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ordered 15 lashes for going about with papers out of date.--Geo. W. Burke alias Letcher, arrested for getting drunk and attempting to break down one of the Columbian Hotel doors, proved to be a dumb man with a decided penchant for "toddy." He had a letter from the Governor to the authorities of the Fredericksburg railroad, asking them to forward him to Washington, and he told the Mayor that he was going on a pilgrimage to see if Lincoln would not give him work. The Mayor sent an officer to see whether he would be sent free, and after ascertaining that he would be forwarded, ordered him to be confined in jail till yesterday evening, and then to be put on board the cars. The party in this instance had received a fine education, as he could write splendidly, and express himself grammatically. --Geo. Kerr, for assaulting Morris Dennis yesterday morning, was required to give surety for his good behavior, and the case was sent before the Grand Jury, which meets on the 2d Monday in May.
, payable to Abraham E. Taylor, at the Exchange Bank. The prisoner, who is a young man of genteel address, was implicated some time since by one Carter, now in confinement awaiting trial for a similar offence, and, it is said, left the city and went to New York, having but lately returned. The police succeeded in laying hold of him Sunday morning, and he was brought before the Recorder on yesterday. After an investigation, he was sent on for examination by the Hustings Court, on the 2d Monday in May, not only on the above charge, but also for forging the names of War wick & Barksdale to a check dated April 8th, for $31.75, payable to Robert Crouch, at the Exchange Bank; and to a check for $46.13, payable to Wm. P. Watkins, all of which offences were established against him by the evidence adduced. The same party awaits examination on other charges of a similar nature, viz: forging P. T. Moore & Co.'s name to three checks, one for $21.15, payable to Edmond G. Steane, passed to
St. Louis,April 23.--The Democrat of this morning says: Gen. Harney having received the necessary orders yesterday, about 900 men were enlisted under the President's proclamation, and placed under the command of the officers at the U. S. Arsenal. It is understood that about 1,500 men have tendered their services, and will be accepted. There are now about 1,300 troops in the U. S. Arsenal. St. Louis,April 22.--Gov. Jackson has called an extra session of the Legislature, to meet on Thursday, May 2d, for the purpose of enacting such laws and adopting such measures as may be necessary for the more perfect organization and equipment of the militia of this State, and raise money and such other means as may be required to place the State in a proper attitude for defence. New York,April 23.--A gentleman from Charleston, who left that city on Thursday last, says that the Southern troops were in excellent condition. It was the intention of the Southern Confederacy to march North w
Secession of Tennessee!the Ninth Pillar up! Lynchburg, May 2.--The Secession Ordinance has passed in Tennessee by a large majority. G. H. G.
Proposed Mediation. Baltimore, May 2. --The Senate of Maryland have adopted a resolution recommending the appointment of a committee to wait on the President of the United States, and the President of the Confederate States, and the Governor of Virginia, with a view of bringing about some understanding whereby civil war may be prevented.
From Washington. Washington, May 2. --The Secretary of the Treasury has advertised for proposals until the 30th inst., unless the whole amount offered be sooner taken at par, for nearly $14,000,000, under the act of June, 1860.
From Washington. The Alexandria Gazette, of yesterday, furnishes the following: Washington, May 2.--Washington to- day is quiet and orderly in the extreme; no facts or rumors of any importance, or even a sensational character, are discussed. Arlington Heights, nor any other point on the Virginia side of the Potomac, have been occupied by the troops of the Administration. The children of the lamented G. W. P. Curtis still reside in their wonted ease and quietness at the family mansion on the Arlington estate. More Northern troops are arriving, and a force of forty thousand well armed and equipped men will soon guard the city. Government vessels come and go from the Navy-Yard and Arsenal, to all points on the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay without any interruption or inconvenience, whatever. The rumor about the occupation of Alexandria by the Federal forces obtains no credence in any quarter whatever, though some of the Republicans say that it would be but
ends to subdue the concealed fires which are burning in the minds of our innocent, lawful and peaceable citizens, remains to be seen. Several members of this regiment were arrested to-day by the police, for disorderly and riotous conduct. The news from Harper's Ferry is, that Gen. Jackson has superceded all other officers stationed there, and is now in command of about twenty-five hundred or three thousand men. The following is from the Baltimore Sun's Washington correspondence of May 2: The troops say there must be a fight, and fears are entertained by many that the Government will not be powerful enough to restrain those particularly who propose to match through Baltimore. Last evening Rev. Dr. Sunderland delivered a discourse to the Seventh New York Regiment at the House Hall of the Capitol.--Its drift was "to persevere unto the end" --meaning, (as it is said by those who heard it,) that the Government should be maintained in its integrity, by force, if need be.
War movements. A dispatch from St. Louis, datedMay 2d, says: The Cairo correspondent of the Republican writes that about a dozen volunteers, belonging to a Chicago company, had refused to take the oath and left the ranks. Major Buckner, commander-in-chief of the Kentucky militia, had a conference with Col. Prentiss, commander of the forces at Cairo.--There was much excitement at Paducah, Ky., and companies were constantly drilling.--Four pieces of artillery had been received from Nashville. It was understood that the Governor of Tennessee had made a demand upon the Governor of Illinois for the arms and munitions of war taken from a steamer. The boat had been given up to the owners and taken to Paducah. The war feeling was high at Nashville, and several companies were drilling day and night. A twenty-four pounder and a considerable number of troops were stationed at Columbus, Ky. The town was carefully guarded and all strangers closely watched, as the p
sequence, a dead lock in exchange on New York. There is no reason why honest debtors in Illinois and Wisconsin should not send on corn and flour to meet their notes here. Later accounts represent the number of failures as on the increase. The City Council of Louisville, Ky., has appropriated $200,000 for arming the city, subject to the ratification of the citizens. From the following it appears that there has been some excitement lately at Wilmington' Del.: Wilmington, May 2.--There has been much excitement here for a day or two past. Capt. McMullan, of the Philadelphia Independent Rangers, has been in the city for the purpose of detecting some suspected parties here from Baltimore. It was rumored that an attack was to be made on the Powder Works of the Messrs. Dupont. Our Home Guards were called out, and after marching part of the way to the Works, were met by the Mayor of Wilmington, who directed them to return, as there was no occasion for their services.