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laughter, that Burnside commanded the finest army ever raised, and that it included all the regulars and veterans of the service, who had been expressly gathered in order to insure success. Their total loss in killed, wounded, and missing, has been placed at from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand by Northern journals of respectability. Among their killed were General Bayard, chief of cavalry, and General Jackson. Among the wounded, General Stoneman, General Vinton, General Gibbons, General Caldwell, General Meagher, General Kimball, and others. This defeat and slaughter sent such a thrill of horror through all classes at the North, that official inquiry was demanded, when it appeared that General Sumner, of the right wing, General Franklin, of the left, and General Hooker, of the centre, had decided against the movement in a council of war, but that Burnside did not heed their advice, but resolved on crossing; thinking that through feints made lower down the river he had deceived
M. a division or more was sent out to reconnoiter the enemy's front. The movement resulted in a sharp fight, which lasted until after sunset. Both artillery and infantry were engaged. As night grew on we could see the flash of the enemy's guns all along the crest of Mission Ridge, and then hear the report, and the prolonged reverberations as the sound went crashing among ridges, hills, and mountains. Rumor says that our troops captured five hundred prisoners. November, 24 Moved to Caldwell's, four miles up the river. A pontoon bridge was thrown across the stream; but there were many troops in advance of us, and my brigade did not reach the south side until after one o'clock. Our division was held in reserve; so we stacked arms and lay upon the grass midway between the river and the foot of Mission Ridge, and listened to the preliminary music of the guns as the National line was being adjusted for to-morrow's battle. November, 25 During the day, as we listened to the r
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
nk Walker, capable of higher things, and Joe Smith, chief commissary, with a medal of honor for gallant service beyond duty,--a striking group, not less to the eye in color and composition, than to the mind in character. Above them is borne the corps badge, the cloverleaf,--peaceful token, but a triple mace to foes,dear to thousands among the insignia of our army, as the shamrock to Ireland or rose and thistle of the British Empire. Here comes the First Division, that of Richardson and Caldwell and Barlow and Miles; but at its head to-day we see not Miles, for he is just before ordered to Fortress Monroe to guard Jeff Davis and his friends,--President Andy Johnson declaring he wanted there a man who would not let his prisoners escape. So Ramsay of New Jersey is in command on this proud day. Its brigades are led by McDougal, Fraser, Nugent, and Mulholland-whereby you see the shamrock and thistle are not wanting even in our field. These are the men we saw at the sunken road at An
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), General Meade at Gettysburg. (search)
s continued with great fury, and after a stubborn and gallant resistance, during which General Sickles was wounded, the Third Corps was compelled to fall back, shattered and broken, and to re-form behind the line originally intended to be held. Caldwell's Division of the Second Corps was sent by General Hancock to assist in checking the advance of the enemy, but after a severe struggle, in which Caldwell lost one-half of his command, the enemy enveloped his right and forced him back. The divisCaldwell lost one-half of his command, the enemy enveloped his right and forced him back. The division of General Ayres was then struck on the right and rear, but with great courage it fought its way back through the enemy to its original line. General Humphreys, with his division, held the right of the line of the Third Corps. Although severely pressed by the enemy, he did not retire until ordered to do so, and then, judging that a rapid backward movement would demoralize his men, and make it difficult to rally them on the crest, he determined to withdraw slowly. He succeeded in this diff
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 170 (search)
he battalions upon the right, inspiring the men by his splendid courage and his almost unauthorized and reckless exposure of himself to the enemy's fire. With the capture of the enemy's second line toward the left, the contest ceased, and our troops remained master of the field. The enemy in front of the Thirty-eighth and Fourteenth Ohio were composed of the Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky (rebel) Regiments, known as Lewis' brigade, but during the fight were under command of Colonel Caldwell, of the Ninth Kentucky. The brigade is in the division formerly commanded by General Bate, but on September 1, by General Brown. In front of the Tenth Kentucky and Seventy-fourth Indiana, upon the right, was the Sixth and Seventh Arkansas Regiments, and the consolidated batteries of the Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas, four guns. They were attached to the brigade commanded by General Govan, of General Cleburne's division, and formed the right of his command. A large proportion of the
ted States; S. W. Downs, of Louisiana, was a graduate of Transylvania, and so was Edward A. Hannegan, both of whom were subsequently United States Senators. When I was serving my first term as United States Senator, I was one of six graduates of Transylvania who held seats in that chamber. In my time, the college proper (over which the very brilliant Horace Holly presided), consisted of a medical department, with such distinguished professors as Drake, Dudley, Blythe, Cook, Richardson, Caldwell, and others. The law department was well, although not so numerously attended as the medical and theological; its professor was that real genius, Jesse Bledsoe, who was professor of common law. Some sectarian troubles finally undermined the popularity of the President of the Transylvania University, and the institution has probably never recovered ·the high reputation it had in 1820, and the years immediately following. There I completed my studies in Greek and Latin, and learned a li
General readers are scarcely likely to be interested in minute details of the organization of the army, but perhaps it will be convenient to have a roster by corps and divisions, at least. First corps--Major-General Reynolds. after General Reynolds's death, General Newton was assigned by General Meade to the command of this corps. First division,Gen. Wadsworth. Second division,Gen. Doubleday. Third division,Gen. Robinson. Second corps--Major-General Hancock. First division,Gen. Caldwell. Second division,Gen. Gibbons. Third division,Gen. Hayes. Third corps--Major-General Sickles. First division,Gen. Ward. Second division,Gen. Humphrey. Fifth corps, (lately Meade's,) Major-Gen. Sykes. First division,Gen. Barnes. Second division,Gen. Sykes. Eleventh corps--Major-General Howard. First division,Major-Gen. Carl Schurz. Second division,Brigadier-Gen. Steinwehr. Third division,Brigadier-Gen. Barlow. Twelfth corps-major-general Slocum. First division,Ge
rove the enemy from a fence on their front, when they were recalled to form in the rearguard. They lost fourteen men. Companies L, E, and F, under Captain Schofield and Lieutenant Newton, were deployed to the right of the town, company I, Lieutenant Caldwell, acting as a reserve force. L and E made one charge in skirmish line, and carried a house from behind which the enemy had annoyed our line seriously. These four companies lost fifteen men. The remainder of the Vermont regiment was held imain body. The officers and men of this rear-guard behaved nobly, and many really shed tears because they could not carry out their orders to the letter. The First Vermont lost fifty men in this retreat. Lieutenant Stuart, of company G; Lieutenant Caldwell, of company I, and Sergeant Hill, of company C, were among the wounded. Stuart and Hill were left upon the field. It was four o'clock P. M. when General Kilpatrick, with the main column, reached the crest of the hill overlooking Willia
in Merrill's front. Coming to the river-bank at this point, Glover's brigade was called off, utterly exhausted. Time was every thing in entering the city, and General Davidson called up Colonel Ritter's brigade, which, up to this time, had been in reserve. The First Missouri, by a gallant sabre-charge, cleared the corn-field in Merrill's front, and then, dismounting, deployed as skirmishers to the relief of his brigade. The Third Iowa and Thirteenth Illinois, accompanied by Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, General Davidson's Chief of Staff, were ordered to charge into the city with drawn sabres. The river was immediately upon the right flank of the advancing column, but the left presented a continuous shelter, from which the rebels saluted it with a galling fire of musketry as it passed. Disregarding it altogether, the column pushed forward at a sweeping gallop, driving the rebel gunners away from a sixty-four pounder which was annoying Steele very much, before they could even co
river, and moved up the south bank, turning the enemy's right, and assaulting the city in the rear. All necessary orders were given by me that night. Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, Captain Hadley, and Captain Gerster of my staff, worked all night at the cutting of the bluff bank of the river, the location of the batteries, and theand wounded. That of the enemy is not yet known. Among their killed is Colonel Corley, commanding General Dodbins's former regiment. My whole staff--Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, Captains Hadley, Gerster, Lieutenants Montgomery, McGunnegle, Gray, Sprague, and Surgeon Smith, Quartermaster Johnson, and Captain Thompson, Commissaryve brigade, deserve honorable mention. Colonel Glover deserves, for his services throughout this campaign, promotion to the rank of a general officer. Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, whose untiring devotion and energy never flagged during the night or day, deserves for his varied accomplishments as a cavalry officer, promotion to th