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hilst its dire calamities not to be avoided by us, will fall with double ??verity on themselves. Commencing in March last, with an affectation of ignoring the secession of the seven States which first organized this Government, persisting in April in the idle and absurd assumption of the existence of a riot which was to be dispersed by a posse comitatus, continuing in successive months the false representation that these States intended offensive war, in spire of the conclusive evidence tocessary. The recommendations for the raising and efficient equipment of this additional force will be contained in the communication of the Secretary of War, to which I need scarcely invite your earnest attention. In my Message delivered in April last, I referred to the promise of abundant crops with which we were cheered. The grain crops generally have since been harvested, and the yield has proven to be the most abundant known in our history. Many believe the supply adequate to two ye
The Daily Dispatch: July 22, 1861.., [Electronic resource], The recent flag of truce from President Davis to Abraham Lincoln. (search)
that they have been actually convicted of the offences charged, for no other reason than that they bore arms in defence of the rights of this Government and under the authority of its commission. I could not without grave discourtesy have made the newspaper statements above referred to, the subject of this communication, if the threat of treating as pirates the citizens of this Confederacy, armed for its service on the high seas, had not been contained in your proclamation of the--April last. That proclamation, however, seems to afford a sufficient justification for considering these published statements as not devoid of probability. It is the desire of this Government so to conduct the war now existing as to mitigate its horrors as far as may be possible; and, with this intent, its treatment of the prisoners captured by its forces has been marked by the greatest humanity and leniency consistent with public obligation: some have been permitted to return home on parole
ice.--He has had much experience in mountain warfare, and is peculiarly fitted for the command that has now been assigned him. In the course of a week or ten days he will have a command of fifteen thousand men, and we trust he will be able to wipe out Mcclellan from the theatre of his much boasted exploits. General Loring traveled East with General Albert S. Johnston, late of the United States Army, in command of the Army of Utah whose presence has been anxiously expected from some time. General A. S. Johnston will be in Richmond in the course of a week. He will be at once assigned to some most important command, with the rank of full General Rumor seems to authorize the conjecture that General A. S. Johnston will be placed at the head of all operations in the Mississippi Valley. He is a Kentuckian by birth and citizenship, but promptly resigned on hearing of the transactions of April. Having to make his way overland, his journey to the East has necessarily been protracted.