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Wanted to Hire, for the ensuing year, two good Servants--one a good Cook, Washer and Ironer; the other, a good House Servant and Nurse. For such as will suit, a liberal hire will be paid. Apply to L. Yerby, No. 5 Twelfth street, between Main and Cary. de 29--6t*
For Hire, two good Cooks, Washers and Ironers. Apply to Gresham, Signal office. over the office over the Dominion Insurance Company, corner of and Cary streets. ja 5--2t*
and country-fellow. "All my eye and Betty Martin" is said to be a satirical allusion to a Romish prayer, "Oh mihi betie Martine!" While "Please the Pigs," which Mr. Hotton omits, is another form of "Please the Pyx!" Mr. Hotton omits, too, "Mother Cary's Chickens, " the sailors' slang for snow; the "Mother Cary" being the Mata Cara, the virgin mother of the Levantine sailors, to whom we also owe the name of Petrel, or Petrillo, "little Peter," because he walks the water like the Apostle.-- Londofellow. "All my eye and Betty Martin" is said to be a satirical allusion to a Romish prayer, "Oh mihi betie Martine!" While "Please the Pigs," which Mr. Hotton omits, is another form of "Please the Pyx!" Mr. Hotton omits, too, "Mother Cary's Chickens, " the sailors' slang for snow; the "Mother Cary" being the Mata Cara, the virgin mother of the Levantine sailors, to whom we also owe the name of Petrel, or Petrillo, "little Peter," because he walks the water like the Apostle.-- London Athenœum.
Hustings Court. --The Magistrates Court was in session yesterday, and disposed of the following business: John Ferguson, presented for keeping and exhibiting faro, entered into bonds of security in the sum of five thousand dollars for his appearance to answer said offence at the next term of the court. A slave, named Cary, the property of Mrs. Archer Blair, charged with feloniously conniving at the escape from their owners of Sam, slave of Bentley Wicker; Ned, slave of Buck Saunders, and Bob, slave of John Puckett, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes and be sold beyond the limits of the State within the next thirty days. The case of John, slave of Catherine Myers, charged with the same offence as above, was similarly disposed of. The case of William Shellings, indicted for exhibiting faro, was continued till the next term of the court, and the accused gave security in the sum of five hundred dollars for his appearance at that time. The court adjou
For hire, a smart, active Boy, about fifteen years of age. Apply to Frank Smyth, south side of Cary, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. ja 18--1t*
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1865., [Electronic resource], "rich man's War — poor man's fight." (search)
Wanted to hire, a Wagon, Team and Driver, for which will be given feed and liberal wages. Apply at Major Cary's office, Bank street, between Eleventh and Twelfth. ja 30--2t*
ey having erected booths, stalls and sheds everywhere. Mr. Burr, from the Committee on Grounds and Public Buildings, reported adversely upon the petition of E. & S. Wortham proposing to purchase the site of the old powder magazine for the purpose of erecting a substantial building thereon. The report was adopted. Mr. Crutchfield, from the Commissioners of Streets generally, offered a resolution making an appropriation of $1,500 for the purpose of grading Twelfth street from Main to Cary. The resolution elicited considerable discussion upon the present straightened condition of the city finances, and was finally passed. Mr. Richardson, from the Committee on Schools, presented a report from the trustees of the Lancastrian school, showing the prosperous condition of that institution. Laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Scott, the report of the Committee on Claims made and adopted at the last meeting on the claim of John Pearce was reconsidered and the claim reco
Farmers who have a surplus of shucks on hand can exchange them for greenbacks if they will bale them and send them to this market. Messrs. G. B. Stacy & Son use an immense quantity of them at their manufactory, corner of Cary and; Sixteenth streets, and doubtless there are other manufacturers here who are large purchasers.