, 385; national pride, 387; unpopularity of the Mexican scheme in, 387; S. journeys through, 392; the autumn manoeuvers of 1881, 451-453; army retirement in, 452; S.'s memories of, 453
Frank Blair, S.'s charger, 250
Franklin, Tenn., battle of, e rank of, 538
Light-artillery school, established at Fort Riley, 426, 427
Limoges, France, the autumn manoeuvers of 1881 at, 451-453; speech by S. at, 452, 453
Lincoln, Abraham, the spirit of charity in, 31; first call for volunteers, 32; ainst creation of Division of the Gulf, 448; correspondence with Sherman as to the retirement bill, 449; sojourn in Europe (1881-82), 449-453; offered command of the Division of the Pacific, 450; promise to McDowell, 450; placed on waiting orders, 451umbia, Ala., Beauregard near, 288; Hood's forces at and near, 318, 320
Twelfth Corps, French Army, autumn manoeuvers of 1881, 451-453
Twelfth Kentucky Infantry, in battle of Franklin, 178-180, 229
Twentieth Army Corps, captures and holds Atl