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fornia, Nesmith of Oregon, Powell of Kentucky, Sansbury of Delaware, Starke of Oregon, Willey of Virginia, Wilson of Missouri, and Wright of Indiana. We make up the following summary of war news: From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe, April 2. --The weather to-day is clear and pleasant, and everything is progressing in the most satisfactory manner. The rebels fired several shots from Sewell's Point last night, on the transports in the harbor, some of the shells falling within fiments also passed between the French vessels and the Racer, occasioning quite a cannonade. From Island no.10. The following dispatch has been received from Flag Officer Foots: United States Flag Steamer Benton,Off Island No. 10, April 2. Hon Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: Last night and armed boat expedition was fitted out from the squadron and the land forces at this point, under the command of Col. Roberts, of the 4th Illinois regiment. The five boats comprisin