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Senate. Monday, Jan. 28, 1861. Called to order at 12 o'clock, Mr. Brannon in the chair. Prayer by the Rev. J. A. Duncan, of the Broad street Methodist Church. A communication from the House was read, announcing the passage of numerous bills. Reports of Committees.--The following bills were reported from the appropriate committees: A bill transferring the Huttonsville and Huntersville Turnpike Road to the counties through which the same passes; a bill to amend and re-ensday, it will (with the consent of the House of Delegates) take a recess until the 6th day of February. Mr. Lynch moved to lay the resolution on the table, and called the yeas and nays, with the following result: Yeas.--Messrs. August, Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Day, French, Greever, Isbell, Lynch, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, Thompson,Townes--16. -Nays.--Messrs. Caldwell, Carraway, Jr., Christian, Dickenson of Grayson, Gatewood, Massie, Neal, Newton, Rives, Thomas of Fair
e corporation line, he encountered two young men named Robert Brannon and Dan'l W. Lee, between whom and himself there had bering, found that they had broken in through the door, and Brannon was making an attack upon Mrs. Enziand. He instantly gave Brannon a blow with his stick, and then they pitched into each other with considerable vigor. After struggling together some time, Brannon expressed a willingness to leave the house, and he did so, in company with Lee.--Meanwhile, a daughter of Engthe neighbors, and Mr. John Burns entered the yard just as Brannon and Lee were leaving. He was seized and thrown to the groion of this part of the difficulty has taken place,) while Brannon held him down, Lee approached and stabbed Burns in the shothe occurrences above narrated, officer Perrin met Lee and Brannon in the street, and heard Lee, who was intoxicated, remark irk knife. He then ascertained the whereabouts of Lee and Brannon and took them into custody. They were arraigned before th
Eugenius Tibbs, late Sheriff of Ritchie county; directing the payment of certain interest to E. J. O'Brien; amending an act passed March 20, 1860, authorizing the Council of Richmond to construct a Railroad in its streets. Remonstrance.--Mr. Brannon presented the remonstrance of sundry citizens of Randolph county, against changing the Eastern terminus of the Sclavin's Cabin and Summersville Turnpike. Memorial.--Mr. H. W. Thomas presented a memorial of the pilots upon the Potomac riveealth was taken up. Mr. Coghill moved to reconsider the vote by which the 5th section of the bill had been adopted, in order to offer a substitute. The proposition gave rise to a debate of some length, in which Messrs. Coghill, August, Brannon, and Thomas of Fairfax, participated. The motion to reconsider was carried, and Mr. Coghill moved to strike out all after the word "and," in the fifth line of the fifth section, which was carried. Mr. Coghill then proposed to amend by
Grand Jury Presentments. --The Grand Jury of Judge Lyons' Court, (John Purcell foreman,) yesterday returned a presentment against John Lipscomb and Thos. Wilkinson, for burglary committed about nine months ago, and one presentment against Dan'l W. Lee and Robert Brannon, for a felonious assault on Elizabeth England. The Grand Jury adjourned till Saturday week.
Excursion to Old Point.--The President laid before the Senate the following invitation: The Lieut. Governor, and the members, officers and reporters of the Senate, are respectfully invited to join in an excursion down the York River Railroad and York river, to Old Point Comfort and back again, to-morrow, (Saturday,) 2d inst. The train will leave the Depot, on Dock street, at 7:00 A. M. Ro. Saunders, Prest. Joint Resolution.--The following joint resolution proposed by Mr. Brannon on yesterday; was taken up and adopted: Whereas, The State of Virginia holds in her own right certain bonds of the Hillsboro' and Cincinnati Railroad Company, which from the unfinished condition of said road, and the uncertainty surrounding its future prospects, may render it expedient to convert the same into other securities or to make sale thereof: Therefore, be it Resolved, by the General Assembly, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be, and they are hereby, authorize
e House on yesterday. In reply to the gentleman from Botetourt, that it made nonsense to the bill, he had only to say that this House had assumed to itself long since the right to enact nonsense, and especially so in this bill. He called the previous question on the bill.--The amendment was rejected — Ayes 9, noes 107. Mr. Anderson's amendment was then adopted, and, on his motion, the bill was sent back to the Senate. Afterwards, a message was received from the Senate, through Mr. Brannon, that it had receded from their amendments, and agreed to the passage of the Bank bill as passed by the House. Bills Passed.--Amending the charter of Sir John's Run Turnpike Company; changing the time of holding the Circuit Courts in the town of Danville; authorizing the sale of real estate belonging to Ebenezer Academy; incorporating the Staunton Arms and Ordnance Department; for paying Virginia Commissioners to President and seceding States; for the relief of Geo. W. Tucker, of Hal
Trial commenced. --Dan'l W. Lee and Robert Brannon were arraigned for trial before Judge Lyons yesterday, on the charge of committing a felonious assault on John Barns.
peared. The music and military went off up town, but a large crowd had meanwhile gathered, manifesting a determination to hear somebody; so Messrs. Gor-don and Newton gave them a few secession touches. We believe this satisfied the popular clamor. Mr. John Septon appears at the Theatre tonight, and the managers offer an attractive bill for the termination of his brief engagement. A glance at the bill for the evening will furnish convincing proof that a good performance will be given. In the Federal Court, the jury in the case of Capt. John Lockhart are still unable to agree on a verdict. In the Hustings Court, the case of the people vs. Lea and Brannon was given to the jury last evening, but at night, reporting themselves as unable to agree, they were given in charge of the Sergeant, and the prisoners were sent back to jail. We regret to say that the condition of the venerable Judge Hopkins was still such, last evening, as to leave little hope of his recovery.
Hustings Court. --The following business was transacted before Judge Wm.. H. Lyons on Saturday last: The jury in the case of Daniel W. Lea and Robert Brannon, for unlawfully cutting Jno. Burns, were out all day, except when before the Judge for instructions. At the moment of adjournment they brought in a verdict of guilty against both parties, who were each fined $5. The Court imprisoned Lea for 30 days and Brannon for 10 days. Thos. Wilkinson and Jas. Baker, the lads who brokBrannon for 10 days. Thos. Wilkinson and Jas. Baker, the lads who broke into Henry Miller's shoe shop, on Broad street, about 10 months since, and purloined a lot of boots and shoes, were tried for that offence, adjudged guilty, and sentenced to the Penitentiary for one year. Wilkinson was condemned to a 6 months tour in the city jail, a few days since, for petty larceny. On his last trial he was defended by M. Johnson, Baker by Lewis Randolph. The Grand Jury of this Court assembled on Saturday, but did no business worthy of special mention.
Charge Dismissed. W. Lea and Robert Brannon were arrested yesterday on a bench warrant and brought before the Mayor, charged with having committed a felonious assault on Elizabeth England, on the 6th day of February. It will be remembered that the above parties were convicted last week before Judge Lyons, of an assault on John Burns, for which they were sentenced to short terms in the city jail. They were undergoing punishment when the above process was served on them. The Grand Jury of the Hustings Court had indicted the parties for feloniously causing Mrs. England bodily injury. The testimony of Mrs. E. showed that the affair was not susceptible of the interpretation placed on it by the Grand Jury. The Mayor made some comments on the stupidity and ignorance of indicting the parties for a crime so entirely out of the range of the proof. The assault made by the parties was clearly not a felony — nor was every knocking down a felony. He would discharge them on the bench warr