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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, MAUSOLEUM AUGUSTI (search)
) ; An inscription bearing his name and that of his mother has been found, and also (probably) the urn of the latter. then Agrippa in 12 B.C. (Cass. Dio liv. 28. 5:au)to\n e)n tw=| e(autou= mnhmei/w| e)/qaye, kai/toi e)/dion e)n tw=| )*arei/w pedi/w| labo/nta; see SEPULCRUM AGRIPPAE), and Drusus in 9 B.C. (Cass. Dio lv. 2. 3: Consol. cit.: Suet. Claud. I; cf. TUMULUS IULIAE). The remains of the two grandsons of Augustus, who had also been designated as his heirs, Lucius (2 A.D.) and Gaius (4 A.D.), were also placed here (Fasti Cupr. cit. is decisive for the latter; for the urn which once contained either his ashes or, more probably, those of his brother, see CIL vi. 884, and HJ 615, n. 37. Whether the fragment of an elogium of Lucius (CIL vi. 895 =31r 95) belonged to the mausoleum is not certain), though perhaps in a separate monument, or perhaps only in a separate chamber (Cass. Dio lxxviii. 24: to/ te sw=ma au)th=s(Julia Domna) e)s th\n (*rwmhn a)naxqe\n e)n tw=| tou= *gai/ou tou=
ACHMET son of Seirim (*)Axme\t ui(o\s *Seirei/m). Works On the Interpretation of Dreams (*)Oneirokritika/) Author He is the author of a work on the Interpretation of Dreams, *)Oneirokritika/, and is probably the same person as Abú Bekr Mohammed Ben Sírín, whose work on the same subject is still extant in Arabic in the Royal Library at Paris, (Catal. Cod. Manuscr, Biblioth. Reg. Paris. vol. i. p. 230, cod. MCCX.,) and who was born A. H. 33, (A. D. 653-4,) and died A. H. 110. (A. D. 728-9.) (See Nicoll and Pusey, Catal. Cod. Manuscr. Arab. Biblioth. Bodl. p. 516.) This conjecture will seem the more probable when it is recollected that the two names Ahmed or Achmet and Mohammed, however unlike each other they may appear in English, consist in Arabic of four letters each, and differ only in the first. There must, however, be some difference between Achmet's work, in the form in which we have it, and that of Ibn Sirin, as the writer of the former (or the translator) appears from in
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Agrippa Po'stumus a posthumous son of M. Vipsanius Agrippa, by Julia, the daughter of Augustus, was born in B. C. 12. He was adopted by Augustus together with Tiberius in A. D. 4, and he asstumed the toga virilis in the following year, A. D. 5. (Suet. (Octav. 64, 65; D. C. 54.29, 55.22.) Notwithstanding his adoption he was afterwards banished by Augustus to the island of Planasia, on the coast of Corsica, a disgrace which he incurred on account of his savage and intractable character; but he was not guilty of any crime. There he was under the surveillance of soldiers, and Augustus obtained a senatusconsultum by which the banishment was legally confirmed for the time of his life. The property of Agrippa was assigned by Augustus to the treasury of the army. It is said that during his captivity he received the visit of Augustus, who secretly went to Planasia, accompanied by Fabius Maximus. Augustus and Agrippa, both deeply affected, shed tears when they met, and it was believed that Agr
SACES VI.] king of the Parthians. --B. C. 127. Arsaces or Arshag I., his son.--B. C. 114. Artaces, Artaxes, or Ardashes I., his son.--B. C. 89. Tigranes or Dikran I. (II.), his son.--B. C. 36. Artavasdes or Artawazt I., his son.--B. C. 30. Artaxes II., his son.--B. C. 20. Tigranes II., brother of Artaxes II.--B. C. .... Tigranes III.--B. C. 6. Artavasdes II.--B. C. 5. Tigranes III. reestablished.--B. C. 2. Erato, queen. A. D. 2. Ariobarzanes, a Parthian prince, established by the Romans.--A. D. 4. Artavasdes III. or Artabases, his Son.--A. D. 5. Erato re-established ; death uncertain.-- .... Interregnum.--A. D. 16. Vonones.--A. D. 17. Interregnum.--A. D. 18. Zeno of Pontus, surnamed Artaxias.--... Tigranes IV., son of Alexander Herodes.--A. D. 35. Arsaces II. --A. D. 35. Mithridates of Iberia.--A. D. 51. Rhadamistus of Iberia.--A. D. 52. Tiridates I.--A. D. 60. Tigranes V. of the race of Herodes.--A. D. 62. Tiridates I. re-established by Nero, reigned about eleven years longer. B.
t this time Phraates IV., king of Parthia, seized upon Armenia, and Caius accordingly prepared to make war against him, but the Parthian king gave up Armenia, and settled the terms of peace at an interview with Caius on an island in the Euphrates. (A. D. 2.) After this Caius went to take possession of Armenia, but was treacherously wounded before the town of Artagera in this country. Of this wound he never recovered, and died some time afterwards at Limyra in Lycia, on the 21st of February, A. D. 4. His brother Lucius had died eighteen months previously, on August 20th, A. D. 2, at Massilia, on his way to Spain. Their bodies were brought to Rome. Some suspected that their death was occasioned by their step-mother Livia. (D. C. 54.8, 18, 26, 4.6, 9, 11, 12; Zonar. x. p. 539 ; Suet. Aug. 26, 56, 64, 65, Tib. 12; Vell. 2.101, 102; Tac. Ann. 1.3, 2.4; Florus, 4.12.42; Lapis Ancyranus.) C. Caesar married Livia or Livilla, the daughter of Antonia [ANTONIA, No. 6], who afterwards married t
Catus a word indicating shrewdness, caution, sagacity, or the like, was a surname of Sex. Aelius Paetus, who was consul B. C. 198 [PAETUS], and the cognomen of Sex. Aelius, consul in A. D. 4, with C. Sentius Saturninus. (Vell. 2.103.)
as some computed, 60,000 of the inhabitants perished. This is the last incident in the life of Evagrius of which anything is known, except the death of his daughter, already noticed, and the completion of his history, in A. D. 593 or 594. Works Evagrius wrote: 1. An Ecclesiastical History An Ecclesiastical History, which extends, besides some preliminary matter, from the third general council, that of Ephesus, A. D. 431, to the twelfth year of the reign of the Emperor Maurice, A. D. 593-4. He modestly professes that he was not properly qualified for such a work (mh\ deino\s e)gw\ ta\ toiau=ta), but says he was induced to undertake it, as no one had yet attempted to continue the history of the Church regularly (kat' ei)rmo/n) from the time at which the histories of Sozomen and Theodoret close. He has the reputation of being tolerably accurate. His credulity and love of the marvellous are characteristic of the period rather than of the individual. Photius describes his style as n
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
II. She was the daughter of the sophist Leontius, or Leon, or, as he is called in the Paschal Chronicle, Heracleitus of Athens, where she was born. The year of her birth is doubtful. Nicephorus Callisti, who has given the fullest account of her, states (14.50) that she died in the fourth year of the emperor Leo, which corresponds to A. D. 460-61, aged sixty-seven; and that she was in her twentieth year when she married Theodosius. According to this statement, she must have been born A. D. 393-4, and married A. D. 413-14. But the age of Theodosius (born A. D. 401) leads us to prefer, for the marriage, the date given by the Paschal or Alexandrian Chronicle and by Marcellinus (Chron.), viz. the consulship of Eustathius and Agricola, A. D. 421. We must then give up the calculation of Nicephorus as to the time of her death, or as to her age at that time or at her marriage. Possibly she came to Constantinople in her twentieth year, in 413-14, but was not married till 421. She was called or
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
l. xii. p. 171). He returned to Pergamus from Alexandria, when he had just entered on his twenty-ninth year, A. D. 158 (De Compos. Medic. sec. Gen. 3.2. vol. xiii. p. 599), and was immediately appointed by the high-priest of the city physician to the school of gladiators, an office which he filled with great reputation and success. (Comment. in Hippocr. " De Fract." 3.21. vol. xviii. pt. 2. p. 567, &c.; De Compos. Medic. sec. Gen. 3.2. vol. xiii. p. 574.) In his thirty-fourth year, A. D. 163-4, Galen quitted his native country on account of some popular commotions, and went to Rome for the first time. (De Libris Propr. c. i. vol. xix. p. 15.) Here he stayed about four years, and gained such reputation from his skill in anatomy and medicine that he got acquainted with some of the principal persons at Rome, and was to have been recommended to the emperor, but that he declined that honour. (De Praenot. ad Epig. 100.8. vol. xiv. p. 647.) It was during his first visit to Rome that he wro
essor, Ataulphus. [ATAULPHUS.] Constantius (afterwards emperor) the Patrician [CONSTANTIUS III.], on the part of the emperor Honorius, half brother of Piacidia, demanded her restoration, having already, as Tillemont thinks, the intention of asking her in marriage. Ataulphus, however, having it also in view to marry her, evaded these demands, and married her (according to Jornandes), at Forum Livii, near Ravenna, but according to the better authority of Olympiodorus and Idatius, at Narbonne, A. D. 4 14. Idatius states that this matter was regarded by some as the fulfilment of the prophecy of Daniel (cb. xi.) respecting the King of the North and the daughterofthle king of the South. Philostorgius considers that another passage of the same prophetical book was fulfilled by the event. Ataulphus treated her with great respect, and endeavored to make an alliance with Honorius, but was not successful, through the opposition of Constantius. In A. D. 415 Ataulphus was killed at Barcelona, leav