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he motives that impel men to desperate enterprises, had assembled a mixed multitude of restless spirits under the banner of the Lone Star. Here were gathered those indomitable men of battle whom Santa Anna pointedly characterized as the tumultuario of the Mississippi Valley; the ardent youth of the South, burning for glory and military enterprise. Here enthusiasts of constitutional freedom were mingled with adventurous soldiers from Europe; and souls as knightly, generous, and unstained as Bayard's, with outlaws and men of broken and desperate fortunes. Some of the best and some of the worst people in the world were thrown into contact; but in one quality all were alike, a hardihood that no danger could check. Never was an army collected in which the spirit of combat was more supreme. Manhood and personal prowess were the standards of superiority among these men, and they followed their chosen leaders with a fidelity and reckless devotion that had neither stint nor measure. Th
with the utmost expedition and in the greatest confusion. Thus the slaughter at Fredericksburgh closed. Sumner, Hooker, Wilcox, Meagher, French, and a host of other leaders, had been routed on our centre and left — Franklin, Meade, Jackson, Bayard, and Stoneman, had met with a fearful repulse on the right; for miles their dead and wounded lined the front of our works, and were scattered up and down the valley in great profusion; but even nature seemed shocked at such frightful carnage, andrvice, who had been expressly gathered in order to insure success. Their total loss in killed, wounded, and missing, has been placed at from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand by Northern journals of respectability. Among their killed were General Bayard, chief of cavalry, and General Jackson. Among the wounded, General Stoneman, General Vinton, General Gibbons, General Caldwell, General Meagher, General Kimball, and others. This defeat and slaughter sent such a thrill of horror through all
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 16: (search)
time been broken. We had to mourn the loss of two general officers, Maxey Gregg of South Carolina, and Thomas R. R. Cobb of Georgia, who fell on Marye's Heights. At his side General Cooke, a brother of Mrs Stuart, was dangerously wounded in the forehead. The Federal loss was not less than 14,000 in killed and wounded (we took only 800 prisoners), and in this frightful aggregate of casualties was to be reckoned the loss of many officers of rank. Among these there was the much-lamented General Bayard, a cavalry officer of great promise, who, far in the rear of his lines, was torn to pieces by one of our exploding shells while in the act of taking luncheon under a tree. General Lee has been much criticised, and chiefly by English writers, for not having assumed the offensive in this battle; but every one who knows how exceedingly difficult it had become, already at that time, to fill the ranks of the Confederate army, and how valuable each individual life in that army must have b
manner obtained a great command for which he was wholly unfit. They sneered at his splendid costume, his careless laughter, his love of ladies; at his banjo-player, his flower-wreathed horses, and his gay verses. The enemy were wiser. Buford, Bayard, Pleasanton, Stoneman, and their associates, did not commit that blunder. They had felt the heavy arm too often; and knew too well the weight of that flower-encircled weapon. There were three other men who could never be persuaded that Stuaing it with his sword and his irreproachable life, not with his tongue. When death came to him in the bloom of manhood, and the flush of a fame which will remain one of the supremest glories of Virginia, Stuart ranked with the preux chevalier Bayard, the knight without reproach or fear. The brief and splendid career in which he won his great renown, and that name of the Flower of cavaliers, has scarcely been touched on in this rapid sketch. The arduous work which made him so illustrious
ss occasions he surprised the enemy's pickets; and with three others, waylaid and attacked a column of several hundred cavalry led by Colonel (afterwards General) Bayard, whose horse he killed, slightly wounding the rider. This audacious attack was made some ten or fifteen miles beyond the Southern lines, and nothing but a love o pines; and although they might easily have remained perdus until the column passed, and so escaped, Farley determined to attack, and did attack-firing first upon Bayard, and nearly stampeding his whole regiment. After a desperate encounter he and his little party were all captured or killed, and Farley was taken to the Old Capitol in Washington, where he remained some time in captivity. General Bayard mentioned this affair afterwards in an interview with General Stuart, and spoke in warm terms of the courage which led Farley to undertake so desperate an adventure. Released from prison, Farley hastened back to his old stamping ground around Centreville
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Stuart on the outpost: a scene at camp Qui Vive (search)
r of an army, were still in face of the enemy, and had constant skirmishes below Fairfax, out toward Vienna, and along the front near the little hamlet of Annandale. How well I remember all those scenes! and I think if I had space I could tell some interesting stories of that obstinate petiteguerre of picket fighting-how the gray and blue coats fought for the ripe fruit in an orchard just between them, all a winter's afternoon; how Farley waylaid, with three men, the whole column of General Bayard, and attacked it; and how a brave boy fell one day in a fight of pickets, and was brought back dead, wrapped in the brilliant oil-cloth which his sister took from her piano and had sent to him to sleep upon. But these recollections would not interest you as they interest me. They fade, and I come back to my immediate subject-a visit to General Jeb Stuart at his headquarters, near Fairfax Court-House, where, in this December of 1861, I saw the gay cavalier and his queer surroundings.
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A glimpse of Colonel Jeb Stuart (search)
he deepest dye, but excepted from this sweeping characterization the youthful Colonel of cavalry, who was the author of all her woes. So far from complaining of him, she extolled his kindness, courtesy, and uniform care of her comfort, declaring that he was the noblest gentleman she had ever known. There was indeed about Colonel Jeb Stuart, as about Major-General Stuart, a smiling air of courtesy and gallantry, which made friends for him among the fair sex, even when they were enemies; and Bayard himself could not have exhibited toward them more respect and consideration than he did uniformly. He must have had serious doubts in regard to the errand of his fair prisoner, so near the Confederate lines, but he treated her with the greatest consideration; and when he left her, the bow he made was as low as to the finest lady in the land. It is possible that the worthy reader may not find as much entertainment in perusing the foregoing sketch as I do in recalling the scene to memory.
that we would find the Federal cavalry under that able soldier, General Bayard, if he did not find us. For we had trains also, and it was more than probable that Bayard would strike at them through the passes of the Ridge. To prevent him from so doing it seemed most advisable to carce at Mountsville was one of the antenna of that dangerous foe, General Bayard. Touched, it recoiled-but behind it were the veritable claws. At Aldie, Bayard was posted with artillery, and a cavalry force which we estimated from the accounts of prisoners — some seventy in number-attuart was now upon the hill, where he had drawn up his line to meet Bayard's charge. He had scarcely made his dispositions, however, when a mnemy was closing in upon his rear from the side of Leesburgh. With Bayard's 5000 in front, and that column in rear, the little brigade seemed itself; and in fifteen minutes the whole Southern force was out of Bayard's clutch, moving steadily across to Middleburg. Stuart was out of
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
x, gave one indication, which deserved to be followed up. Mounting a strawrick which stood upon a bold hill there, in range with the distant line of the river road, he stationed his gun beside it; and glass in hand, directed a slow and accurate fire upon the enemy's position. They could make no effective reply; and with his one piece, he so enfiladed and raked that road as to compel them to remove their batteries to other ground. One of his shells was supposed to have slain the Federal General Bayard, near the centre of the Federal army, and three miles distant. Now, had a strong detachment of Jackson's guns of longest range been likewise posted in the Highlands, during the 14th, their fire might so far have counterbalanced that of the Federal artillery, as to enable him, with the remainder of his corps, to overwhelm their left, without ruinous loss to himself, by a front and flank attack combined. But the most obvious expedient for completing the discomfiture of Burnside's army, wa
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
7. Army of the Shenandoah, 352. Army of the Tennessee, 372. Army of Virginia, 175. Assault on Fort Stedman, 371. Austin, Stephen F., mentioned, 31. Averell, General William W., mentioned, 241, 242, 340, 341. Babcock, Colonel, of Grant's staff, mentioned, 392, 393. Ball, Mary, mentioned, x. Banks Ford, Va., 244. Banks, General Nathaniel P., mentioned, 109, 143, 180. Barksdale's brigade, 224; killed at Gettysburg, 302. Barlow, General, wounded at Gettysburg, 302. Bayard, General George D., mentioned, 228. Beauregard, General P. G. T., mentioned, 48, 87, 107, 108, 110, III, 132, 137, 346; notice of, 100; promoted, 133, 134; at Petersburg, 360; sent against Sherman, 369. Beaver Dam Creek, 158, 160, 168. Beckwith, General, Amos, 103. Benedict, Colonel G. G., letter to, 299. Benjamin, Judah P., 324. Benton, Thomas H., 52. Berkeley, Sir, William, mentioned, 3, 4. Birney, General James G., mentioned, 247. Black Hawk, mentioned, 48. Blackburn