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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—Richmond. (search)
nts was performing this operation, the remainder of his army continued its march up the valley of the South Fork; and although his progress was delayed by the heavy wagon-train he carried as a substantial token of his victory, he reached Harrisonburg on the 5th of June. He had not, however, yet entirely escaped from the Federals, who were pressing him on both flanks, and who, without having been able to effect a junction, still menaced his line of retreat. Fremont's vanguard, consisting of Bayard's cavalry brigade and some infantry under Colonel Cluseret, had harassed him with great boldness since leaving Strasburg. These two officers made up by their activity for the want of alacrity on the part of their chief. The next day Jackson learnt that they had succeeded in outflanking him with their right, and that, preceding him in the direction of Staunton, they had cut down the bridges along the road leading to this town. With a view of retarding their pursuit, he was obliged to engag
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
cavalry encountered the enemy on the borders of the Rapidan, and the same evening he crossed this river at Burnett's Ford, on the Orange and Culpepper road. General Bayard, who led the Federal cavalry with great ability, succeeded, not in interrupting but in embarrassing his march so effectually that Lawton's brigade was obligend on the left, at Culpepper, Ricketts' division with Crawford's brigade of Banks' corps. On the evening of the 8th, this brigade, which had been sent to support Bayard's cavalry, joined the latter at Cedar Mountain, seven miles and a half from Culpepper, on the Burnett's Ford road; Banks had reached Culpepper; Siegel bivouacked eing able to count himself. Philip Kearny stands in the first rank among the most illustrious victims of this fratricidal war by the side of McPherson, Sedgwick, Bayard, Reno, Richardson and their gallant adversaries A. S. Johnston, Jackson, Stuart and A. P. Hill. His death created some confusion in the Federal lines; but darkne
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VI:—Virginia. (search)
was composed of the two corps of Heintzelman and Siegel, with a division of cavalry commanded by Bayard. McClellan left the Twelfth corps on the borders of the Potomac; Slocum, who commanded it, wathe capital was covered, and the reinforcements promised to McClellan were beginning to arrive. Bayard's cavalry had joined him a few days before, and on the 6th of November the Eleventh corps, whichck. The extreme left was formed by Reynolds' corps (the First), posted in front of Smithfield. Bayard's cavalry had felt the enemy's pickets the day before. The Confederates were found everywhere ise projectiles, fired by a Whitworth gun across the Massaponax, mortally wounded the cavalry general Bayard while he was quietly seated at the foot of a tree. Full of dash and daring, trained by long campaigns against the Indians, Bayard had brought away a glorious memento of those wars in the shape of an arrow wound, which had left a deep scar upon his cheek; he would certainly have reached the
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 8 (search)
2d Brigade, Hartsuff; 3d Brigade, Carroll; 4th Brigade, Duryea. 2d Division, King. 1st Brigade, Patrick; 2d Brigade, Doubleday; 3d Brigade, Gibbon; 4th Brigade, Hatch. 3d Division, Sturgis. 1st Brigade, Piatt; 2d Brigade, ....... 9th independent corps, Burnside. 1st Division, Reno. 1st Brigade, .....; 2d Brigade, ..... 2d Division, Stevens. 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade,...... 3d Division, Parke. 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade,...... Cavalry Division, Cox. 1st Brigade, Bayard; 2d Brigade, Buford. Ii. Report of the army of the Potomac the garrison at Washington is not comprised in this exhibit. On the 15th of September, 1862. Commander-in-chief, Major-General McClellan. Right wing, Burnside. 1st corps, Hooker; 14,850 men strong. 1st Division, Meade. 1st Brigade, Seymour; 2d Brigade, Gallagher; 3d Brigade, Magilton. 2d Division, Ricketts. 1st Brigade, Hartsuff; 2d Brigade, Christian; 3d Brigade, Duryea. 3d Division, Doubleday. 1s
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 9 (search)
Brigade,.....; brigade, ......; brigade, ...... Division, Humphreys. Brigade, ......; brigade,......; brigade,...... Division, Griffin. Brigade, ......; brigade, ......; brigade, ...... 3d corps, Stoneman. Division, Sickles. Brigade, ......; brigade, ......; brigade, ...... Division, Birney. Ward's brigade, Berry's brigade; brigade, ..... Division, Whipple. Carroll's brigade; brigade,......; brigade, ...... Cavalry, Pleasonton's Division. Brigade,...; brigade, .... Bayard's Division. Brigade, ......; brigade, ..... Reserve Artillery, Hunt. Confederate army. Commander-in-chief, General R. E. Lee. 1st corps, Longstreet. 1st Division, R. H. Anderson. Wright's brigade, Armistead's brigade, Wilcox's brigade, Perry's brigade, Featherstone's brigade, Mahone's brigade. 2d Division, Pickett. Kemper's brigade, Jenkins' brigade, Walker's brigade. 3d Division, Ransom. Brigade, ...... (formerly Ransom's); Cook's brigade. 4th Division, Hood. Law