sent, sick, 8; absent, wounded, i.
In the memorable charge at Gettysburg, July 4, 1863.
Strength of company, 55; present, 40; absent, sick, 8; absent, wounded, 1;rm May 6, 1864, Wilderness.
Casey, James A.
Cherry, Elias W., captured July 4, 1863, Gettysburg, and died in prison.
Collins, Charles W., killed August 19, 11864 and not exchanged.
Halloway, Joseph.
Hewlett, Joseph F., captured July 4, 1863, and not exchanged.
Heckrotte, Oliver, sent to hospital in Richmond 1863,vate Wm. F. Butt, May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania C. H.; Private Revil W. Custis, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg.
Sergeant M. P. Kilgore, July 30, 1864, Crater.
Private Charlee Thomas Peel, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm.
Private Elias W. Cherry, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg.
Private Joseph F. Hewlett, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg.
Private Elias W. Cherry, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg.
Private Joseph F. Hewlett, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg.
Private Joseph F. Mears, May 29, 1864, Hanover county.
zation and service of, 359.
Gordon, General, James, 280.
Gordon, General John B., 80.
Granberry, Bishop John C., 365.
Grant's Campaign in 1864, 139; his forces in, 177; censor, warned him to stop drinking, 154; on to Richmond, 81.
Gravel Hill, Battle of, 337.
Green, Colonel J. W., 166.
Gurley House, Battle of, 102.
Hampton Roads Conference, 33.
Hampton, Strategy of General Wade, 278.
Harrison, James P., 111
Hatcher's Run Battle of, 103.
Helena, Ark., Attack on, July 4, 1863, 197.
Hindman, General T C., placed under arrest, 69.
Hobday, Captain, John, Gallantry of, 102; killed, 103.
Holcombe Guards (Company I, 7th Virginia Infantry), Roll of the, 115.
Hollins. Commodore George N., 88.
Howitzers, The Richmond, at Harper's Ferry in 1859, 110
Howlett House, Battery at, 40.
Hunton, General, Eppa, Brigade of, 83.
Irby, Captain, Richard, 240.
Ireland, Mission of Lieutenant J. L. Capston to, in 1863, 202.
Jackson, General John K., 121.