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of a land that rejoices, Ringing from churches and cities and foundries a mighty refrain! But we, and the sun and the birds, and the breezes that blow When tempests are striving and lightnings of heaven are spent, McPherson's woods at Gettysburg—illustration for lathrop's Ode Matthew Brady, the wizard who preserved so many war scenes, is here gazing across the field toward the woods where Reynolds fell. About ten o'clock in the morning, July 1st, the brigade of the Confederate General Archer and the Federal ‘Iron Brigade,’ directed by General Reynolds, were both trying to secure control of this strip. Reynolds was on horseback in the edge of the woods, impatient for the troops to come up so that he could make the advance. As he turned once to see how close they were, a Confederate sharpshooter from the depths of the thicket hit him in the back of the head. He fell dead without a word. General Hunt says of him: ‘He had opened brilliantly a battle which required three day
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee's final and full report of the Pennsylvania campaign and battle of Gettysburg. (search)
lions of artillery, to ascertain the strength of the enemy, whose force was supposed to consist chiefly of cavalry. The leading division, under General Heth, found the enemy's videttes about three miles west of Gettysburg, and continued to advance until within a mile of the town, when two brigades were sent forward to reconnoitre. They drove in the advance of the enemy very gallantly, but subsequently encountered largely superior numbers, and were compelled to retire with loss, Brigadier-General Archer, commanding one of the brigades, being taken prisoner. General Heth then prepared for action, and as soon as Pender arrived to support him, was ordered by General Hill to advance. The artillery was placed in position, and the engagement opened with vigor. General Heth pressed the enemy steadily back, breaking his first and second lines, and attacking his third with great resolution. About 2 1/2 P. M. the advance of Ewell's corps, consisting of Rodes' division, with Carter's ba
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General A. P. Hill's report of battle of Gettysburg. (search)
f the artillery, being with Anderson. About three miles from Gettysburg, his advance brigade, Archer's, encountered the advance of the enemy. Archer and Davis were thrown into line, and, with someArcher and Davis were thrown into line, and, with some pieces of artillery from Pegram, the enemy were steadily driven back to the wooded hills this side of Gettysburg, where their principal force (since ascertained to be the 1st and 11th Corps) was dispfurther advance. Heth's whole division was now thrown into line: Davis on the left of the road; Archer, Pettigrew and Brokenbrough on the right, and Pender formed in his rear; Thomas on the left, andnnihilation of the First Corps of the enemy. Major-General Heth was slightly wounded. Brigadier-General Archer was taken prisoner by the enemy. Brigadier-General Scales was also wounded. Pettigrewtempt to pursue. Major-General Trimble, Brigadier-General Pettigrew and Colonel Fry (commanding Archer's brigade) were wounded while most gallantly leading their troops. The troops resumed their for
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Pettigrew's charge at Gettysburg. (search)
ad then been for more than twenty years one of my most valued friends, I may be permitted to say that some injustice has been done to the division commanded by General Pettigrew. As colonel of the Thirteenth Alabama infantry, I was attached to Archer's brigade of Heth's division. That brigade opened the battle on the morning of July 1st, and during the fighting which immediately ensued General Heth was wounded, and the command of the division devolved upon Brigadier-General Pettigrew. GeneraGeneral Archer was captured, and I succeeded him in command of the brigade. During the forenoon of the 3d, while our division was resting in line behind the ridge and skirt of woods which masked us from the enemy, Generals Lee, Longstreet and A. P. Hill rode up, and, dismounting, seated themselves on the trunk of a fallen tree some fiifty or sixty paces from where I sat on my horse at the right of our division. After an apparently careful examination of a map, and a consultation of some length, th
owever, firmly held its ground. Winder's brigade, with Branch's of A. P. Hill's division on its right advanced promptly to the support of Jackson's division, and after a sanguinary struggle the assailants were repulsed with loss. Pender's and Archer's brigades, also of Hill's division, came up on the left of Winder's, and by a general charge the foe was driven back in confusion, leaving the ground covered with his dead and wounded. General Ewell, with the two brigades on the extreme right, y Early's brigade and the Eighth Louisiana Regiment. General Early drove the enemy back with heavy loss, and pursued about two hundred yards beyond the line of battle, when he was recalled to the position on the railroad where Thomas, Pender, and Archer had firmly held their ground against every attack. While the battle was raging on Jackson's left, Hood and Evans were ordered by Longstreet to advance, but before the order could be obeyed, Hood was himself attacked, and his command became at on
eneral A. P. Hill, having arrived from Harpers Ferry, was now ordered to reenforce General Jones. He moved to his support and attacked the force now flushed with success. Hill's batteries were thrown forward and united their fire with those of Jones, and one of D. H. Hill's also opened with good effect from the left of the Boonsboro road. The progress of the enemy was immediately arrested, and his line began to waver. At this moment General Jones ordered Toombs to charge the flank, while Archer, supported by Branch and Gregg, moved on the front of the enemy's line. After a brief resistance, he broke and retreated in confusion toward the Antietam, pursued by the troops of Hill and Jones, until he reached the protection of the batteries on the opposite side of the river. It was now nearly dark, and McClellan had massed a number of batteries to sweep the approach to the Antietam, on the opposite side of which the corps of General Porter, which had not been engaged, now appeared to
d as before and momentarily checked, but, soon recovering, they pressed forward until, coming within range of our infantry, the contest became fierce and bloody. Archer and Lane, who occupied the edge of a wood, repulsed those portions of the line immediately in front of them; before the interval between these commands could be closed, however, the assailants pressed through in overwhelming numbers and turned the left of Archer and the right of Lane. Attacked in front and flank, two regiments of the former and a brigade of the latter, after a brave resistance, gave way. Archer held his line until the arrival of reenforcements. Thomas came to the relief Archer held his line until the arrival of reenforcements. Thomas came to the relief of Lane and repulsed the column that had broken his line, driving it back to the railroad. In the meantime a large force had penetrated the wood as far as Hill's reserve, where it was met by a fire for which it was not unprepared. General Hill says: Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, Vol. II, p. 463. The advancing colum
., 165, 166. Alexandria (ship), Trial case before English jury, 228-29, 234. Allegiance, Oath of, 249-50. Amelia Court House, reports concerning lack of supplies for Lee, 568-72. Ames, Gen. A., 637 Ammen, General, 50. Anderson, Col. Archer, 100, 103, 585. Gen. G. B., 76, 282, 436. Gen. J. R., 83, 132, 296, 300, 301, 302, 303-06, 308, 309, 310, 561, 563, 564. John, 201. Gen. R. H., 131, 269, 282. Major Robert, 352. Andersonville prison, 418, 505, 508. delegation of prisoners to Washington, 509-10. Andrew, Gov. John A., 89. Archer, General, 268, 273, 283, 297. Ariel (ship), 213. Arizona (gunboat), 199. Arkansas Modified constitution, 254. Ratification of emancipation amendment, 225. Reconstruction, 640, 642, 643. (gunboat), 192. Activities, 203-05. Armistead, General, 377. Arnold, Samuel, 417. Asboth, General, 39. Ashby, General, death, 92. Atkinson, General, 297. Atlanta, Ga. Hood's campaign for defense, 475. Sherman's order for evacuation
eauregard's 20,000 on his left flank and rear, and Grant would never have reached Harrison's Landing—if, indeed, his army too had not been conquered. Yet Beauregard received for his victory at Drury's Bluff rather more of censure than of commendation. The last telegram sent by General Beauregard to General Whiting on the day of the battle read as follows: Headquarters, Department, May 16th, 1864:11.30 P. M. Major-General Whiting: Your despatch of 7.30 P. M. (sent by the guide Archer), replying to mine of 4.15 P. M., is received. I rely and insist that you shall effect a junction with my right to-morrow morning, as indicated in my despatch of 6.45 P. M., herewith repeated in duplicate. G. T. Beauregard. The foregoing despatch had been sent to General Whiting upon receipt of the following telegram: General Beauregard, Drury's Bluff: I am here for the night near Walthall's Junction. Didn't get your despatch until near night. Had driven the enemy all the way
ilable for its defence (so completely had General Beauregard been deprived of troops for the support of General Lee), would have inevitably fallen into the hands of the enemy. General Wise, in his narrative, gives a correct and graphic description of this affair. The following passage is copied from it: They pressed hard upon the left for three or four hours, and then suddenly attacked the militia on my extreme right with a detachment numbering 1000, which were handsomely received by Archer; but they broke through his line, one-half of them taking the road into Petersburg, and the other the road leading to Blandford. Graham's battery, accidentally at the City Water Works, met the first, and a curious force drove back the latter. I had detailed all who could possibly do momentary duty out of the hospitals, calling them the Patients; and from the jail and guard-houses all the prisoners, calling them the Penitents; and the two companies of Patients and Penitents moved out on the