his needs,--his personal expenditures increasing but slightly,--and he was, as his friends knew, most generous in giving.
In this he was stimulated perhaps by the extraordinary example of his old friend, Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, whose letters he edited, and who used to deny herself many of the common comforts of advancing years in order that she might give to the works which interested her; yet Whittier was distinctly treading a similar path when he subscribed regularly and largely to General Armstrong's great enterprise for the instruction of the blacks and Indians at Hampton; and apart from this he was writing such letters as the following, all the time--
Amesbury, 16th, 7th mo., 1870.
Dear Higginson,--Enclosed find cheque for Fifty Dollars, $50. [This was for a person known to both of us.]
I see by the Transcript that Phebe Cary lies very ill in Newport — dangerously, even.
I do not know her address.
I wish thee wd. find out, & call, & enquire about her, & leave her a mes
illiam, 152.
Allinson, Francis Greenleaf, Whittier's poem My namesake addressed to, 131, 132.
America, 23, 57, 71, 94, 153, 175.
American Manufacturer, the, mentioned, 25, 34, 137.
Amesbury, Mass., 4, 10, 46, 77, 82, 87, 89, 92, 93, 98, 99, 107, 109, 111, 122, 124, 136, 137, 167, 179, 180, 183; Ten Hour Bill at, 86, 87; Derby strike at, 87, 88.
Amy Wentworth, 3, 142.
Antislavery Society, American, 71, 72, 74, 77.
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 129.
Appledore Island, 179.
Armstrong, Gen. S. C., 98.
Arnold, Matthew, 20, 140.
Asquam House, 169.
Athenaeum Gallery, 135.
Atlantic Club, 89, 104.
Atlantic Monthly, cited, 50; mentioned, 143, 176, 177; quoted, 153, 154.
Aubignd, da, J. H. M., 166.
Augustine, Saint, 116.
Austin, Ann, 84.
Bachiler, Rev., Stephen, 5, 6.
Bacon, Francis, 38, 179; quoted, 150.
Baltimore, Md., 48, 79.
Bancroft, George, 100, 181.
Banks, Gen. N. P., 47.
Barbadoes, 85.
Barclay of Ury, 56.
Barefoot boy, the, quoted, 14-16.
Col. Hazard. and parked, remaining here all night.
But the rain, so frequently the accompaniment to the movements of this army, did not now forget us.
Robert Crawford
Joseph F. Sanderson Strong working parties were busily engaged stretching corduroys along the miry places in old or new thoroughfares, as we toiled on in mud towards the front There was little for the artillery to do this day, as the corps lay in dense woods from Hatcher's Run on the right, above our old position at Armstrong's, to the vicinity of the Boydton Road where it massed on that memorable 27th of October—the same woods and undergrowth that prevented connection being made between us and the Fifth Corps.
The clouds broke away in the afternoon, and we bivouacked anticipating a bright day on the morrow; but when morrow (the 31st) came we were wakened by the raindrops pattering in our faces, and found our beds already pools of water.
It was about noon of this day that the gallant Miles and his First Di
t of, 7
Agassiz, the, 197
Alabama, the, Confederate vessel, 74, 228
Albatross, the, 66
Albemarle, the, 200, 203 et seq.
Aldridge, Mate, 237
Allen, Chief Engineer, 143
Allen, Lieutenant-Commander, 237
Allen, Mr., 34
America, the, 61
Ames, General, 241
Ammen, Lieutenant-Commanding
Daniel, 21; at Fort McAllister, 87; off Charleston, 92, 160, 162 (note)
Anderson, Colonel R. H., 85 (note)
Andrews, Major, 169
Arey, Master, 220
Aries, the, 229
Armstrong, of the Georgia, 194
Arrow, the Confederate steamer, 211
Atlanta, the Confederate ironclad, 82 (note); capture of, 117 et seq., 157, 206
Augusta, the, 21, 77, 81
Bache, Lieutenant, 237
Bacon, Lieutenant-Commander, George, 72, 129
Badger, Lieutenant-Commander, 128, 134
Baker, Captain, C. E., 179
Baker, Master's Mate Henry, 196
Balch, Commander G. B., 129, 145
Bankhead, Lieutenant-Commanding John P., 21
Barnard, Captain, Ephraim, 25
Barnes, Lieut
, 6
Price's Missouri Expedition, Aug. 29-Dec. 2, 1864
47, 1; 66, 1
Red River Campaign, March 10-May 22, 1864
53, 1
153-155; 158-160; 162-171
Arkansas, Department of (U):
Arkansas Post, Ark.
47, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 154, E6; 171
Arkansas River
25, 3; 47, 1; 117, 1; 119, 1; 135-A; 154, A1; 159, B13; 160, E4; 161, G1; 171
Arlington, Va.
6, 1; 7, 1; 27, 1; 89, 1; 136, G8; 137, A8
Arlington Mills, Va.
5, 10; 6, 1
Armstrong's, Va.
45, 1; 55, 5; 66, 9; 74, 2; 76, 5; 77, 2; 91, 1; 94, 7, 94, 9; 96, 3; 97, 2; 100, 2
Armstrong's Creek, W. Va.
9, 3
Armstrong's Ferry, Tenn.
24, 3; 30, 2; 118, 1; 142, D3; 150, H14
Armstrong's Mill, Va.
74, 2; 76, 5; 77, 2; 100, 2
Armuchee Creek, Ga.
57, 3; 58, 2; 88, 2; 149, E11
Army transportation:
Arrington Depot, Va.
81, 6
Arrowfield Church, Va.
78, 1; 92, 1; 93, 1; 100, 2
Arrow Rock, Mo.
47, 1; 135-A; 152, C2