrs. M. D., 304. Cooper, J. F., 41, 170, 187. Copley, J.
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XVI: the crowning years (search)
0, Felt as I strolled about after breakfast that I should be willing to go to sleep for the winter and wake up to find myself here [Dublin] again. There is still woodchopping to be done and I hate to leave it. Of our neighbors the Abbot Thayers, he said they live outdoors, know all birds and butterflies, and rear the latter from the chrysalis till they flutter in and out of the great sitting-room as if it were their home. One summer we had Mark Twain for a neighbor:— Called on Clemens. Found him in bed where he prefers to write, a strange picturesque object, in night clothes, with curly white hair standing up over his head. The bed was covered with written sheets which his daughter carried off at intervals, to be copied by her on typewriter, his secretary only writing his correspondence. He often leaves off anything in the middle and begins on something else and goes back to it. He has always worked in this way and likes it. In our early years at Dublin, the Smit
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature, Chapter 9: the Western influence (search)
ubtle and detached is his later method, that it has been said of him, not unfairly, Even his cosmopolitanism has its limitations; to be truly cosmopolitan a man must be at home even in his own country. Mark Twain. Over-refinement is not the fault with which Mark Twain can ever be accused; his reckless robustness, indeed, constitutes his main strength. I myself was first introduced to Mark Twain's books in 1872 by an unimpeachable English authority-on a somewhat different line from Mr. Clemens,--namely, Charles Darwin. What! he said to me, you have never read Mark Twain? I always keep his Jumping Frog on a chair by my bedside that I may turn to it in case of sleeplessness! and however doubtful this form of compliment may appear, it was certainly something that it cheered the wakeful hours of so great a brain. It is not to be admitted, however, that Englishmen have ever been very discriminating critics of Mark Twain. As they have never demanded of him high literary qualiti
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature, Index. (search)
110, 111, 114-116, 183, 192. Channing, William Ellery, the younger, 177, 264. Chanting the Square Deific, Whitman's, 232. Charlotte Temple, Mrs. Rowson's, 92, 241. Chasles, M. Philarete, 244. Chastellux, Marquis de, 54. Chatham, Lord, 44, 45. Child, Lydia Maria, 125, 126. Choate, Rufus, 112. Christabel, Coleridge's, 219. Christianus per Ignem, Mather's, 17. Christus: a Miystery, Longfellow's, 144. Clara Howard, Brown's, 70. Clarissa Harlowe, Richardson's, 251. Clemens, Samuel M. See Mark Twain. Cliff-dwellers, Fuller's, 255. Closed gate, Mrs. Moulton's, 264. Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr., 262. Coleridge, Ernest Hartley, 43. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 35, 46, 66, 68, 69, 211, 219, 258. Coleridge, Sara, 142. Collins, Wilkie, 208. Columbus, Irving's Life of, 87, 119. Commemoration Ode, Lowell's, 225, 264. Common sense, Paine's, 55. Concord, Battle of, 41. Congress, Continental, 49. Congress, General, 45, 79. Conspiracy of Pontiac, ext