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has been nominated for Congress by the Democrats of Albany, N. Y. The only intelligence relative to the battles in Kentucky is contained in the following dispatch, dated Washington, the 13th instant: It is understood that a dispatch from Gen. Boyle, dated at Louisville at 10 o'clock last night, reached here this morning, saying it was generally believed the rebel Generals, Bragg and Cheatham, were both killed in the engagement of Wednesday last, near Bardstown; that our loss in killed, wo with them in the retreat next morning. When this dispatch left Louisville a courier was expected to arrive in the course of the night bringing details of the pursuit of the rebels, and of a battle which was probably fought yesterday. Gen. Boyle expresses his belief in the truth of the account of the killing of the rebel Generals Bragg and Cheatham, in the action of Wednesday, than prevalent in Louisville. The late tidings from the recent battle ground in Kentucky give intimations