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Philadelphia. April 3 --Cleared schrs. W. Saulsbury and Nellie D., Richmond.
For Europe. Boston, April 3. --The steamship Canada, for Halifax and Liverpool, sailed at 9 o'clock this morning, taking 36 passengers for the latter and 10 for the former port. She has no specie on freight.
ouncil as a part of this report, and the matter is referred to the Council to determine. L. W. Glazebrook, Com." N. B. Hill, Com. D. J. Burr, Com. The protest of Mr. Higgins reads as follows: "To the Honorable Common Council of the City of Richmond: "The memorial of John M. Higgins respectfully represents to your honorable body that he does hereby contest the election of Wm. Taylor as an Alderman from Jefferson Ward, at the election held on Wednesday, the 3d day of April last, upon the ground that the said Taylor, at the time of said election, did not reside in said Ward, nor in the said city of Richmond, and your memorialist prays that the matter herein alleged may be inquired into, and that he may be declared elected in the place of said Taylor, and your memorialist will, &c. John M. Higgins." Mr. Hill moved that the contested election case be referred to the committee of the Council having such matters in charge. Mr. Scott reiterated his forme
as sent to jail in default of security.--Mary Winfree, free negro, accused of passing about generally without her free papers, was detained.--William Irwin, arrested for stealing $29 from some unknown man, was committed for examination until the 3d of April.--Wilson, slave of R. C. Nicholas, for getting very drunk and staggering about the streets, was ordered twenty lashes.--Richard, slave ames H. Oliver, was awarded thirty-nine scripes for being found in possession of thirty horse shoes; supposed to have been stolen.--Mary Garerty gave Patrick Lockland as security to keep the peace towards J. R. Pleasants,--William Reynolds was committed until the 3d of April, for perpetrating a felonious assault on Benedict Simon.--Margaret Pavin, a resident of Jail Alley, was committed in default of surety to keep the peace towards G. W. Thomas. The latter, in passing the locality above referred to, yesterday morning, found Pavin and another woman fighting, and carried them before the Mayor. Pav
Arrest of a mail robber. --W. A. Hopkins, acting postmaster at Big Spring Depot, Montgomery county, Va., was arrested on the 3d of April, by W. E. M. Word, Special Agent of the Post-Office Department, for robbing the mail. The depredations committed on the above route had been the subject of complaint for some time past, and a watch being kept on the proceedings of Hopkins, his guilt became sufficiently manifest to warrant his being taken into custody. He did not content himself with taking letters merely, but helped himself to the newspapers passing through his office.
lty; L P Maines, Baltimore, --; M P Morse, Matthews co, Va, disloyalty. Committed 31st March.--Michael Gately, desertion; S Z Howard, 14th Ala., desertion; Thos Johnson, desertion; W C Hughes, --; Thos Leonard, 14th Ala., assault and battery; Patrick Murphy, Magruder's Artillery,--. Committed 1st April.--J S Brantwhite, Richmond, Union man; George White, Baltimore, desertion; John Hughes, Cropper's corps, desertion. Committed 2d April.--Samuel McGoe Alias Dockerty, Livinston dragoons, --; John S O' Brien, Richmond, desertion; Tim, O Brien, desertion; Mike Murphy, --; W Fitzgerald, desertion, after engaging as a substitute; Wm Ryan, 19th Miss., do. Committed 3d April.--John Smith,--; Tim Webster, Mrs Webster, Kentucky, spies; Nicholas Luise, --; Mike Cuppy, Appomattox, --; John Fallon, guard, breach of discipline; Wm Miller, do., do; Mike Ambrain, political prisoner; Mike Fitzgerald, New Orleans, fighting; David Pettus, 38th Vat regiment, --; J T Reed, disloyalty.
From the North. Our Northern dates are as late as Thursday, April 3. The news is by no means important, and we therefore make very brief selections: From General Banks column. Woodstock, Va., April 2. --Afternoon.--The rebels, when retreating yesterday, attempted to burn a bridge over the creek near Narrow Passage, but it was extinguished. The magnificent railroad bridge, a hundred feet high, over the same stream, was burnt by Jackson when retreating from General Shields. A beautiful gray stallion, said by contrabands to be Colonel Ashby's, was shot yesterday near this town. The ball must have wounded the rider in the thigh. The current report, however, that Ashby was wounded, is not credited at headquarters. Some of Ashby's scouts made their appearance early this morning on the high, wooded ridge on the opposite side of the Stony creek, beyond Edinburg. They were fired on by some of the 29th Pennsylvania, when Ashby unmasked four guns and threw shel
he could not conveniently carry with him, and returned to Hickman. Parties who accompanied the expedition say that had it been properly planned and executed, every rebel would have been captured. From New Mexico. The Northern papers give the following account of the situation of affairs in New Mexico on the 18th of March. We have reason to believe, from information received at New Orleans, that Fort Craig has fallen into the hands of the Confederate troops: St. Louis, Thursday, April 3. The correspondent of the Republican, under date of Fort Union, New Mexico, 18th, states that Col. Slough's Colorado regiment of volunteers, 950 strong, arrived here five days ago. The effective fighting force now here is 1,400 men, sufficient to defend this depot against any force the rebels can bring against us. We have stores enough to last our troops three months. This fort is the strongest on the Western frontier, being 570 feet square, with parapets seven feet high, and a di
Two days Later from Europe.arrival of the Niagara. Halifax, Thursday, April 3. --The Niagara from Liverpool on the morning of the 22d, and Queenstown the 23d, arrived here this evening. Great Britain. The proceedings in Parliament on the 20th were unimportant. Mr. Layard, in the House of Commons, answered some inquiries relative to the Italian "Provediments" Committee, but thought it inconsistent with the dignity of the Italian Government for English Ministers to lay papers relative to the affair before Parliament. In the House of Commons on the 20th, Mr. Baxter opposed the expenditure on fortifications in the colonies, except at great naval stations. Sir G. C. Lewis thought the defence of the colonies was partly a colonial and partly a military question. At the present moment there were two great nations, which had subject to their rule as large a portion of the globe as they could well govern, viz; Great Britain and the United States. America had ad
City Bond Holders --The Confederate District Court having on the 3d of April decreed the sequestration of all bonds due by the city of Richmond to alien enemies, the City Council at its last meeting authorized the Auditor and Chamberlain to issue new bonds for said indebtedness to Henry L. Brooke, C. S. Receiver, the interest on which shall be paid to the Confederate States Government.