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g resigned his position, the members, at a late meeting, unanimously selected Dr. Peter Lyons in his stead. The latter having entirely recovered from a severe injury received several months since, is in a condition to do effectual service should occasion arise. Contributing members of Company "F" are informed that, to be exempt from militia fines for the year 1861, they must renew their certificates of membership before the Spring musters. We make this announcement at the request of Capt. Cary, who also requests us to state that certificates, properly signed, can be had upon application to any active member of his company. As this mode of getting rid of militia mustering is cheaper than paying the fines, and at the same time encourages our volunteers, paying our money here at home, instead of into the treasury of the State, to be disbursed amongst the militia at large, we believe our citizens will generally adopt it, not only those who were contributing members of companies las
and never be sacrificed at the shrine of untutored valor. Another thing. In looking at the stalwart frames and resolute faces of the Southern troops, it is evident at a glance that where they do not have sword bayonets they ought to have bowie-knives--nay, so beautiful and effective is a bowie-knife, that no matter what other arms they have, or whether they have any other arms at all, every son of the South ought to have a bowie-knife. In his little work on the "Bayonet Exercise,"Capt.Caryquotes the Russian General,Sowarrow,who used to say: "The bullet is foolish; the bayonet alone is wise." The same remark is applicable to that most formidable of all weapons for a close hug — the bowie-knife. Nothing tests the metal of a man like the taste of cold steel. Our enemies are great at bullets at long range; but it should be our policy to avoid long taw and bring them to that close hug which can alone express adequately the strength of our brotherly affection. In the late war with
Abe's knees to smite together like unto Belshazzer's, could he obtain a glance. They come from the mountains, the glens and the valleys, with rushing cheer, and woe to the foe which meets them on the field. Their admirable discipline, their proficiency in drill, and the zeal with which they spring to every command, tells more powerfully than pen can portray that they are alive to the exigencies of the times. The Dragoons, from Caroline, are really splendid in appearance. Captain Cary's command, that of Captain Wise, and indeed all, without exception, are of an order to make the military eye sparkle with delight. The main encampment is on the Fair Grounds, but Old Abe's cohorts will find a few of the same sort at other points. The ladies of the town, in large numbers, have been at work all the week in the Presbyterian Church, in preparation peculiar to their line of duty. Botetourt. This county is rallying gloriously to the call of the Commonwealth.
$10 reward. --Ranaway from my residence, on 2d street, between Marshall and Clay, on Thursday last, a young old, of a ginger-bread color, about five feet high, quite fat, round face, thick head of hair, and inclined to be straight when combed — She had on when she left a yarn hood, dark calico dress, and white apron. I think she is somewhere about the city working by the day, or trying to hire herself out. The above reward will be given for her delivery to me at my house above stated, or at the store of Messrs. Joyner & Co., No. 30 Main street, if taken in the city, and $20 if taken in the county. my 9--1w* Miles Cary.
The Daily Dispatch: may 10, 1861., [Electronic resource], Can the South support a Government? (search)
$10 reward. --Ranaway from my residence, on 2d street, between Marshall and Clay, on Thursday last, a young Woman named Emeline, about 17 years old, of a ginger-bread color, about five feet high, quite fat, round face, think head of hair, and inclined to be straight when combed — She had on when she left a yarn hood, dark calico dress, and white apron. I think she is somewhere about the city working by the day, or trying to hire herself out. The above reward will be given for her delivery to me at my house above stated, or at the store of Messrs. Joyner & Co., No. 30 Main street, if taken in the city and $20 if taken in the county. my 9--1w* miles Cary.
The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], English Opinions on the Fort Sumter affair. (search)
$10 reward. --Ranaway from my residence, on 2d street, between Marshall and Clay, on Thursday last, a young Woman named Emeline. about 17 years old, of a ginger-bread color, about five feet high, quite fat, round face, thick head of hair, and inclined to be straight when combed.--She had on when she left a yarn hood, dark calico dress, and white apron. I think she is somewhere about the city working by the day, or trying to hire herself out. The above reward will be given for her delivery to me at my house above stated, or at the store of Messrs. Joyner & Co., No. 30 Main street, if taken in the city, and $20 if taken in the county. my 9--1w* miles Cary.
$10 reward. --Ranaway from my residence, on 2d street, between Mand Clay, on Thursday last, a negro Woman named Emeline about old, of a ginger-bread color, about feet high, quite fat, round face, thick curled hair, and inclined to be straight when combed. She had on when she left a yarn hood calico dress, and white apron. I think she is somewhere about the city working by the day trying to hire herself cut. The above reward will be given for her delivery to me at my house above stated, or at the store of Messrs. &Co., No. 30 Main street, if taken in the city and $20 if taken in the county. my 2--1w Miles Cary
arent. The soldiers, as far as I can learn, are entirely satisfied, and give assurance that "camp life" has not dampened the ardor of their devotion to Southern interests. Indeed, all are anxious for a fight, and, my word for it, they will teach our libertyshriekers a lesson that will be remembered for ages. Companies are offering their services at headquarters almost every day, and will no doubt be received and mustered into service as soon as the judgment of the officers may decide. Col. Cary is very popular with all the men, and is a thorough tactician. Gen. Juggles is a fine commander, and with popular officers and determined men, what may we not accomplish? The news from Sewell's Point was received with smiles by every one, and warm expressions of contempt for the Yankees were freely given. I am not informed as to the movements of troops and munitions of war, and even if I were, I do not know that it would be good policy to give publicity to them. A rumor was in
$5 reward will be paid for the return of my negro boy Edmond. He is about twenty years of age, very black, has a monthly pass from my yard to go to Mr. Hill's, on Penitentiary Hill, and I have no doubt he is lurking in the neghborhood. James Gunn, Lumber Yard cor. 15 and Cary sts. de 5--3t
For Hire --For the ensuing twelve months, a strong and healthy Negro Girl, to act as seamstress and lady's maid. Price $75. For particulars, call at the residence of Mr. John Turpin. corner of 31 and Cary streets. de 12--WT3t*