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rter member of the Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. R., a member of the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, also of the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities. Prior to her removal from Medford to Waltham her health had failed and in Waltham she entered a private hospital where, after many months of weakness and much suffering at times, she finally passed away. In all this later experience she was upheld by her patient and cheerful spirit and her strong Christian faith. Always a great reader, toward the end she could only be read to and found then her chief comfort in the Bible and Whittier's poems, her especial favorite being his Eternal Goodness. As Miss Gill's church minister for thirteen years, and her next-door neighbor for nearly as long a time, the writer can bear full witness to her fine and interesting mind, her sympathetic nature and her Christian courage, faith and cheer. George M. Butler, First Congregational Church, Dedham, Mass.
Notwithstanding the extreme inclemency of the weather, there was a large attendance of the sovereigns at the great Breckinridge mass meeting at the Court-House, on the 30th ult. Unfortunately, however, the distinguished speakers who had been announced were deterred by adverse providence from being present--ex-Gov. Wise by an accident on the railroad, and Mr. Leake, we learn, by illness in his family. The only address on the occasion was by Dr. Rives, of Surry. The Eastern Virginia "Christian" Conference is now in session in the adjoining county of Nansemond. This Conference is composed of churches embraced in the limits of this Congressional district, and represents about 2,500 communicants. Though but little known in many sections, this denomination is one of the most numerous in this and adjoining counties, and has increased rapidly within a few years past. The organ of the Southern branch of the denomination is published at Suffolk, and edited with considerable ability b
The Daily Dispatch: November 16, 1860., [Electronic resource], The British and American difficulty at Panama. (search)
Court of Appeals --The Supreme Court of Appeals, now in session in this city, have decided the following cases during the present term: Winfrey and wife vs. Christian. Argued by John Thompson, Jr., and Wm. Green for appellants, and August & Randolph and Johnson & Gulgon for the appellee. Decree of Circuit Court of Buckingham affirmed. Armistead vs. Garrett. Argued by James Lyons for appellant, and R. T. Daniel for the appellee. Decree of Circuit Court of city of Williamsburg, etc., affirmed. Petty john vs. Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company. Argued by James Garland for plaintiff, and Wm. Green for defendant.--Judgment of Circuit Court of Amherst reversed. Selden vs. Trevilian et al, and Lyons et al vs. Trevilian et al. Argued by Andrew Johnston for the appellant, in the first case, and P. R. Grattan and McFarland & Roberts for the appellees. The second case argued by A. J. for appellees. Decree of Circuit Court of Goochland reversed.
Benj. Davis, E. Wortham & Co., Peyton & Archer, Mead & Baker, Apperson & Dupuy, John Howard, Mitchell & Tyler, O F. Breses, Wm. A. Wyatt, Geo. W. Royster, M. T. Starke, Darracott, & Co., W. H. Haxall, John Dooley, Jas. S. Kent, J. R. Anderson & Co., Fisher & Shepherd. P. T. Moore & Co., Jas. Woodhouse & Co, B. F. Harris, Johnson & Pugh, Geo. S, Palmer, Bacon & Baskerville, Edward Novell, Wm. L. Maule, H. K. Ellyson, Chiles & Chenery, Christian & Lathrop, P. K. White, Jno. C. Page, Jr., Stebbins, Pullen & Co., S. McGruder's Sons, Marcus Harris & Bro., Watkins & Ficklen, George L. Bidgood, W. L. Waring, Goddin & Apperson, Kent, Paine & Co., Solomon A. Myers, Ginter, Alvey & Arents, Bridgford & Co., Johnson, Truheart & Vaughan, I. N. Cocke, Read & Jefer, A. Morris, Tardy & Williams, Waggoner, Hill & Aris cher. C. D. Yale & Co., John A. Glazebrook, J. H. Montague, R. M. Nimmo, D.
s of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
Deaths. --Richard Jones, Esq., as member of the North Carolina Legislators, and a very clever citizen, died at his residence in Halifax county,N. C. last week also Christian , Esq., ex-Sheriff.
any acts as now may subject any Bank or Banking Corporation incorporated by the laws of this Commonwealth now in operation, or which may be put in operation whilst this act is in force, to the forfeiture of its charter, or to any other penalty for failing or refusing to pay or redeem its notes, or debts, or specie, shall be, and the same is hereby suspended until the 1st of March, 1862." The bill was read the requisite number of times and ordered to its engrossment. Resolutions.--By Mr. Christian, referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the Land Office to the Committee on Finance; by Mr. Magruder, of allowing the Board of Public Works to occupy and use as part of their office the room now occupied in part by the Auditor of Public Accounts, south of and adjoining their present office, (next to the Second Auditor's office,) the Governor being required to assign such other room or rooms in the Capitol to the First Auditor, and to have them arranged according to the
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], To James M. Estes, Wm. M. Caldwell, and others. (search)
amendment acceptable to members from all sections of the State, the bill was laid on the table for the present. Committee on the Capital.--The Chairman announced the following Special Committee on the above subject, viz: Messrs. Magruder, Christian, Tomlin, Segar, Anderson, Thomas, Claiborne, Edginton, Watson of Accomac, Boreman, Edwards, Crane and Preston. Petitions, &c.--The following petitions, &c., were presented: by Mr. Haymond, the application of Thomas Hough for relief from an following resolutions of inquiry into expediency were presented and referred, viz: By Mr. Duckwall, of referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to condemned slaves and the value thereof to the Committee on Courts of Justice; by Mr. Christian, of referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the public buildings and grounds to the Select Committee on the Capitol Building; by Mr. Bisbie, of amending and re-enacting the act incorporating the Virginia Car-Spring Company,
avings Bank of the town of Manchester; by Mr. Neal, of providing a more summary mode of dispossessing tenants, in certain cases; by Mr. Newton, of incorporating the Aid Society of the Western Virginia Conference of the Methodist E. Church; by Mr. Christian, of releasing the Commonwealth's right to a certain island in Chesapeake Bay to Edward J. Poulson; by Mr. Thomas, of F., of allowing Jane Horton, a free woman of color, to enslave herself to Julia M. Jameson, without payment of any part of heled the yeas and nays, with the following result: Yeas.--Messrs. August, Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Day, French, Greever, Isbell, Lynch, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, Thompson,Townes--16. -Nays.--Messrs. Caldwell, Carraway, Jr., Christian, Dickenson of Grayson, Gatewood, Massie, Neal, Newton, Rives, Thomas of Fairfax, Thomas of Henry, Urquhart, Wickham--13. On motion of Mr.Paxton, Resolved, That a joint committee, consisting of three members of the House of Delegates a
he government is necessary to their suppression, should be applied to that purpose without hesitation or delay. Mr. Christian moved the communication of the Governor, with the accompanying documents, be laid on the table, and ordered to be prilack Republican Legislature of Pennsylvania. If he understood them aright, they contained a threat of coercion. Mr. Christian said he had made the motion in the usual form, and as an act of courtesy to the States sending the resolutions. nnsylvania resolutions than lay them on the table. The suggestions of Mr. Collier were approved by the gentlemen, (Messrs. Christian and Duckwall) and accepted in lieu of their motions, and as such were adopted by the House. The Tennessee resoluti with the Richmond and York River Railroad; by Mr. Cowan, of amending the charter of the Preston Bank of Virginia; by Mr. Christian, of authorizing a connecting railroad from a point on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, near Cranberry Summit, in Pres