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ry from his severe injuries. The parties concerned in the affray appeared before Mayor Lamb yesterday, who held them to ball for their appearance again on Saturday. No other case of importance in the Mayor a court. The grand concert, announced by Signor George, did not take place last night on account of the inclemency of the weather. It was postponed till Thursday night, when the new song, called the "Confederate Flag," will be sung by Mr. G. and a number of talented amateurs. Madame Bonavita will assist in the performances, with a voice equal in compass, expression, and culture, to some whose fame has been long since established. I learn that Dr. Jennings, the Chaplain of the Third Alabama Regiment, stationed near this city, is meeting with considerable success in his laudable efforts to raise funds for the relief of the Maryland volunteers, in service on the Potomac. I am glad to learn that a tannery and bonemill will shortly be put in operation in the immediate
e concert at the Opera House last night passed off in grand style. Prof. George deserved much credit for the rich musical treat with which the lovers of really artistic performance were favored. "The Confederate F " composed by Prof. G., was sung in a style of elegance and beauty seldom if ever surpassed. The applause was deafening, and the entire audience seemed charmed by the extraordinary melody and deep-toned harmony that rang through the capacious hall. The vocal performances of Madame Bonavita came fully up to the expectation of those who had heard of her superior talent as a singer I have intelligence directly from the Princess reaching down to the North Carolina . Nothing has transpired along the for . The troops stationed on --principally cavalry companies — are in fine health, and spirits, and are very though, but little expecting an attack for some time to come. The marine disasters on the coast were not as numerous or important as reported, the last storm not h
A musical Treat. --ig George, as will be seen by advertisement, and his accomplished laughter, Madame Bonavita, propose to give a concert in our city and at other points in the Southern Confederacy for the benefit of the Southern soldiers. The distinguished musical abilities of the Professor, and the exquisite voice of Madame Bonavita, have drawn crowded houses in Norfolk, as we predict they will wherever genius can be appreciated and patriotism honor. Signor George is well and favorablMadame Bonavita, have drawn crowded houses in Norfolk, as we predict they will wherever genius can be appreciated and patriotism honor. Signor George is well and favorably known in our city, of which he was a former resident, and bears high commendations in his past patriotic enterprises from Gen. Huger. Gen. Blanchard, Mayor Lamb, of Norfolk, and other distinguished soldiers and citizens. Both for himself and for his cause, we hope he will be greeted everywhere with a flattering and cordial welcome.
Signor George's Concert. --This musical event will take place at the African Church, on Thurseay night. The excellent professional reputation of the Signor, the acknowledged accomplishments of Madame Bonavita, and, above all, the patriotic purpose of the Concert, will ensure a full and fashionable attendance.
For hire. --A healthy, strong Negro Boy for hire, by the month, or for the balance of the year. Apply to F.M. Bonavita, On 9th St., in rear of St. Paul's Church. ap19 — 3t*